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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 These letters were read, heard, and allowed in the presence of all the Noble men of this land, the day and yeare abouesaid. ¶ The archbishop of Cantur|burie, being latelie returned from Rome, where he had remained in exile in the late deceassed kings daies for a certeine time, did pronounce the said Péers accursed, if he taried within the realme lon|ger than the appointed time, and likewise all those that should aid, helpe, or mainteine him, as also if he should at any time hereafter returne againe into the land. To conclude, this matter was so follow|ed, that at length he was constreined to withdraw himselfe to Bristow, Anno Reg. 2. The earle of Cornewall banished the realme. and so by sea as a banished man to saile into Ireland.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king being sore offended herewith, as he that fauoured the earle more than that he could be with|out EEBO page image 320 his companie,The kings fauour to|wards the earle of Corn|wall. threatned the lords to be reuenged for this displeasure, and ceassed not to send into Ire|land vnto Péers, comforting him both with fréend|lie messages, and rich presents, and as it were to shew that he meant to reteine him still in his fauour, he made him ruler of Ireland as his deputie there. Polydor. Fabian. The earle of Cornewall deputie of Ireland. Hen. Marle. A wonderfull matter that the king should be so inchan|ted with the said earle, and so addict himselfe, or rather fix his hart vpon a man of such a corrupt humor, a|gainst whome the heads of the noblest houses in the land were bent to deuise his ouerthrow: but the lesse maruell it is that the king bare him such a feruent affection, and set his hart vpon him, considering that

—vetus autorum sententia, mores
Quòd similes, similé & studium sunt fomes amoris,
Sic vanus vanum, studiosus sic studiosum
Diligit, & socios adeunt animalia coetus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The lords perceiuing the kings affection, and that the treasure was spent as lauishlie as before, thought with themselues that it might be that the king would both amend his passed trade of life, and that Peers being restored home, would rather aduise him there|to, than follow his old maners, considering that it might be well perceiued, that if he continued in the incouraging of the king to lewdnesse, as in times past he had doone, he could not thinke but that the lords would be readie to correct him, as by proofe he had now tried their meanings to be no lesse. Here|vpon to reteine amitie,1309 Anno Reg. 3. as was thought on both sides, Péers by consent of the lords was restored home againe (the king meeting him at Chester) to his great comfort and reioising for the time, Hen. Marle. although the ma|lice of the lords was such, that such ioy lasted not long.

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