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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Now, bicause it cannot hurt to take great héed, and to be verie warie in such cases, they agréed before hand, that when the duke was come, and the passages on euerie side stopped, to the end he should no waie be able to escape, euerie one of them, as well horssemen as footmen should beare boughes in their hands. The next daie after, when the duke was come into the fields and territories néere vnto Swanescombe, and saw all the countrie set and placed about him, as it had beene a stirring and moouing wood, and that with a meane pace they approched and drew neare vnto him, with great discomfort of mind he woondered at that sight. And assoone as the capteins of the Kentish|men sawe that duke William was inclosed in the middest of their armie, they caused their trumpets to be sounded, their banners to be displaied, and threw downe their boughes, & with their bowes bent, their swords drawne, and their speares and other kind of weapons stretched foorth, they shewed themselues rea|die to fight. Duke William and they that were with him stood (as no maruell it was) sore astonied, and a|mazed: so that he which thought he had alreadie all England fast in his fist, did now despaire of his owne life. Therefore on the behalfe of the Kentishmen, were sent vnto duke William the archbishop Stigand, and Egelsin abbat of S. Augustines, who told him their message in this sort.

Compare 1577 edition: 1

My lord duke, behold the people of Kent come forth to méet you, and to receiue you as their liege lord, re|quiring at your hands the things which perteine to peace, and that vnder this condition; that all the peo|ple of Kent enioy for euer their ancient liberties, and may for euermore vse the lawes and customes of the countrie othe [...]wise they are readie presentlie to bid battell to you, and them that be with you and are min|ded rather to die here altogither, than to depart from [...]he law [...]s and customes of their countrie, and to sub|mit themsel [...]s to bondage, [...]hereof as yet they ne|uer had experie [...]ce.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The duke sé [...]ing himselfe to be driuen to such an exigent & [...]a [...]row pinch, consulted a while with them that came with him, prudentlie considering, that if he should take anie repulse or displeasure at the hands of this people, whi [...]h [...]e [...] [...]ey of England, all that he had done before [...] disanulled and made of none effect, and all his hope and safetie should stand in danger and ieopardie: not so willinglie as wiselie he granted the people of Kent their request. Now when the couenant was established, and pledges giuen on both sides: the Kentishmen being ioyfull, conducted the Normans (who also were glad) vnto Rochester, and yéelded vp to the duke the earledome of Kent, and the noble castell of Douer.The ancient liberties and lawes of En|gland remaine in Kent onlie. Thus the ancient liberties of England, and the lawes and customes of the coun|trie, which before the comming of duke William out of Normandie, were equallie kept throughout all England, doo (through this industrie and earnest tra|uell of the archbishop Stigand and Egelsin abbat of S. Augustines) remaine inuiolablie obserued vntill this daie within that countie of Kent. ¶ Thus far Thomas Spot, Wil. Thorn [...]. and after him William Thorne writeth the same. Of the which the former (that is Spot) liued in the daies of king Edward the first, and William Thorne in the daies of king Richard the second.

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