Compare 1577 edition: 1 The realme now being quiet and in all outward fe|licitie, a number of vnrulie persons, such as delight|ing in idlenesse, knew not how to liue in time of peace, assembled themselues togither and (appointing Fouks de Brent,Fouks de Brent. who was a man of great stomach and more rashnesse, to be their capteine and ringle|der) began to make warre against the king, and to spoile the townes and countries about them, so that their euill dooings might haue caused no small perill to haue insued by some great ciuill sedition, if the earle of Penbroke had not in time preuented their attempts. For he assembling the kings power, ha|sted towards the rebels, and what by his owne au|thoritie, and by the reuerend regard of some bishops in his companie; more than by vsing any force of armes, he staid the matter for that time, so that no further mischeefe followed of this mutinie. Matth. Paris.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Besides the foresaid Fouks de Brent, there were other of the Nobilitie also which practised the like dis|order, as William earle of Albemarle, Robert de Ueipount, Brian de Lisle, Hugh de Balioll, Philip de Marc, and Robert de Gaugi, the which Robert withheld the castell of Newarke that belonged to the bishop of Lincolne, and would not deliuer it, till the king with William Marshall erle of Penbroke had laine at siege before it an eight daies,The castell of Newarke re|stored to the bishop of Lin|colne. in the end of which terme by mediation of fréends the matter was taken vp, and the bishop recouered his castell, paieng to the said Robert de Gaugi an hundred pounds sterling for the victuals which he left within the same castell.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Soone after this, Ranulph earle of Chester was sent into the holie land by king Henrie, with a good|lie companie of souldiers and men of warre, to aid the christians there against the infidels, Matt. Paris. The earle of Chester goeth into the holie land. which at the same time had besieged the citie of Damieta in Ae|gypt, in which enterprise the valiancie of the same earle after his comming thither, was to his great praise most apparant. There went with him in that iournie Saer de Quincie earle of Winchester, William de Albenie earle of Arundell, besides di|uerse barons, as the lord Robert Fitz Walter, Iohn constable of Chester, William de Harecourt, and O|liuer Fitzroie sonne to the king of England,Sonne to K. Iohn belike. and di|uerse other.