Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But to the purpose. King Edward not a little of|fended with king Charles, by whole meanes he knew that the woman thus lingered abroad, he procured pope Iohn to write his letters vnto the French king, admonishing him to send home his sister and hir sonne vnto hir husband.A proclam [...]tion. Fabian. But when this nothing auai|led, a proclamation was made in the moneth of De|cember, the nineteenth yeare of this kings reigne, that if the quéene and hir sonne entred not the land by the octaues of the Epiphanie next insuing in peaceable wise, they should be taken for enimies to the realme and crowne of England. Polydor. ¶ Here authors varie, for some write, that vpon knowledge had of this proclamation, the queene determined to returne into England foorthwith, that she might be reconciled to hir husband.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Others write, and that more truelie, how she being highlie displeased, both with the Spensers and the king hir husband, that suffered himselfe to be misled by their counsels, did appoint indéed to returne into England, not to be reconciled, but to stir the people to some rebellion, wherby she might reuenge hir ma|nifold iniuries. Which (as the proofe of the thing shew|ed) séemeth to be most true, for she being a wise wo|man, & considering that sith the Spensers had exclu|ded, put out, and remooued all good men, from and be|sides the kings councell, and placed in their roomes EEBO page image 337 such of their clients, seruants and freends as pleased them, she might well thinke that there was small hope to be had in hir husband, who heard no man but the said Spensers, which she knew hated hir deadlie. Wherevpon, after that the tearme prefixed in the proclamation was expired, the king caused to be sei|zed into his hands, all such lands, as belonged either to his sonne, or to his wife.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About the same time, one sir Robert Walkfare knight,Sir Robert Walkfare. a right hardie man of his hands, but craftie and subtill (who being taken in the warres which the lords raised against the king, had beene committed to prison in the castell of Corfe) found means now to kill the constable of that castell most cruellie, and escaping awaie, got ouer to the quéene into France, and so the number of them that ran out of the realme vnto hir dailie increased. This sir Robert Walk|fare was a great procurer of the discord betwixt the king and the lords, and a chéefe leader, or rather sedu|cer of that noble man Humfrie de Bohune earle of Hereford: and whilest other gaue themselues to seeke a reformation in the decaied state of the com|monwealth, he set his mind vpon murders and rob|beries. Diuerse other about the same time fled out of the realme vnto the queene, and vnto hir sonne the earle of Chester.The bishop of Excester cõ|meth from the quéene. But in the meane time, Walter Stapleton bishop of Excester, which hitherto had re|mained with the queene in France, stale now from hir, and got ouer into England, opening to the king all the counsell and whole mind of the queene: which thing turned first of all vnto his owne destruction, as shall after appeare.