Compare 1577 edition: 1 3 That neither the same wines should come to their houses, nor they to the houses where their wiues dwelled: but if they had any thing to say to them, they should take two or thrée witnesses, and talke with them abroad in the street.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 4 That if any of them chanced to be accused of breaking this ordinance, he should be driuen to purge himselfe with six sufficient witnesses of his owne or|der, if he were a préest: if a deacon, with foure: and if a subdeacon, with two.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 5 That such preests as would forgo seruing at the altar, and holie order (to remaine with their wiues) should be depriued of their benefices, and not suffered to come within the quire.