Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane time, king Richard still desirous to furnish himselfe with monie, deuised yet another shift, and feigned that he had lost his seale; wherefore he commanded a new to be made, which being doone, he caused it to be proclaimed and published in euerie countrie, that those to whome he had granted any thing by his déed or charter, Matth. Paris. meaning to inioy the same in suertie, should not thinke it much to come and haue it confirmed by his new seale, least after|ward the other being lost, their lawfull titles might be called into question. Wherevpon manie that could not come to him whilest he was in England, were glad to follow him, and saile ouer into Nor|mandie, and there to fine at his pleasure for the new seale, to the end that their writings might be confir|med thereby, and made so much the more sure to them and their successours. For the same businesse also Remigius the prior of S. Albons, and manie other went ouer to their great costs, charges, and tra|uell, after he was transported into France.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 I find moreouer about the same time, that the kings brother earle Iohn exhibited a sore complaint against the Romane legat and other bishops for that the archbishop of Canturburie, after the appeale made vnto the apostolike sea [...], had put his lands vn|der interdiction for his mariage made with the earle of Glocesters daughter: which when the legat heard, he foorthwith confirmed the appeale, and released the earles lands of the aforesaid interdiction. The same time also, the tenth part of all the mooueable goods EEBO page image 121 thorough the realme of England was leuied to the aid of the warres in the holie land. And this collecti|on, passing vnder the name of an almes, was exten|ded vpon the goods as well of the spirituall men as temporall.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 After all this, K. Richard desirous to set order in the gouernment of his realme, appointed Hugh bi|shop of Durham to haue the rule of the north parts as cheefe iustice from Humber northwards toward Scotland,Hugh bishop of Durham gouerneth the north parts. Matth. Paris. deliuering vnto him also the kéeping of Winchester castell: the residue of the kingdome (with the custodie of the towre) he assigned to the go|uernance of William Longchampe bishop of Elie,William Lõg|champe bishop of Elie. whome he had made cheefe iustice of that part, and chancellour of the realme, a man of great diligence and knowledge in the administration of things, but verie factious and desirous of rule, honour and riches farre aboue all measure. And with these two he ioi|ned in commission Hugh Bardulfe, William Mar|shall earle of Chepstow, or rather Penbrooke, Gef|frey Fitz Peter, & William Brewer, men of great honour, wisedome, and discretion.