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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Some write, that he had béene put to death,Note this ap [...]peale. if he had not appealed from king Henries sentence, vnto the iudgement of the officers at armes; alledging, that by the lawe of armes,A note in law of armes. no man hauing his bro|ther in armes within his danger, afterwards ought to put him to death for any cause or quarell. And that he was the kings brother in armes he prooued it, for that he had fought with him hand to hand within the mines (as before yee haue heard) which combat was thought of equall force by the heralds, as if he had fought with the king bodie to bodie, within solemne lists. The credit of this matter we leaue to the con|sideration of the readers. The earle of Huntington was made capteine of Melum. In defense of this towne and castell, W. P. the French had gotten vnto them manie Scots. At the siege héere the king kept with him yoong Iames of Scotland, who sent to those Scots, that they should come out and yéeld them vn|to him, and not to stand in armes against their liege lord and king; but they gaue word backe againe, they could not take him for king, that was in the power of another, and so kept them in hold and in their ar|mor still. King Henrie vpon winning of these forts, for their rebellion against their prince, which they would haue to be counted constancie, and for their contemptuous answer vnto him, twentie of the proudest, in example of the rest, caused he there to be hanged at once.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 From thence the king departed with his armie vnto Corbeill, where the French king and the two queenes then soiourned; and after, both the kings, ac|companied with the dukes of Bedford, Burgognie, Glocester, and Excester, and the earls of Warwike EEBO page image 578 and Salisburie, with a great number of noble men and knights, set foorth towards Paris, whome the ci|tizens in good order met without the gates, and the cleargie also with solemne procession. All the streets were hanged with rich clothes,King Henrie is receiued in at Paris. the two kings rode togither (the king of England giuing the vpper hand to his father in lawe) through the great citie of Pa|ris, to our ladie church, where after they had said their deuotions, they departed vnto their lodgings; the French king to the house of S. Paule, and the king of England to the castell of Louer.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The next daie, the two queenes made their entrie and were receiued with like solemnities, as their husbands were the day before. During all the season that these two kings laie in Paris, there was a great assemblie called, as well of the spiritualtie, as of the nobles of the temporaltie, in the which, the kings sat as iudges,The duches of Burgognie hir appeale. before whom the duches of Bur|gognie by hir proctor, appealed the Dolphin, and sea|uen other, for the murther of duke Iohn hir husband. To the which appeale, the counsell of the other part made diuerse offers of amends, as well of foundati|ons of chantries for préests, to praie for the soule, as recompense of monie to the widow and children: for the finall determination whereof, the kings, to take further aduise and counsell therein, appointed another daie.

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