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Compare 1577 edition: 1 6 That such as contemptuouslie kept still their wiues, and presumed to say masse, if being called to satisfaction, they should neglect it, they should then be excommunicated.Archdeacons and canons. Within compasse of which sen|tence all archdeacons and prebendarie canons were comprised, both touching the forgoing of their wo|men, and auoiding of their companie, and also the punishment by the censures of the church, if they transgressed the ordinance.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 7 That euerie archdeacon should be sworne, not to take any monie for fauouring any person trans|gressing these statutes: and that they should not suf|fer any preests, whome they knew to haue wiues,Archdeacons to be sworne. ei|ther to say masse, or to haue any vicars. The like oth should a deane receiue. Prouided that such archdea|cons or deanes as refused this oth, should be depriued of their roomes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 8 That préests, who leauing their wiues, would be content to serue God & the altar, should be suspended from that office, by the space of fortie daies, and be allowed to haue vicars in the meane time to serue for them: and after, vpon performance of their in|ioined penance by the bishop, they might returne to their function.Penance.

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