Compare 1577 edition: 1 On the other part, king Henrie tooke his oth to|gither with the legat, and the earle of Penbroke go|uernour of the realme, that he should restore vnto the barons of his realme, and to other his subiects, all their rights and heritages, with all the liberties be|fore demanded, for the which the discord was mooued betwixt the late king Iohn and his barons. Moreo|uer, all prisoners on both parts were released and set at libertie, without paieng anie ransome: yea and those which had couenanted to paie, and vpon the same were set at libertie before the conclusion of this peace, were now discharged of all summes of monie which then remained vnpaid.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This peace was concluded on the eleuenth day of September, not farre from Stanes, hard by the riuer of Thames, where Lewes himselfe, the legat Guallo, and diuerse of the spiritualtie with the earle of Penbroke lord gouernor of the realme, and others, did méet and talke about this accord. Now when all things were ordered and finished agreeable to the articles and couenants of the peace, so farre as the time present required, the lords of the realme (when Lewes should depart homeward) attended him to Douer in honorable wise, as apperteined, and there tooke leaue of him, and so he departed out of the realme about the feast of saint Michaell.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 King Henrie by this meanes being put in full pos|session of the relme, according to the prescript of that article conteined in those conditions of the peace latelie specified, pardoned all those that had aided his aduersarie Lewes during the wars, except certeine of the spiritualtie, which were put to such fines, that they were compelled to laie all that they had to pledge, to leuie such summes of monie, as they might with the same obteine the kings fauour againe:The prelats are fined. and beside that, to sue to Rome for their entier absolution EEBO page image 202 at the popes owne hands. Amongst other, Hugh bi|shop of Lincolne returning into England, was compelled to paie a thousand marks to the popes vse for recouerie of his bishoprike, & an hundred marks also to the legat of good and lawfull monie. Such che|uance made the legat amongst them of the church, Anno Reg. 2. What che|uance the legat made. as well persons secular as regular, that he got togither twelue thousand marks towards his charges, where|by it appeared, that he lost no time in England. But to procéed.