Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the same forme of words were writs awarded forth, to all and euerie other the kéepers of castels and manors belonging to the crowne of Scotland, and being at that time in K. Edwards hands, the names of places and the persons that had them in custodie onelie changed.The seale broken. On the same day also in the castell of Berwike was the seale broken, which had béene appointed to the gouernors, during the time that the realme was vacant of a king. It was broken into foure parts, and put into a pursse to be reserued in the treasurie of the king of England, in further and more full token of his superioritie and direct supreme dominion ouer the realme of Scotland.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 These things were doone in presence of the said Iohn Balioll then king of Scotland, Iohn arch|bishop of Dubline, Iohn bishop of Winchester, An|thonie bishop of Duresme, William bishop of Elie, Iohn bishop of Carleil, William bishop of S. An|drewes, Robert bishop of Glasco, Marke bishop of Man, and Henrie bishop of Aberdene, with diuerse other bishops, besides abbats and priors of both the realmes; Henrie earle of Lincolne, Humfrie earle of Hereford, Roger earle of Norffolke, Iohn earle of Buchquane, Douenald earle of Mar, Gilbert earle of Angus, Patrike earle of March, and Malisi|us earle of Stratherne; with the foure and twentie auditors of England, and the foure score auditors of Scotland: chapleins also, Henrie de Newmarke deane of Yorke, Iohn Lacie chancellour of Chiche|ster, William de Greenefield canon of Yorke, and Iohn Ercurie notarie, and manie other. Iohn Bali|oll being thus created K. of Scotland, on the twen|tith day of Nouember, in the castell of Norham, did fealtie to king Edward for the kingdome of Scot|land, in maner as followeth.
9.1. The forme of the fealtie of Iohn Balioll king of Scots to the king of England in protestation.
The forme of the fealtie of Iohn Balioll king of Scots to the king of England in protestation.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 _THis heare you my lord Edward king of England, souereigne lord of the realme of Scotland, that I Iohn de Balioll king of Scot|land, which I hold and claime to hold of you, that I shall be faithfull and loiall, and owe faith and loialtie to you, I shall beare of life and member, and of earthlie honour, against all people, and lawfullie I shall ac|knowledge and doo the seruices which I owe to doo to you, for the realme of Scot|land aforesaid. So God me helpe and his holie euangelists.