The third course was, dates in compost,The third course. creame motle, carpe deore, turbut, tench, pearch with goion, fresh sturgion with welks, porperous rosted, mennes fried, creuisse de cau doure, pranis, éeles rosted with lamprie, a léech called the white leech flourished with hawthorne leaues & red hawes; a marchpane garni|shed with diuerse figures of angels, among which was set an image of S. Katharine, holding this pos [...]e,
Il est escrit, pur voir & eit,Per marriage pure, cest guerre ne dure.
And lastlie a deuise of a tiger looking in a mirror, and a man sitting on horsse-backe all armed, holding in his armes a tigers whelpe with this poesie Per force sans resounie ay prise ceste best: and with his owne hand making a countenance of throwing of mirrors at the great tiger, which held this poesie; Gile che mirrour ma feste distour. Thus with all honour was finished the solemne coronation, after which the quéene soiour|ned in the palace of Westminster till Palmesun|daie following; and on the morow she tooke hir iour|nie towards Windsor; where the king and she held their Easter.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After the solemne feast of the coronation was en|ded, the king as well to visit certeine places for de|uotion by waie of pilgrimage, as also to see in what state and order diuerse parts of his realme stood, de|parted from the queene, appointing daie and place where she should méet him, and so iournied foorth from place to place, thorough sundrie countries, as well of Wales as England, and in euerie quarter where he came,Iustice mini|stred by king Henrie in pro|gresse. he heard with diligent eare the com|plaints of sutors, and tooke order for the administra|tion of iustice both to high and low, causing manie misdemeanours to be reformed. At length he came to the towne of Leicester, where he found the quéene according to the appointment before taken. Here at Leicester, he held the feast of Easter. ¶ How then standeth this with the report of Fabian, who saith, Abr. Fl. that the king and quéene kept their Easter at Windsor; and that when the said festiuall time was expired, the king made prouision for his warres in France, du|ring the tearme of Richard Whitinghams meral [...]ie of London, which was in the eight yeare of this king Henries reigne? Suerlie there must needs be an errour, either in mistaking the yeare or the place: vn|lesse we will grant the king and queene (with their court of attendants) to haue béene Hîc ibi simul, which priuilege is granted to none but Ubiquitaries.