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Back Matter: Section 4 of
5: The fourth table seruing for the description and historie of Scotland; conteining iust directions to
memorable obseruations both of names and matters: gathered by Abraham Fleming.
The first number noteth the page, the second the line, a the first columne, b the
Snippet: 5 of 22 (1587, Volume 5, p. 750) E.
- EClipse of the s [...]nne terrible, 265 a 40
- Edelfred king of Northumber|land, 109, a 40. Lost one of his eies, 109, b 60. His dis|pleasure, 110, b 60. He is slaine, 111, b 20
- Edenburgh recouered to the go|uernour, 332, a 10. The pro|uost sendeth to the erle of He|reford, 334, b 20. Entred by force, 334, b 50. Burnt, 334, b 60. Deliuered to the lord of Erskine, 357, a 10. Kept by the lard of Grange against the regent, 402, b 20. Edenburgh m [...]ls broken, 410, a 10. The castell taken by the regent and the English, 412, a 20. Whie cal|led the Maiden castell, 414, a 10. The names and building there|of, 414, a 10. The whole towne in a tumult 308, a 30. The castell, or the castell of Maidens left of the Picts, 132, a 60 Besieged, 310, a 50. Forti|fied by the earle of Angus, 313, a 10. A session there in|stitu [...]ed. 317, b 50. Besieged, 282, b 30. The prouost and the ba [...]liffes thereof deposed, 307, b 20. It and Striueling ca|stels woone by the English, 208, a 60. ¶ Sée Agneda tou|ching the name.
- Ederus king of Scots burneth his [...]nimies ships, 43, b 30, 50 Deceaseth, 44, b 60
- Edgar crowned, 181, a 40. His vision, 20. The first annoin|ted king of Scots, 50. Ra|ther reuerenced than dreaded, his death, 181, b 20
- EEBO page image 751 Edgar Etheling of treason, 180, b 10
- Edmund Ironside. ¶ Sée Canute.
- Ednam burnt, 363, a 60
- Edrington taken prisoner, 363, a 30
- Edward of Carnaruan K. of En|gland commeth into Scotland, 216, a 40. Taketh vp souldiors, b 50. Out of what countries he had aid, 60. His promise, 217, a 20. Thinketh himselfe sure of victorie 40. His exhortation to his armie, 218, b 10. Entreth Scotland, put to flight, 221, a 40 50. He is deposed, b 60. Sendeth a nauie into Scotland, 227, b 40 Escapeth the hands of the Scots: note, 219, b 40
- Edward Longshanke meaneth to make some conquest of Scot|land, 204, b 10. Dieth, his cru|eltie, 215, b 50, 60
- Edward king inuadeth Scotland, 210, a 50. Commeth to Berwike, he hath homage doone to him, 206 b 10, 50. Burdened with crueltie & tyrannie by the Scotish wri|ters, 208, b 60. His great prepa|ration to inuade the Scots, 212, a 30. Maketh peace with the Danes, 159, b 40. Sendeth am|bassadors into Scotland about the election of a new prince, 157, a 10
- Edward the third crowned king of England, 225, a 10. Inuadeth the Scots by land, 235, b 60 Had two kings prisoners at once, and how he sat at the table with them, 243, b 10. Purposeth to subdue the Scots. 232, a 20 Enuieth the felicitie of the Scots, 229, a 20. His purpose to destroie erle Thomas: note, a, 40 In armes against the Scots, 225, b 10. Breaketh vp his campe, 226, b 10
- Edward prince of Scotland decea|seth, 179, b 60
- Edwin a right christian prince, 111, b 30 Slaine, 113, a 20
- Eganus murthereth his brother, 125, b 30. Liueth in feare, 40 Strangled of his quéene: note, 50
- Egeldred chased into Northum|berland, getteth aid from the Scots, 162, b 60. The battell be|twixt him and Sweno, escapeth by flight, 163, a 10, 20, &c.
- Egfred king of Northumberland, his answer to an ambassage tou|ching restitution, 115, b 10, 40 Slaine, 116, a 10, 60
- Eglenton erle committed to ward, 401, b 50
- Elgarine yéelded forts vnto the Danes, 148, a 40. Taken priso|ner, a 60. Drawne in péeces, b 10
- Ella. ¶ Sée Osbert.
- Eltham slaine by his brother, 237, a 40
- Emperor commeth into England, 308, a 40
- Emulation. ¶ Sée Strife.
- England diuided betwixt Canute & Edmund Ironside, 169, b 40 Frenchmen & Scots banished from thense, 308, a 40. Inuaded, & diuerse places burnt & wasted, 224, a 10, &c. The names of the kings thereof mistaken in Sco|tish writers, 147, b 30. An armie of Frenchmen and Scots enter into it, 248, a 10. Diuided into seuen seuerall kingdoms, 109, a 30. ¶ Sée Cumberland. Dissention, and Northumber|land.
- Englishmen and Britons ioine their powers with the Picts, 134, b 60, Inuade Northumber|land, 183, b 40. Fled into Scot|land, 177, b 20. Inuade Lou|thian, 135, b 10. Manie of them drowned, 40. Slandered of the Scots, 310, b 60. Thir|tie thousand horssemen ouer|throwne in trenches, 219, a 40 Discomfited, 221, b 60. Aland at Leith, 334, b 10. The order of their armie, 340, a 60. Their fléet, 341, b 10. Their capteins taken, 342, a 20. Their horsse|men beaten backe, 343, a 30 They returne home, 343, b 40 Horsmen ouerthrowne, 347, a 20. Repelled at S. Mannets, 347, b 40. Put to the woorst at a skirmish néere Hadington, 348, a 20. Make a rode in|to Scotland, 362, b 40. Put the Scots to flight at Halt|wel Sweire, 363, b 50. Burne the Ile of Arrane, 364, a 60 Desirous to reuenge the in|iuries doone vnto them, 56 Inclosed in a cellar to kill K. Robert Bruse, 220, b 40. Put to flight by the Danes, 163, a 10. Their miserie vnder the bondage of the Danes, 163, a 50, 60, b 10, &c. Their crueltie, 208, a 10. Their armie passe through Scotland from the south parts to the north, 212, a 40. They & Danes fall out & fight, 147, a 20. Their harts begin to faint, put to flight, 219, b 30. Chased & loose whole countries, 241, b 60. Intrap|ped, put to flight, taken priso|ners, 242, a 60. Inuade the Scotish borders, slaine and drowned, 246, b 20, 30. Dis|comfited in Fife, 247, b 30 Their offer to haue Scots ioine with them in league, 265 a 60. Make war vpon the Scots, and whie, 322, b 40 Fetch a bootie out of Scot|land, 298, a 10. Their cruell dealing towards the Scots, 259, b 40. Their policie, 233, a 10, &c. They lie in wait for the Scotish fléet, incounter a fléet of Spaniards, 266, a 30, 40 Foiled & slame by the Scots, 273, a 60. Fetch booties out of Scotland, 272, b 40. Inuaded Scotland, 60. Thanke God for victorie against Iames the fift, 301, a 30. Inuaded Scotland, discomfited, 311, b 40, 50. ¶ Sée Britons.
- Enuerloch builded, 43, a 50
- Enuernesse builded, 43, a 60 ¶ Sée Inuernesse.
- Enuie & spite causing murder, 246, b 60. At others honor, 274 a 20. ¶ Sée Hatred.
- Eptake citie woone by the Ro|mans, 54, a 20. Taken & bur|ned by Uoadicia, 54, b 10
- Erle of Angus commeth into England, 312, a 40. His re|quest, 312, b 60. Feareth the sentence of forfalture, bani|shed, 307, b 40 He & the quéene his wife at mutuall hatred, 306, b 20. He and others recei|ued into fauor, 304, b 30
- Erle of Arrane in the kings displeasure, 280, b 40. Licute|nant to Iames the fourth, 291, a 40. Reuolteth from the gouernor, 304, a 50. He & An|gus at dissention, 306, b 60 Stealeth away, 304, a 10. De|clareth to the gouernour the minds of the lords, 308, b 40
- Erle of Atholl gouernour of the Ballioll in Scotland, 234, b 60, Flieth into the moun|teins, submitteth himselfe, 235, a 60. Slaine, 236, b 10
- Erle of Crawford vpon submis|sion pardoned, deceaseth, 275, b 10, 20. In exile, 246, b 60. His pardon begged, 247, a 10
- Erle of Cumberland heire ap|parant to the king of Scots, 146, a 10. Of Hereford inua|deth Scotland, 338, b 40. Of Huntleie hath lands giuen him, 275, a 40. Of Leneux in ward, 305, a 30. ¶ Sée Lene|ux. Ot Mar slaine in his bed, 230, b 50, 60, Of Mentith poisoned, 198, a 50. Of Mur|reie &c, elected gouernor, 235, b 10. Taken prisoner, 236, a 50 Sent into France, 232, a 30 ¶ Sée Murreie. Returneth out of France, 235, a 40. Of Namure commeth into En|gland with an armie, 235, b 60 Of Northumberland made lord warden of the whole marches, 309, b 10. Lieute|nant of the north, 241, a 30. Of Ormont generall of the Sco|tish armie, 272, b 60. Exhor|teth his people, 273, a 20. Ui|ctorious, 273, b 10. Taken prisoner and beheaded, 176, a 40, 50. Of Rutland generall of the English forces in Scotland, 351, a 40. ¶ Sée Rutland. Of Salisburie, ex|changed for the erle of Mur|reie, 240, a 10. Of Shrews|burie inuadeth Scotland, 308, a 40. Of Surreie sent into the north, 289, b 30 Lieutenant vnto Henrie the right in Scotland, 299, b 50. Inuadeth Scotland 309, b 60 with an armie of 40000 men, 311, a 60. Made warden ge|nerall, 309, b 10. Of Sussex entreth into Scotland, 364, a 40. Of Sowtherland. ¶ Sée Sowtherland.
- Erle Cochram of Mar and o|thers hanged, 283, a 60, b 10. Dauid of Huntington, 189, a 50. 191, b 20. Entreth the citie of Acon, 50. Taken prisoner, redéemed, 192, a 10. Deceaseth 195, a 40. Dowglasse. ¶ Sée Dowglas. Duncane Stew|ard of Lencux beheaded, 262, b 40. ¶ Sée Leneux. Randall gouernour of Scotland, 228, b 10. Richard of Glocester, 178, a 10. Thomas the gouer|nour poisoned, 228, b 20
- Erles of Bothwell, 250, a 60. ¶ Sée Bothwell.
- Erledome of Rosse, giuen vnto william Rosse, aliàs Lesle, 202, b 40. Transferred to the Stewards, 257, a 40
- Ersilton a prophesier or runer, 203, a 60
- Erthquake 292, b 40. Terrible, 192, b 60
- Erthus the sonne of Ethodus begot Ferguse, 81, a 20
- Ester, strife about the celebra|ting of it, 113, b 50
- Etauges taken prisoner, 349, b 10
- Ethelbert baptised, 110, b 60
- Etheldred with [...]s two sonnes Alured & Edward, 169, b 50
- Ethfine king of Scots a peace|able prince, deceaseth, 118, a 10, &c.
- Ethodus king of Scots re|quireth restitution of his sub|iects goods, exhorteth the K. of Picts to war against the Romans, 64, a 10, &c. Sore wounded, & committed to the cure of surgeons, 78, a 60. Confined into Denmarke, 79, a 60. Brother to Eugeni|us interteined in Denmarke, 81, a 10. Ouerthroweth the Picts, 77, b 60. Uisiteth his countrie to sée iustice main|tained, giueth himself to hun|ting, murthered by a musici|an, 66, a 20, &c.
- Ethodus the second, king of Scots couetous, slaine of his own seruants, 68, a 30. ¶ See Eugenius.
- Ethus king of Scots saued by flight, 139, b 10, &c. Surna|med Lightfoot, 140, a 10, Neglected oportunitie, con|spired against, 20. Arrested with his fauourers, 30
- Etius lieutenant of the Ro|mans in Gallia, 85, a 60. Re|fuseth to aid the Romans, 87, b 10
- Euan a conspirator disquieteth the K. and realme, 137, b 10. Lieutenant of D [...]stafage, 20. He is executed, 137, b 40
- Euers Rafe knight, inuadeth Scotland, 336, b 60. Defaceth the monuments of the Dow|glasses, 337, a 10. Slaine, 337, a 60. His seruice against the Scots, 337, b 10
- Eugenius and Ethodus the sonnes of Fincomarke, 74, [...] 60. Conueied into the Ile of Man, b 40
- Eugenius king of Scots, 86, a 40 Dieth, 90, b 20
- Eugenius inuested K. of Scots suspected of his predecessors death. 104, b 40, &c.
- Eugenius rewardeth his sol|diors, 106, b 10. Inuested K. in arms against the Britons 76, a 60, b 10, &c. Discomfited, 77, a 10. Breaketh vp his campe, 20. Prepareth an ar|mie to defend his countrie, 60. Comforteth his people, b 10. Slaine, 78, a 10
- Eugenius his humanitie to his people, 105, a 10. Agréeable to the Picts requests, b 60. A ra|nisher, 107, b 60. Gouerneth his people with clemencie, 107, a 10. Deceaseth, 60
- Eugenius the fourth, king of Scots a louer of peace & qui|etnesse, a sharpe iusticer, 111, [...] 50, 60
- Eugenius the fift K. of Scots, his commandement, gathe|reth an armie, 115, b 10, &c. 50. Dieth 116, a 60
- Eugenius the sixt K. of Scots 116, a 60. Deceaseth, b 10
- Eugenius the seuenth king of Scots crowned, suspected of murther, causeth his ance|stors histories to be written, 117, a 10, &c. Deceaseth, b 10
- Eugenius the eighth inuested king of Scots, peruerted with sensuall lust, murthered, 118, a 60, b 10, 40. ¶ Sée Mor|dred.
- Ewin chosen king of Scots, 41, a 40
- Ewin the second, chosen king, 42, b 60. Resigneth the state, his decease, 43, b 10, 20
- Ewin the third, king of Scots of that name licentious, 44, b 60. Pursued & forsaken of his subiects, condemned to perpe|tuall prison, strangled, 45, a 40
- Ewin his lawes abrogated or rather altered, 179, b 10
- Excõmunication how to be vsed 390, b 60. Of a king, 114, a 20
- Execution with seueritie, 196, a 40. without respit, 223, a 60: note, 240, b 60