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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 290Hereof also he made letters patents, witnessing that he had thus doone fealtie vnto king Edward, which letters he sealed and deliuered in presence of William bishop of saint Andrews, Robert bishop of Glasco, Iohn earle of Bouchquane. William earle of Ros, Patrike earle of March, Walter earle of Menteth, Iames lord steward of Scotland, Alexan|der de Ergay, Alexander de Balioll lord of Caures, Patrike de Graham, and William de Saintclere. This doone, king Edward appointed Anthonie bishop of Duresme, and the lord Iohn saint Iohn to passe with Balioll into Scotland, and there to put him into the corporall possession of the same realme of Scotland, Anno Reg. 21. Iohn Balioll crowned king of Scotland. which they did, and so he was crowned at Scone vpon saint Andrews day, being placed in the marble chaire within the abbeie church there. The solemnitie of which coronation being ended, he retur|ned into England, and comming to Newcastell vp|on Tine, where K. Edward in that yeare kept his Christmasse, he there did homage vpon saint Ste|phans daie vnto the said king Edward, in forme of words as followeth.

9.1. The forme of the king of Scots homage to king Edward, in action.

The forme of the king of Scots homage to king Edward, in action.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _MY lord, lord Edward king of Eng|land, superior lord of Scotland, I Iohn de Balioll king of Scot|land, doo acknowledge and recog|nise me to be your liegeman of the whole realme of Scotland, with all the appurte|nances, and whatsoeuer belongeth there|to, the which kingdome I hold and ought of right and claime to hold by inheritance of you and your heires kings of England, and I shall beare faith and loialtie to you and to your heirs kings of England, of life, of member, and earthlie honour, against all men, which may liue and die.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This homage in forme aforesaid did king Edward receiue, his owne and others right saued. Then did the king of England without delaie restore vnto the said Iohn Balioll the kingdome of Scotland,1293 with all the appurtenances.Richard Bagley. This yeare, as one Richard Bagley an officer of the shiriffes of London led a prisoner towards the gaile,A prisoner rescued. three persons rescued the said prisoner, and tooke him from the officer, the which were pursued and taken, and by iudgement of law then vsed, were brought into Westcheape, and there had their hands striken off by the wrists.

The offen|ders lost their hand.

A great snow and tempest of wind in Maie

On the 14 daie of Maie fell a woonderfull snow, and therewith blew such an excéeding wind, that great harme was doone thereby in sundrie places of England. In the same yeare died frier Iohn Peckham archbishop of Canturburie,The archbi|shop of Can|turburie de|ceasseth. and then was Robert of Winchelsie elected archbishop the 48 in number that had ruled that sée. About the middle of September following, the earle of Bar a Frenchman, married the ladie E|lianor the kings daughter in the towne of Bristow.The kings daughter ma|ried to the earle of Bar. ¶ This yeare wheat was sold at London for two shil|lings a bushell.

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