Compare 1577 edition: 1 N. Triuet. The French K. inuadeth Normandie.Whilest these things were a dooing in England, Philip K. of France hauing leuied an armie, brake into Normandie, and tooke the citie of Eureux, the towne of Arques, and diuerse other places from the English. And passing from thence into Maine, he recouered that countrie latelie before through feare alienated. In an other part, an armie of Britains with great diligence wan the townes of Gorney, Buteuant and Gensolin, and following the victorie, tooke the citie of Angiers, which king Iohn had woon from duke Arthur, in the last yeare passed. These things being signified to king Iohn, he thought to make prouision for the recouerie of his losses there, with all speed possible. Rog. Houed. And therevpon perceiuing that the Scotish king meant not to meet with him at Notingham whither he was come, and where he kept the feast of Whitsuntide, he determined to passe the seas ouer into Normandie: but first he tooke order for the gouernement and defense of the realme in his absence.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 L. William de Stuteuille.Wherevpon he deliuered the charge of the coun|ties of Northumberland and Cumberland, vnto the lord William de Stuteuille, with all the castels, and other the appurtenances, which the lord Hugh Bar|dolfe before held, and had in kéeping. He also deliue|red vnto Roger de Lacie conestable of Chester,Roger de La|cie conestable of Chester. the castell of Pomfret, hauing first the sonne and heire of the same Lacie deliuered vnto him as an hostage for his loialtie and faithfull obedience.King Iohn passeth ouer into Nor|mandie. This doone, he hasted vnto the sea side, and sailed ouer into Nor|mandie, landing first at Diep, and from thence went to Rouen, whither he came vpon the sundaie before Midsummer day, which was the 26 of Iune as W. Harison hath noted.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Immediatlie vpon his arriuall in those parts, there resorted vnto him a great number of souldiers both horssemen and footmen, hoping to be intertei|ned, but by reason of ambassadours riding to and fro betwixt the two kings, they came to a communi|cation, and tooke truce for fiftie daies.A truce for fiftie daies. The earle of Flanders being certified thereof, was sorie in his hart, and loth that the French king should come to a|ny accord with the king of England, and therefore to turne the mind of king Iohn from the purpose of peace,The earle of Flanders. Polydor. The league renewed be|twixt Eng|land and Flanders. he came to visit him at Rouen, where they re|newed the league betwixt England & Flanders, to be the better able to defend themselues from the French power: and withall determined fullie, that immediatlie vpon the expiring of this last truce they would make the French king warre, to reuenge their late receiued iniuries. The French king aduer|tised by espials of their determination, prepared also for the warres.