Compare 1577 edition:
4 The king
demanded in this parlement, that it might be granted to him,The kings demand in the
parle|ment. to haue euerie yeare in which he held no parlement a tenth of the cleargie, and a
fifteenth of the laitie; but the estates would not agrée therevnto, by reason whereof, the parlement
continued till almost the middle of Maie.
A long parle|ment. A fiftéenth granted. Preparation made to win Calis.
Thom. Walsi.
¶ But Tho. Walsingham maketh a full & complet declaration, both concerning the dukes deuise, & also of the Calesians deliuerance from the danger of the same; which because it perfecteth the report of this pre|sent matter, I haue thought good to set downe word for word as I find it in his Hypodigme. About the ninth of Aprill (saith he) the towne of saint Audo|mare was burned with the abbeie, Abr. Fl. out of Thom. Wals. Hypod. pag. 175. wherein was hid|den and laid vp the execrable prouision of the duke of Burgognie, who had vowed either to destroie the towne of Calis, or else to subdue it to the will and pleasure of the French.The engines of the duke of Burgognie against Cali [...] that shot out barrels of p [...]son. There a great manie engines to this daie no where seene, there an excéeding sort of vessels conteining poison in them were kept in store, which he had aforehand prouided to cast out to the de|struction of the said towne. For he had gathered to|gither serpents, scorpions, todes, and other kinds of venemous things, which he had closed and shut vp in little barrels, that when the flesh or substance of those noisome creatures was rotten, and dissolued into fil|thie matter, he might laie siege to Calis, and cast the said barrels let out of engines into the towne; which with the violence of the throw being dasht in péeces; might choke them that were within, poison the har|nessed men touched therewith, & with their scattered venem infect all the stréets, lanes, & passages of the towne. In the meane time, a certeine yoong man al|lured with couetousnesse of gold, or lead with affec|tion and loue towards the kings towne, asked of the gouernours what reward he should deserue, that would discharge and set frée the towne from so great a feare, and would burne all the prouision which they suspected. Herevpon they leuied a summe of that yel|low metall (namelie gold) where with the yoongman contented, went his waie, and with fire readie made for the purpose, did not onelie burne the said venemous matter and infected stuffe, but also togi|ther with the monasterie almost the whole towne.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Moreouer this yeare sir Robert Umfreuill vice|admerall of England,Sir Robert Umfreuill viceadmerall Harding. annoied the countries on the sea coasts of Scotland: for comming into the Forth with ten ships of warre, and lieng there fourtéene daies togither he landed euerie daie on [...]he oneside of the riuer or the other, taking preles,His [...] Scotland. spoiles & pri|soners; notwithstanding the duke of Albanie, and the earle Dowglas were readie there, with a great power to resist him: he burnt the galliot of Scotland (being a ship of great account) with manie other ves|sels EEBO page image 537 lieng the same time at the Blackenesh ouer a|gainst Lieth. At his returne from thence, he brought with him fourtéene good ships, and manie other great prises of cloathes, both woollen, and linnen, pitch, tarre, woad, flower, meale, wheat and rie, which be|ing sold abroad, the markets were well holpen there|by,His surname Robert Mendmar|ket. so that his surname of Robert Mendmarket sée|med verie well to agrée with his qualities, which name he got by this occasion.