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Compare 1577 edition: 1 It was also agréed, that bishops, abbats, earles, and barons, valuasors, and freeholders should not be disseized of their lands, goods or cattels, otherwise than by order of the iustices or officers of the king, so that they should be iudged in the kings courts accor|ding to the lawfull customes and ordinances of the realme: and likewise that earle Iohn should cause the same orders to be obserued through all his lands. Prouided that if any man attempted to doo other|wise vpon support or maintenance of earle Iohn, he should stand to be reformed by the archbishop of Ro|uen if he chanced then to be in England, and by the kings iustices, and by those that had sworne to ob|serue this peace: and also earle Iohn himselfe at their request should see such reformation to be had.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, it was agréed that all those castels that had bin built or begun to be builded since the kings passage ouer towards his iournie, should be razed, and no new made or fortified till his returne, except in manours perteining to the kings demaine, if need required, or by his speciall commandement, ei|ther by letters, or sufficient messengerrs. That the shiriffewike of Lincolne, which the lord chancellour had assigned vnto William de Stuteuille should be restored to Gerard de Camuille, who had a daie ap|pointed him to appéere in the kings court, to heare what might be laid against him: and if such matter could be prooued, for the which he ought to loose the said shiriffewike and the castell of Lincolne, then he should depart from them by the iudgement of the court, or else not. Neither should earle Iohn main|teine him against the iudgement of that court, nor should receiue any outlawes, or such as were noto|riouslie knowen for enimies to the king, and so na|med, nor should suffer them to be receiued within the precinct of his liberties.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 To hold, mainteine and obserue this peace, the said earle and chancellour sware in the hand of the archbishop of Rouen with seuen barons on either part. On the part of the earle Iohn these were the names of them that receiued the oth: Stephan Ridell his chancellour, William de la Mare, Robert de la Mare, Philip de Turechester, William de Rahennes, Gilbert Basset & William de Montacute. On the chancellours part, the earles of Arundell and Salisburie, earle Roger Bigot, and the earle of Clare, with Walter Fitz Robert, William de Breuse, and Roger Fitz Ramfrey. These things were concluded in this sort, the authoritie and commandement of the king yet in all things saued and reserued: but so, that if before his returne he should signifie his pleasure to the contrarie of the ordinances aboue mentioned, then should the castels of Notingham and Tickhill be restored vnto earle Iohn, notwithstanding what soeuer the king should com|mand touching the same Thus was the peace con|cluded eftsoones betwixt earle Iohn and the chan|cellour. Anno Reg. 3. Matth. We [...]. Polydor. Geffrey the archbishop of Yorke. Rog. Houed.

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