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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 1310 Anno Reg. 4In the fourth yeare of king Edward was a coun|cell holden at London against the templers, the which councell indured from the beginning of Maie,The addition to Triuet. till Iune. In this councell they confessed the fame, but not the fact of the crimes laid to their charge, ex|cept two or thrée ribalds that were amongst them: but bicause they could not cleare themselues, they were adiudged vnto perpetuall penance within certeine monasteries.The earle of Cornewall placed in Bambourgh castell. The king this yeare fearing the enuie of the lords against Peers de Gaueston, placed him for his more safetie in Bambourgh ca|stell, bearing the prelats and lords in hand, that he had committed him there to prison for their plea|sures.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This yeare also there were ordinances made for the state and gouernement of the realme, by the pre|lats, earles, and barons, which were confirmed with the sentence of excommunication against all them that should go about to breake the same. The king neither allowed of them nor obserued them, although he had confirmed them with his seale, and sent them to all cathedrall churches and counties, to be regi|stred in perpetuall memorie therof. Polydor. The king indeed was lewdlie led, for after that the earle of Cornewall was returned into England, he shewed himselfe no changeling (as writers doo affirme) but through sup|port of the kings fauour, bare himselfe so high in his doings, which were without all good order, that he see|med to disdaine all the peeres & barons of the realme. Also after the old sort he prouoked the king to all naughtie rule and riotous demeanour, and hauing the custodie of the kings iewels and treasure, he tooke out of the iewell-house a table, & a paire of tre|stels of gold, which he deliuered vnto a merchant cal|led Aimerie de Friscobald, commanding him to conueie them ouer the sea into Gascoine. Caxton. This table was iudged of the common people, to belong some|time vnto king Arthur, and therefore men grudged the more that the same should thus be sent out of the realme.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 The king this yeare raised a great power to go into Scotland. Rich. [...]. Anno Reg. [...]. And about the feast of the Assumption of our ladie, hauing with him Péers de Gaueston earle of Cornewall, and the earles of Glocester and Warren, he came to Berwike,Berwike [...]|tified. which towne he cau|sed to be fortified with a strong wall, and a mightie deepe ditch, and although the other earles would not come to serue him in that voiage,The king [...] into Scotland. by reason of a new variance risen amongst them, yet he marched foorth into Scotland, to seeke his aduersarie Robert le Bruce: but Robert refusing the battell, kept him foorth of the waie, so that the king was driuen to re|turne to Berwike againe, without meeting with his enimie. And he was no sooner come backe, but the said Robert and his people entred into Louthian, sore molesting such as were yéelded to the king of Eng|land. The king aduertised therof, followed them, but could doo no good, & so returned. The earle of Corne|wall laie at Rockesbourgh, and the earle of Gloce|ster at Norham to defend those parts. After Can|dlemasse, the king sent the earle of Cornewall, with two hundred men of armes to S. Iohns towne, be|yond the Scotish sea, who receiued to the kings peace all those that inhabited beyond that sea vp to the mounteins. The king laie still at Berwike, but the earles of Glocester and Warren, after the begin|ning of Lent, rode into the forest of Solkirke, and receiued the foresters & other the inhabitants there to the kings peace. ¶ In this fift yeare of the kings reigne, but somwhat before this present, in the yeare 1310, Henrie Lacie earle of Lincolne gouernour of England in the kings absence departed this life, in whose place the earle of Glocester was chosen gouer|nour, and therefore he returned now into England. This erle of Lincolne was buried in the new worke at Paules. Lieng on his death bed, he requested (as was reported) Thomas earle of Lancaster, who had married his daughter, that in any wise he should stand with the other lords in defense of the common|welth, and to mainteine his quarell against the earle of Cornewall, which request earle Thomas faithful|lie accomplished: for by the pursute of him, and of the earle of Warwike cheefelie, the said earle of Corne|wall was at length taken and beheaded (as after shall appeare.) Some write that king Edward the first vpon his death-bed, charged the earles of Lin|colne, Warwike, and Penbroke, to foresée that the foresaid Peers returned not againe into England, least by his euill example he might induce his sonne the prince to lewdnesse, as before he had alreadie doone.

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