Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This peace was concluded not farre from Towrs, Rog. Houed. It Gisor [...] saith Ger. Dor. in a place appointed conuenient for both the kings to méet in, about the feast of the apostles Peter and Paule. And (as writers record) there chanced great thunder and lightening at the verie time when the two kings came to enteruiew and talke togither, so that the thunderbolt did light betwixt them two: & yet (notwithstanding such thunder & lightening) the aire was cleare and nothing troubled.Strange thunder & lightning. The two kings parted a sunder through feare thereof for that day, and on the next day the like chance happened, greatlie to the terrour of them both. Which mooued king Henrie the sooner to condescend to the agree|ment.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer this is not to be forgotten, that when all matters were quieted and accorded amongst them, King Henrie required to haue all their names deli|uered vnto him in writing, which had promised to take part (and were ioined as confederates) with the French king and earle Richard. This was granted, and when the roll was presented vnto him, he found his sonne Iohn the first person that was named in that register, wherewith he was so troubled and dis|quieted in his mind, that comming to Chinon he felt such gréefe hereof, that he curssed euen the verie daie in which he was borne, and as was said, gaue to his sonnes Gods cursse and his, the which he would ne|uer release, although he was admonished to doo it both of sundrie bishops and other religious and god|lie men. Thus saith Houeden.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Howbeit, it is not like that earle Richard at this time had procured his brother Iohn to be confede|rate with him in his rebellious dealings, but rather bicause earle Richard had some suspicion, least his father would make Iohn his heire and successour in the kingdome, it might be a policie wrought by the French king and earle Richard, to alienate his fa|thers mind from the said Iohn.