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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Wherefore at their comming home, and after long debating and discussing of the cause (as in William Marleburgh it appeareth more at large) at a synod holden at Windsor, Anno Reg. 6. 1072 in the yeare 1072. sentence was giuen on Lanfranks side, so that in all things con|cerning religion and the faith of holie church, Matth. We [...]t. The subiecti|on of the arch|bishoprike of Yorke, to the archbishop|rike of Can|turburie. the archbishop of Yorke should be euer subiect to the archbishop of Canturburie, and come with all the bi|shops of his prouince to what place soeuer the arch|bishop of Canturburie should summon any councell within the realme of England. Moreouer, when anie elected bishop of Canturburie was to be consecra|ted, the archbishop of Yorke (for the time being) should come to Canturburie, and consecrate him there. And if the archbishop of Yorke was to be in|stalled and consecrated, then should he come to Can|turburie, or to what place it should please the archbi|shop of Canturburie to assigne, and there to be con|firmed of him, taking an oth with profession of due obedience vnto the higher see. Now, Polydor. The archbi|shop of Yorke, acknowleged primate of all Scotland. as the said Tho|mas of Yorke did yéeld obedience to Lanfranke of Canturburie, so likewise the elect bishop of Glas|cow in Scotland named Michaell, was soone after consecrated of the foresaid Thomas archbishop of Yorke, and made an oth of obedience vnto the said archbishop, as to the primate of all Scotland: and after him Tothade the bishop of S. Andrewes did the like, by commandement of Malcolme the third of that name king of Scotland, and Margaret his wife, who thought good by this recognisance of obedi|ence and dutie, so to prouide against further incon|uenience to come, that hereafter, one of the bishops of their realme should not take vpon them to conse|crate an other: or doo any thing contrarie to the an|cient decrées of the old fathers, that might be preiu|diciall to the authoritie of the archbishop of Yorke, at whose appointment those and the like things were accustomed to be doone. Ranulph. Ce|stren. lib. 1. cap. 57. & lib. 7. cap. 2. In this controuersie (or the like) it is left written, that in a court held at Rome (the time is not mentioned) the pope perceiuing the strife betwéene these two prelats to be but for the hi|ghest place or primasie in the church; he solemnelie gaue sentence by decree, that the sée of Yorke should haue in title Primas Angliae, & Canturburie Primas totius Angliae, which titles doo yet remain to them both.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But to leaue this, and to speake of other things which chanced in the meane time that this contro|uersie depended betwixt the two archbishops, I find that Edwin and Marchar earles of Mertia and Nor|thumberland, hauing of late obteined pardon for their former misdemeanor, & reconciled to the king, began now so much to mislike the state of the world againe, as euer they did before. For perceiuing how the Englishmen were still oppressed with thraldome & miserie on ech hand, they conspired, & began a new rebellion, but with verie ill successe, as shall herafter appeare. The king vnderstanding of their dealings, Matt. Paris. and being not onelie armed throughlie with tempo|rall force, but also endued with the spirituall power of his archbishop Lanfranke (who aided him in all that he might, for the suppressing of those rebels) wa|sted the countries excéedinglie, where he vnderstood that they had gotten anie releefe, minding vtterlie to vanquish them with sword, fire, and hunger, or by ex|treame penurie to bring them vnder. They on the o|ther part make as stout resistance; and perceiuing that it stood them vpon, either to vanquish or to fall into vtter ruine, they raise a mightie strong host, and make Edgar Etheling their capteine, a comelie gentleman and a valiant, in whome also the whole hope of the English nation was reposed, as appea|reth by this his accustomed by-word, Edgar Etheling Englands dearling. Amongst other noble men that were chiefe dooers in the assembling of this armie, Frederike abbat of S. Albons, a prelate of great wealth and no lesse puissance, was a principall.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king perceiuing his estate to be now in no EEBO page image 10 small danger, is in a great perplexitie what to doo, in the end, he counselleth with the said Lanfranke arch|bishop of Canturburie, how he might remedie the matter; who told him that in such a desperate case, the best waie for him should be to séeke by faire words and friendly offers to pacifie the English No|bilitie, which by all meanes possible would neuer ceasse to molest him in the recouerie of their liber|ties. Wherevpon he made meanes to come to some agréement with them, and so well the matter procée|ded on his side, that the Englishmen being deceiued through his faire promises, were contented to com|mon of peace, for which purpose they came also vn|der the conduct of the abbat Frederike vnto Ber|kamsted, where (after much reasoning and debating of the matter for the conclusion of amitie betwixt them) king William in the presence of the archbishop Lanfranke and other of his lords, tooke a personall oth vpon all the relikes of the church of S. Albons, and the holie euangelists (the abbat Frederike mini|string the same vnto him) that he would from thence|foorth obserue and keepe the good and ancient approo|ued lawes of the realme, which the noble kings of England his predecessors had made and ordeined heretofore; but namelie those of S. Edward, which were supposed to be most equall and indifferent.

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