Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this meane while, Ge [...]rey the elect archbishop of Yorke, after long suit and manie delaies contri|ued, speciallie by the chancellour, obteined his pall, being consecrated by the archbishop of Towrs, by vertue of his buls obteined from pope Celestine. The chancellour aduertised herof, and vnderstanding that he meant to come shortlie into England to be installed, was in a great chafe, bicause that during the time of the vacation, he had vsed the reuenues of that see at his pleasure, and therefore now to forgo them he was nothing contented. Herevpon he wrote his letters vnto Matthew de Clere shiriffe of Kent in this forme. Matth. Pari [...].
6.1. The lord chancellours letters to the shiriffe of Kent.
The lord chancellours letters to the shiriffe of Kent.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 _PRaecipimus tibi quòd si Eb [...]racen. electus ad a|liquem portum in balliua tua applicuerit, aut aliquis nunci [...]rum eius, eum retineri fa [...]ias, do|nec mandatum nostrum indè receperis. Et simi|liter praecipimus, quòd omnes literas papae aut magni alicuius viri quae illic venerint, facias retineri. The English wher|of is thus.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 We command you that if the elect of Yorke shall arriue at any port or hauen within your bailiwicke, or any messenger of his, that you cause them to be a|rested and kept, till you haue commandement from vs therein. And we command you likewise, to stay, attach, and keepe all letters that come from the pope, or any other great man.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Likewise, Polydor. The death of the archbi [...]hop of Cantur [...]|rie. Io. Textor. whereas Baldwine archbishop of Can|turburie, hauing taken his iournie into the holie land, and arriuing there before the king, chanced to depart this life at Tyrus, the last yeere, vpon the feast daie of S. Edmund, the chancellour found meanes to keepe that sée also vacant, that he might receiue the profits thereof, during the vacation, and find meanes to be prepared to it in the end. But as touch|ing the sée of Yorke, although he had (as before is said) made his hand of the reuenues belonging to the same from time to time at his pleasure, yet now af|ter that he heard how Geffrey had receiued the pall, he made hauocke, wasting & spoiling all that would yeeld him anie monie, without respect of right or wrong. Moreouer, he caused the hauens to be watch|ed, with commandement giuen to the townes on the sea coast, that they should not suffer the archbishop Geffrey to take land.The arc [...]bi|shop arriued and is com|mitted to+ward. At length yet he arriued at Douer, where he was by the foresaid Matthew de Clere first staied, and after taken out of the abbeie by the chancellours commandement, and commit|ted to prison within the castell, where a Noble man EEBO page image 131 that had maried the chancellors sister was capteine.