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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Besides these bishops, there were of the temporall lords and earles, Robert of Leicester, Richard of Clare, William of Tutburie, Hamlin of Warren, William of Salisburie, William of Chepstow o|therwise called Striguille, Walran of Warwike Roger Bigot, William of Arundell, and Ranulfe of Chester, with manie other barons, lords, knights, and no small multitudes of gentlemen and other common people. The same daie of his coronation al|so, Rog. Houed. Williã Mar|shall earle of Striguille. Geffrey Fitz Peter created earle of Essex. he inuested William Marshall with the sword of the earledome of Striguille, and Geffrey Fitz Pe|ter, with the sword of the earledome of Essex. For al|though they were called earles, and exercised the ad|ministration of their earledoms; yet were they not till that daie girded with the sword of those earle|doms, and so that day they serued at the table with their swords girded vnto them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In like maner, Hubert the archbishop of Cantur|burie was made lord chancellour of England;The archb. of Canturburie made lord chancellour. who as he vttered some words vnaduisedlie, that shewed how he inwardlie reioised at the kings fauour to|ward him in the gift of this office, and so gloried in the honour whereto he was preferred (which he would neuer haue doone, if he had weied of worldlie pompe as by his profession he ought, and as one asketh the question in the same case:

—dic mihi, nunquid
Corporibus prosunt? certè nil; dic animisue?
Tantundem, &c.)
the lord Hugh Bardolfe said vnto him,The saieng of the lord Bardolfe. yet not so soft|lie in his eare, but that some ouer-heard it;
My lord, to speake and not offend you, suerlie if you would well consider the dignitie and honor of your calling, you would not willinglie yéeld to suffer this yoke of bondage to be laid vpon your shoulders, for we haue oftentimes heard of a chancellour made an archbi|shop, but neuer an archbishop made a chancellour till now.
The coronation being thus ended,Ambassadors from the king of Scots. it was not long yer there came ambassadors from the Sco|tish king, namelie William the prior of May, Wil|liam the prior of saint Colmes Ins, and one Willi|am Hay, the which on the behalfe of the said Scotish king required restitution of Northumberland and Cumberland, with the appurtenances, promising that if the same were restored to him, he would serue the king of England with all his power against all men then aliue; otherwise, that is, if he could not haue those countries, which of right to him appertei|ned by law, as he pretended, he would doo the best he could to recouer them by force.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Iohn made answer héerevnto, that if his coosen the king of Scots would come vnto him, he should be assured to receiue at his hands all that was reason, as well in those demands, as in all other things. He also sent to him the bishop of Duresme, to require him to come vnto Notingham, where he would meet with him. Howbeit, king William refu|sed to come himselfe as then, but sent the bishop of saint Andrew, and Hugh Malebisse to follow his EEBO page image 160 suit, with promise to absteine from any forceable in|uasion of England, by the space of fortie daies, so that he might within that terme haue some resolute answer from king Iohn, wherevnto he might stand either on the one side or the other.

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