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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Anno Reg. 19. Upon the couenants the French king wrote his letters patents into England, and other letters also of safe conduct, as well for the sonne as for the king himselfe, if it should please him to come ouer him|selfe in person. Upon which choise great deliberation was had, as well at Langdon, as at Douer, diuerse thinking it best that the king should go ouer him|selfe: but the earle of Winchester and his sonne the lord chamberleine, that neither durst go ouer them|selues with the king, nor abide at home in his ab|sence, gaue contrarie counsell, and at length preuai|led so, that it was fullie determined that the kings el|dest sonne Edward should go ouer, which turned to their destruction, as it appeared afterward.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Herevpon the king made a charter of grant vnto his sonne, of the duchie of Guien, and countie of Pontieu, to haue and hold to him & his heires kings of England, with condition, that if he chanced to de|part this life whilest his father liued, those lands should returne to his father againe, so as the French king might not marrie the kings sonne at his plea|sure, nor appoint vnto him any gardians or gouer|nours.The prince of Wales is sent into France. This ordinance was made at Douer by the kings charter, with consent of the prelats and other noble men of the realme there present, the morrow after the Natiuitie of our ladie, and on the thursdaie following, the kings sonne tooke the sea, and with him Walter bishop of Excester and others in competent number, and about the feast of saint Matthew the apostle, he did homage to his vncle the French king at Bois de Vincennes, vnder certeine protestations made, as well on the one part as the other.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The summer this yeare prooued excéeding hot and drie,A drie sum|mer. so that springs and riuers failed to yéeld their accustomed course of waters, by reason wherof great numbers of cattell and beasts,Cattell died. both wild and tame died, through lacke of conuenient liquor to asswage their vehement thirst. In the beginning of the next spring,The king s [...]deth for his wife and so [...] to returne home. king Edward sent into France vnto his wife and sonne, commanding them, now that they had made an end of their businesse, to returne home with all conuenient speed. The queene receiuing the message from hir husband, whether it was so that she was staied by hir brother, vnto whome belike she had complained after what manner she was vsed at hir husbands hands, being had in no regard with him: or for that she had no mind to returne home, bicause she was loth to see all things ordered out of frame by the counsell of the Spensers, whereof to heare she was wearie: or whether (as the manner of women is) she was long about to prepare hir selfe forward, she slac|ked all the summer, and sent letters euer to excuse hir tarriance.The wo|mans dissi|mulation. But yet bicause she would not run in any suspicion with hir husband, she sent diuerse of hir folkes before hir into England by soft iournies. A la|mentable case, that such diuision should be betwéene a king and his quéene, being lawfullie married, and hauing issue of their bodies, which ought to haue made that their copulation more comfortable: but (alas) what will not a woman be drawne and allured vnto, if by euill counsell she be once assaulted? And what will she leaue vndoone, though neuer so in|conuenient to those that should be most déere vnto hir, so hir owne fansie and will be satisfied? And how hardlie is the reuoked from procéeding in an euill action, if she haue once taken a taste of the same? As verie truly is reported by the comedie-writer, saieng,

Malè quod mulier incoepit nisi efficere id perpetrat,
Id illi morbo, id illi senio est; ea illi miserae miseria est:
Si bene facere incoepit, eius eam cito odium percipit,Plaut. i [...] True.
Nimis paucae sunt defessae, male quae facere occoeperint;
Nimis paucae efficiunt, si quid occoeperint benefacere;
Mulieri nimiò malefacere melius est onus, quàm benè.

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