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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Matth. Paris. Theobald erle of Blois.Now whereas his elder brother Theobald earle of Blois at that time in Normandie, found him|selfe greeued, that Stephan the yoonger brother had vsurped the lands that belonged to their vncle king Henrie, rather than himselfe, Stephan to stop this iust complaint of his brother, and to allaie his mood, agréed with him,K. Stephan agreeth with the earle of Aniou. couenanting to paie him yearelie two thousand marks of such currant monie as was then in vse. Furthermore, wheras Geffrey the earle of Aniou demanded in right of his wife the empresse the whole kingdome of England, to be at an end with him, king Stephan was contented to satisfie him with a yearelie pension of fiue thousand marks, which composition he willinglie receiued.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Thus when he had prouided for the suertie of Nor|mandie, Polydor. he returned againe into England, where he was no sooner arriued, but aduertisement was gi|uen him of a warre newlie beg [...]n with the Scots, whose king vnder a colour of obseruing the oth to the empresse,The Scots inuade the English bor|ders. made dailie insurrections and inua|sions into England, to the great disturbance of king Stephan and the annoiance of his people. Wherwith being somewhat mooued, he went streightwaies to|ward the north parts, and determined first to besiege Bedford by the waie, which apperteined to the earle|dome of Huntington, by gift made vnto Henrie the sonne of king Dauid, and therevpon at that present kept with a garison of Scotish men.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This place did the king besiege by the space of 30. daies togither, Simon Dun. giuing thereto euerie daie an assault or alarme, in somuch that cõming thither on Christ|masse daie, he spared not on the morow to assaile them, and so at length wan the towne from them by méere force and strength. Anno Reg. 3. 1138 King Dauid hearing those newes, and being alreadie in armour in the field, en|tred into Northumberland,King Dauid inuaded Nor|thumberland. Matth. West. Polydor. Matt. Paris. Simon Dun. and licensed his men of warre to spoile and rob the countrie thereabout at their pleasure. Herevpon followed such crueltie, that their rage stretched vnto old and yoong, vnto preest and clearke, yea women with child escaped not their hands, they hanged, headed, and slue all that came in their waie: houses were burnt, cattell driuen awaie, and all put to fire and sword that serued to any vse for reléefe, either of man or beast.

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