Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About the same time, or somewhat before, the king sent an ambassage to the French king, the archbi|shop of Dublin, the earle of Rutland,Ambassadors sent into France to treat a marri|age betwéene king Richard & the French K. daughter. the earle Mar|shall, the lord Beaumont, the lord Spenser, the lord Clifford named Lewes, and twentie knights with fortie esquiers. The cause of their going ouer, was to intreat of a marriage to be had betwixt him, and the ladie Isabell, daughter to the French king, she be|ing as then not past eight yeares of age, which be|fore had beene promised vnto the duke of Britaines sonne: but in consideration of the great benefit that was likelie to insue by this communication and a|liance with England, there was a meane found to vndoo that knot, though not presentlie. These Eng|lish lords, at their comming to Paris, were ioifullie receiued, and so courteouslie interteined, banketted, feasted, and cherished, and that in most honorable sort, as nothing could be more: all their charges and expenses were borne by the French king, and when they should depart, they receiued for answer of their message, verie comfortable words, and so with hope to haue their matter sped, they returned.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But now when the duke of Lancaster had, Thom. Wals. by lai|eng foorth an inestimable masse of treasure purcha|sed in a manner the good wils of them of Aquitaine, and compassed his whole desire, he was suddenlie countermanded home by the king, and so to satisfie the kings pleasure, he returned into England, and comming to the king at Langleie, where he held his Christmasse, was receiued with more honor than loue, as was thought; wherevpon he rode in all hast that might be to Lincolne, where Katharine Swin|ford as then laie, whom shortlie after the Epiphanie, he tooke to wife. This woman was borne in Hei|nault, daughter to a knight of that countrie, called sir Paou de Ruet: she was brought vp in hir youth, in the duke of Lancasters house,The duke of Lancaster m [...]+rieth a ladie of a meane estate whome he had kept as his concubine and attended on his first wife the duchesse Blanch of Lancaster, and in the daies of his second wife the duchesse Con|stance, he kept the foresaid Katharine as his concu|bine, who afterwards was married to a knight of England, named Swinford, that was now deceas|sed. Before she was married, the duke had by hir three children, two sonnes and a daughter; one of the sons was named Thomas de Beaufort, & the other Henrie, who was brought vp at Aken in Almaine, EEBO page image 486 prooued a good lawyer, and was after bishop of Win|chester.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 For the loue that the duke had to these his chil|dren, he married their mother the said Katharine Swinford, being now a widow, whereof men mar|uelled much, considering hir meane estate was farre vnmeet to match with his highnesse, and nothing comparable in honor to his other two former wiues. And indeed, the great ladies of England, as the du|ches of Glocester, the countesses of Derbie, Arundell and others, descended of the blood roiall, greatlie dis|deined, that she should be matched with the duke of of Lancaster, and by that means be accompted se|cond person in the realme, and preferred in roome be|fore them, and therefore they said, that they would not come in anie place where she should be present, for it should be a shame to them that a woman of so base birth, and concubine to the duke in his other wiues daies, should go and haue place before them. The duke of Glocester also, being a man of an high mind and stout stomach, misliked his brothers matching so meanlie, but the duke of Yorke bare it well inough, and verelie, the ladie hir selfe was a wo|man of such bringing vp, and honorable demeanor, that enuie could not in the end but giue place to well deseruing.Wickleuists increase. About this season, the doctrine of of Iohn Wickliffe still mightilie spred abroad héere in England. ¶The schisme also still continued in the church, betwixt the two factions of cardinals French and Romane for one of their popes could no sooner be dead, but that they ordeined an other in his place.