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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the morning being the second daie of Februa|rie, so soone as it was daie, they set their men in order of battell, and brought them foorth in sight of the king and his host: who on the other side,

The ordering of the kings armie readie to giue bat|tell.

Simon Dun. Matt. Paris.

not meaning to refuse the conflict, ordered his men readie to encoun|ter them, whome he diuided into 3. seuerall battels, The chiefest part of his armed men he appointed to remaine on foot, amongst whom he placed himselfe, with certeine noble men, as earle Baldwin, and o|thers. The residue being horssemen, he disposed into two seuerall wings,The earles of Norfolke. Hampton, Mellent, & Waren. in one of which were Alaine duke of Britaine, Hugh Bigot earle of Norfolke, Simon earle of Hampton, and two other earles, Mellent and Waren: howbeit they were not furni|shed EEBO page image 52 with such number of men as had béene requisit; for as it fell out, they brought no great retinues with them.

The earle of Albemarle. William de Ypres.

The ordering of the battels on the kings aduersaries part.

The other wing was gouerned by the earle of Albemarle, and William de Ypres.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now on the aduersaries side, the earle of Chester led the fore ward, and those whome king Stephan had disherited, were placed in the middle ward. In the rere ward the earle of Glocester with his compa|nie had the rule. And besides those thrée battels, the Welshmen were set as a wing at one of the sides.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Here the earle of Chester (to vtter the good will which he had to fight) appointed in faire armour as he was, spake these words in effect as followeth, dire|cting the same to the earle of Glocester, and other the capteines, saieng:

I giue you hartie thanks, most inuincible chiefteine,The oration of the earle of Chester. Ran. Higd. and you my fellow soldi|ers, which declare your hartie good wils towards me, euen to the ieoparding of your liues at this my re|quest and instance. Sith then I am the occasion of your perill, it is conuenient that I make the first en|trance, and giue the onset of the battell vpon that most disloiall king, who granting a truce, hath bro|ken the peace; and swearing to be a subiect, is now prooued a most wicked vsurper: I therefore trusting both vpon reuenge of the vniust dealings of this king, and also vpon mine owne force and courage, shall straitwaies breake in sunder the arraie of his armie, and make waie through the middest of the e|nimies with sword in hand. It shall be your parts then to follow me, who will lead you the waie: for e|uen now my mind giueth me, that I shall passe tho|rough the battels, tread the capteines vnder foot, and run the king through with this my sharpe sword.

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