Compare 1577 edition: 1 This yeare also in the moneth of Nouember, as Matthew Paris saith, Iohannes de Anagnia a cardi|nall and legat from the pope arriued here in Eng|land, comming on land at Douer, and bicause the king was as then in the north parts, the same cardi|nall was prohibited on the behalfe of the kings mo|ther queene Elianor, to passe any further without the kings commandement. And so he staied there thir|téene daies at the charges of the archbishop of Can|turburie, till the king came to those parties, by whose wisedome a direction was taken for the quieting of the controuersie betwixt the archbishop, and the moonkes of Canturburie, for the chappell church of Hakinton now called S. Stephans.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the same moneth of Nouember, by the kings appointment, Geffrey the elect of Yorke, R. Houed. who was the kings brother, with other barons and lords of Yorkeshire,William king of Scots. receiued William king of Scotland at the water of Tweed, and from thence with all due reuerence and honour they brought him vnto Can|turburie, where the king had called a councell of the lords of his realme both spirituall and temporall,A councell c [...]l+led at Can|turburie. Polydor. An oth. Matth. Paris. in the which euerie of them tooke an oth to be true to the king, and to continue in due obedience vnder him and his lawes, which oth also the king of Scots recei|ued, being there present, and likewise king Richards brethren earle Iohn and Geffrey the archbishop of Yorke.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The king of Scots therefore hauing receiued this oth, Matth. Paris Polydor. and thinking the time to serue his purpose for re|déeming of those castels, which were deliuered to king Henrie as gages for his ransome, paid now vnto king Richard ten thousand markes, and had re|stitution of the same, that is of Berwike, Roxburgh,Restitution made to the K. of Scots. Wil. Paruus. Sterling, and Edenburgh. But William Paruus sai|eth, that Edenburgh was restored to him in the daies of king Henrie, by reason of his wife which he tooke in the parties beyond the seas: and herewith agréeth the Scotish chronicle. King Richard also as|signed to queene Elianor his mother, the accusto|med dower, with manie lordships and honours be|side, as an augmentation thereof. Rog. Houed. About which time died William de Mandeuille earle of Albemarle at Rouen, and Hugh de Putsey the nephue of the bi|shop of Durham died at Ac [...]et, and was buried at Durham. N. Triuet. Also Formalis archbishop of Trier died at Northampton, and was there buried in the church of S. Andrews.