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Richard the second, the second sonne to Edward prince of Wales.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _RIchard, the second of that name, and sonne to prince Edward, called the blacke prince, the sonne of king Ed|ward the third, a child of the age of eleuen yeares, began to reigne ouer the realme of England the two and twen|tith daie of Iune, Anno Reg. [...]. 1377 in the yeare of the world 5344, of our Lord 1377, after the conquest 310, about the two and thirtith yeare of the emperour Charles the fourth, and in the fouretéenth yeare of Charles the fift king of France, and about the seuenth yeare of the reigne of Robert the second king of Scotland: Fabian. he was named Richard of Burdeaux, bicause he was borne at Burdeaux in Gascoigne, whilest his father ruled there. The day before it was vnderstood, that his grandfather king Edward was departed this life, Thom. Wals. being the one and twentith of Iune (on which daie neuerthelesse he deceassed) the citizens of Lon|don hauing certeine knowledge that he could not escape his sicknesse,The Londo|ners sent to K. Richard, commending themselues to his fauour be|fore ye death of K. Edward. sent certeine aldermen vnto Kingston, where the prince with his mother the prin|cesse then laie, to declare vnto the said prince their readie good wils, to accept him for their lawfull king and gouernour immediatlie after it should please God to call to his mercie his grandfather, being now past hope of recouerie of health. Wherefore they besought EEBO page image 416 besought him to haue their citie recommended vnto his good grace, and that it would please him to visit the same with his presence, sith they were readie in all sorts to honour and obeie him, and to spend both liues and goods in his cause, if needs required.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, they besought him, that it might please his grace to make an end of the discord betwixt the citizens, and the duke of Lancaster, which through the malice of some had been raised, to the commoditie of none, but to the discomfiture of diuerse. When Iohn Philpot, Iohn Phil|pot. one of the foresaid aldermen, that had the words in all their names, had ended his oration, he was answered by the prince and his councell, that he would indeuour himselfe in all things to satisfie their requests, and so were they sent home to bring a ioifull answer of their message to the citie. The mor|row after, there were sent to London from the king, the lord Latimer, sir Nicholas Bond, sir Simon Burlie, & sir Richard Adder [...]urie, knights; to bring them sorowfull newes of the assured death of king Edward, who (as we haue said) deceassed the day be|fore; but comfortable newes againe, of the great to|wardlinesse and good meaning of the yoong king, who promised to loue them and their citie, and to come to the same citie, as they had desired him to doo. And fur|ther that he had spoken to the duke of Lancaster in their behalfe,The duke of Lancaster & the Lõdoners submit their quarels to the kings order. and that the duke had submitted him|selfe to him in all things touching the cause; wherevp|on the kings pleasure was, that they should likewise submit themselues, and he would doo his indeuor, that an agreement might be had to the honor of the citi|zens, and profit of the citie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The citizens liked not of this forme of procéeding in the dukes matter, bicause the king was yoong, and could not giue order therein, but by substitutes: yet at length with much adoo, they were contented to submit themselues, as the duke had doone before, though not, till that the knights had vndertaken vp|on their oth of fidelitie and knighthood, that their sub|mission should not redound to the temporall or bodi|lie harme of any of them, consenting to the kings will in this point. And so with this caution they tooke their iournie towards Sheene, where they found the new K. with his mother, the duke of Lancaster & his brethren, vncles to the king, and diuerse bishops, a|bout the bodie of the deceassed king. When it was knowen that the Londoners were come, they were called before the king, by whom the matter was so handled, that the duke and they were made fréends. After this, when the king should ride through the citie towards the coronation, the said duke and the lord Percie riding on great horses before him, as by ver|tue of their offices appointed to make way before, v|sed themselues so courteouslie, modestlie, and plea|santlie, [...]hat where before they two were greatlie sus|pected of the common people, by reason of their great puissance in the realme, and huge rout of reteiners, they ordered the matter so, that neither this day, nor the morrow after, [...]eing the day of the kings corona|tion, they offended any maner of person, but rather by gentle and swéet demeanour they reclaimed the harts of manie, of whome before they were great|lie had in suspicion, and thought euill of. ¶But now, sith we are entred into the matter of this kings co|ronation, we haue thought good breefelie to touch some particular point thereof (as in Thomas Wal|singham we find it) though nothing so largelie here, as the author himselfe setteth it foorth, bicause the pur|pose of this worke will not so permit.

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