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Compare 1577 edition: 1 But while these things were thus adooing in Eng|land, the duke of Clarence, Anno Reg. 9. the kings lieutenant in France and Normandie, assembled togither all the garrisons of Normandie, at the towne of Bernaie, and from thence departed to the countrie of Maine, and at Pont le Gene he passed the riuer of Yonne, and rode through all the countrie to Lucie, where he passed the riuer of Loire, and entered into Aniou,The duke of Clarẽce made a rode into Aniou. and came before the citie of Angiers, where he made ma|nie knights, that is [...]o saie, sir William Ros, sir Henrie Goddard, sir Rowland Rider, sir Thomas Beaufort, called the bastard of Clarence, and diuerse other; and after that he had [...]or [...]aied, burnt, and spoiled the countrie, he returned with preie and pillage to the towne of Beaufort in the vallie, where he was aduertised, that a great number of his enimies, Frenchmen, Scots, Spaniards, and other were as|sembled togither, at a place called Uiell Bauge, that is, Old Baugie, with the duke of Alanson,Uiell Bauge or Baugie. calling EEBO page image 580 himselfe lieutenant generall for the Dolphin.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The duke of Clarence had a Lombard resorting vnto him, reteined with the part aduerse (his name was Andrew Forgusa) of whom the duke inquired the number of his enimies,Forgusa, a Lumbard be|tra [...]th the duke of Cla|rence. to whome he reported, that their number was but small, & not of puissance to match with halfe the power of his strong armie, intising him with assurance of victorie, to set on the Frenchmen. The duke like a couragious prince, as|sembled togither all the horssemen of the armie, and left the archers vnder the guiding of the bastard of Clarence, and two Portingales, capteins of Fres|nie le vicount, saieng, that he onelie and the nobles would haue the honor of that iournie. When the duke was passed a certeine streict and narrow passage, he espied his enimies ranged in good order of battell, by the monition of the Lombard, which had sold him to his enimies, & his aduersaries had laid such ambush|ments at the streicts, that the duke by no waie with|out battell could either retire or flée.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The Englishmen séeing this, valiantlie set on their enimies,The English men discomfi|ted. who were foure to one, by reason whereof at length the Englishmen were oppressed with mul|titude, and brought to confusion. There were slaine, the duke of Clarence, the earle of Tankeruile, the lord Ros,The duke of Clarence and diuerse nobles of England slaine. sir Gilbert Umfreuile earle of Angus, and sir Iohn Lomlie, sir Robert Uerend, and almost two thousand Englishmen: & the earles of Summerset, Suffolke, and Perch, the lord Fitz Water, sir Iohn Berkelie, sir Rafe Neuile, sir Henrie Inglis, sir Wiliam Bowes, sir Wiliam Longton, sir Thomas Borough, and diuerse other taken prisoners. And of the Frenchmen were slaine aboue twelue hundred of the best men of warre they had, so that they gained not much.

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