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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thus how soeuer it was, whilest the one deman|ded that which the other thought no reason to grant, they departed without concluding any agréement, so that king Philip hauing got by this meanes a good occasion to further his enterprises,King Philip entereth the countrie of Maine. with all his whole puissance entred into Maine, where he destroi|ed a great part of that countrie, and approched to the citie of Mauns, where king Henrie as then laie, in purpose to besiege it. But king Henrie being war|ned of his comming set the suburbs on fire, bicause his enimies should haue no succour in them. Howbe|it the flame of the fire was by force of the wind dri|uen so directlie into the citie, that what with heat and assault of the enimie, the king being without any store of souldiers to defend it longer, was constrei|ned to forsake it.The words of king Henrie in his displea|sure towards earle Richard. Herewith he was so mooued, that in departing from the citie, he said these words of his sonne Richard to himselfe: Sith thou hast taken from me this daie the thing that I most loued in this world, I will requite thee, for after this daie, I shall depriue thée of that thing which in me should most please thée, euen mine owne hart.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Being thus driuen to leaue the defaced citie of Mauns,Mauns yéel|ded to the French king. Wil. Paruus. he repaired vnto Chinon, the citizens where|of being left destitute of aid, yéelded themselues to the French king, who taking a great pride in his doo|ings for that victorie, passed ouer Loire, and wan the citie of Towrs, wherein he placed a garison, and so hauing sped his businesse with good successe, brought home his armie laden with preies & booties. King Henrie being thus put to the worsse, and not perceiuing anie readie meane how to recouer his losses, Polydor. began to despaire in himselfe, and therefore of necessitie thought it best to séeke for peace, but his suit was in vaine: for the enimie hauing now the aduantage,The earle of Flanders sée|keth to agrée the parties. Matth. Paris. would not grant to agrée vpon any rea|sonable conditions.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 At the last Philip the earle of Flanders and Wil|liam archbishop of Reimes, with Hugh duke of Burgoine, came to king Henrie to moue waies of agréement, and to conclude the same betwixt him on the one partie, and the French king and earle Ri|chard on the other partie. Earle Richard had the Bri|taines and them of Poictou confederate with him, vnder such conditions, as he might not agrée with his father, vnlesse they might be comprised in the a|gréement. At length they agreed vpon conditions,A peace con|cluded. not altogither aduantageable to the king of Eng|land, yet in the end, Chateau Raoul was restored to king Hnerie with all that had béene taken from him since the time that the French king & he tooke vpon them the crosse: on the other part king Henrie did homage to the French king, which in the beginning of this warre he had surrendred and renounced. He was bound also to paie to the French king 20.Thirtie thou|sand to the [...] and twentie [...] the barons [...] France, [...] Ger. Dor. thousand markes for the aid which earle Richard had receiued of him: moreouer to resigne and acquite vnto the French king, all that which either he or his predecessours held or possessed within Aluergue. Other articles there were which king Henrie a|gréed vnto sore against his will, as the deliuerie of the ladie Alice or Adela, and such other, which (as not much materiall) we passe ouer.

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