13.1. A supplication to the king.
A supplication to the king.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Tho. Walsi. Fabian. _TO the most excellent lord our K. and to all the nobles in this pre|sent parlement assembled, your faithfull commons doo humblie signifie, that our souereigne lord the king might haue of the temporall possessions, lands & reuenues which are lewdlie spent, consumed and wasted by the bishops, ab|bats, and priors, within this realme, so much in value as would suffice to find and susteine one hundred and fiftie earles, one thousand & fiue hundred knights, six thou|sand and two hundred esquiers, and one hundred hospitals more than now be.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king (as some write) vpon aduised considera|tion hereof had, Thom. Wals. misliked of the motion, & therevpon commanded that from thencefoorth they should not presume to studie about anie such matters. An other thing the commons sued to haue granted vnto them, but could not obteine: which was, that clearks con|uicted should not from thence foorth be deliuered to the bishops prison. Moreouer they demanded to haue the statute either reuoked, or qualified, which had béene established by authoritie of parlement, in the second yeare of this kings reigne, against such as were reputed to be heretiks, or Lollards. By force whereof it was prouided, that wheresoeuer such man|ner of persons should be found and knowne to preach or teach their erronious doctrine, they should be at|tached with the kings writ, and brought to the next goale: but the king séemed so highlie to fauour the cleargie, that the commons were answered plaine|lie,King Henrie a [...]uorer of the clergie. they should not come by their purpose, but rather that the said statute should be made more rigorous and sharpe for the punishment of such persons.
Compare 1577 edition:
Iohn Badbie burnt.
Tho. Walsi.