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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 In this eighteenth yeare also was a woonderfull tempest of wind in the months of Iulie and August, and also most speciallie in September, by violence whereof, in sundrie places of this realme, great and woonderfull hurt was doone, both in churches and houses. ¶The ambassadors that had béene latelie in France, about the treatie of the marriage (as before yée haue heard) went thither againe, and so after that the two kings by sending to and fro were growne to certeine points and couenants of agreement,

The earle marshall affi|eth ye French kings daugh|ter, in ye name of king Ri|chard.

Anno Reg. 20. A truce for 30 yeares be|twéene Eng|land and France.

Tho. Walsin.

the earle marshall, by letters of procuration, married the ladie Isabell, in name of king Richard, so that from thencefoorth she was called quéene of England. Amongst other couenants and articles of this mar|riage, there was a truce accorded, to indure betwixt the two realms of England and France, for tearme of thirtie yeares. The pope wrote to king Richard, beseeching him to assist the prelats against the Lol|lards (as they tearmed them) whom he pronounced to be traitors, both to the church and kingdome, and therefore he besought him to take order for the pu|nishment of them, whom the prelats should denounce to be heretikes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The popes letters to K. Rich. against y^ [...] WickleuistsAt the same time, he sent a bull reuocatorie con|cerning religious men, that had either at his hands or at the hands of his legats or nuncios purchased to be his chapleins, and accompting themselues there|by exempt from their order; so that now they were by this reuocatorie bull, appointed to returne to their order, and to obserue all rules thereto belonging. This liked the friers well, namelie the minors, that sought by all means they might deuise, how to bring their brethren home againe, which by such exemptions in being the popes chapleins, were segregated & di|uided from the residue of their fraternitie or brother|hood. The king in this twentith yeare of his reigne, went ouer to Calis with his vncles the dukes of Yorke and Glocester,K. Richard goeth ouer to Calis. and a great manie of other lords and ladies of honour, and thither came to him the duke of Burgognie, and so they communed of [...]he peace. There was no enimie to the conclusion thereof but the duke of Glocester, who shewed well by his words that he wished rather war than peace, in somuch as the king stood in doubt of him, least he would procure some rebellion against him by his subiects, whome he knew not to fauour greatlie this new aliance with France.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king after the duke of Burgognie had tal|ked with him throughlie of all things, and was de|parted from him, returned into England (leauing the ladies still at Calis) to open the couenants of the marriage and peace vnto his subiects, and after he had finished with that businesse, and vnderstood their minds, he went againe to Calis, and with him his two vncles, of Lancaster and Glocester, and diuerse prelats and lords of the realme; and shortlie after came the French king to the bastide of Arde, accom|panied with the dukes of Burg [...]gnie, Berrie, Bri|taine and Burbon. There was set vp for the king of England a right faire and rich pauilion a little be|yond Guisnes within the English pale;The maner of the interview betweene king Richard and the French king. and ano|ther the like pauilion was pight vp also for the French king on this side Arde, within the French dominion; so that betwéene the said pauilions was the distance of thréescore & ten pases, and in the mid|waie betwixt them both, Fabian. was ordeined the third pa|uilion, at the which both kings comming from either of their tents sundrie times should méet and haue communication togither.

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