Compare 1577 edition: 1 At the daie of the coronation, to the end he should not séeme to take vpon him the crowne and scepter roiall by plaine extorted power, and iniurious intru|sion: he was aduised to make his title as heire to Ed|mund (surnamed or vntrulie feined) Crookebacke,Edmund erle of Lancaster vntrulie fas|ned to be sur|named Crookebacke. sonne to king Henrie the third, and to saie that the said Edmund was elder brother to king Edward the first, and for his deformitie put by from the crowne, to whom by his mother Blanch, daughter and sole heire to Henrie duke of Lancaster, he was next of blood, and vndoubted heire. But because not onelie his fréends, but also his priuie enimies, knew that this was but a forged title, considering they were suerlie informed, not onelie that the said Edmund was yoonger sonne to king Henrie the third, but also had true knowledge, that Edmund was neither c [...]ooke ba [...]ked, nor a deformed person, but a goodlie gentleman, and a valiant capteine, and so much fa|uored of his louing father, that he to preferre him in marriage to the queene Dowager of Nauarre, ha|uing a great liuelihood, gaue to him the countie pa|lantine of Lancaster, with manie notable honours, high segniories, and large priuileges. Therefore they aduised him to publish it that he challenged the realme not onelie by conquest, but also because he by king Richard was adopted as heire, and decla|red by resignation as his lawfull successor, being next heire male to him of the blood roiall.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 But to
procéed to other dooings. The solemnitie of the coronation being ended, the morow after being tuesdaie, the
parlement began againe, and the next daie sir Iohn Cheinie that was speaker,
Sir Iohn Chenie spea|ker of the par|lement dismis|sed, and Wil|liam Dur|ward admit|ted. Acts repealed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Upon the thursdaie, the commons came and re|hearsed all the errors of the last parlement holden in the one and twentith yeare of king Richard, & name|lie in certeine fiue of them.