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  • DAcres lord Warden of the West marches of England, 309, a 60
  • Daisie the concubine of Iames the third, 283, a 60
  • Dales their names changed, 131, b 10
  • Danes shot quarels and threw darts, 139, a 60, Their cruel|tie in such places where they came, b 40, &c. Prepare to bat|tell, 141, a 10. Their chéefe ge|nerall, 50. Fled to their camp, 40. Their apparell, weapons, and proportion of bodie, take flight, 138, b 10, 20. The cause that made them arrere warre against England and Scot|land, 137, b 10. They vse great crueltie, 138, a 10. Séeke to reuenge old losses, 154, a 50, 60 Consult to go into England, to saile into Kent, land at Montrosse, come to the riuer of Taie, b 10, &c. Forsake the fields, 155, b 30. Procure war against England, 148, a 30 Breakers of saith and pro|mise, 164, a 20, b 50. Their crueltie, 164, a 10. Their bones séene in diuerse places, 166, b 10. Slaine néere vnto Gemiuer, b 50. Put to flight, 165, b 10. Slaine at Abirlem|non, 166, a 60. Their crueltie, 165, b 50. Their bones of great bignesse, 167, b 10. Put to flight by the Scots, 148, b 60. To be baptised, 145, a 60 Discomfited b 60. Conceiue hope of good successe, 60. Uan|quished and buried in saint Colmes church, 170, b 40. O|uercome with drinke fall a|sléepe, 170, a 50. Slaughte|red, 170, a 60. They and the Norwegians come to aid the Scots and Picts, 57, b 20. They and the Picts ioine themselues togither, fled into Northumberland, their nobi|litie slaine at Berwike, 140, b 60. The order of placing their armie, 139, a 10. They and the Norwegians chased by the Scots, 200, b 10. ¶ Sée Acho, Englishmen, Scots.
  • Dansing, 203, b 60. ¶ Sée woon|der.
  • Darcie sir Anthonie knight, 291, b 20
  • Darcie sir Arthur knight sent to the borders, 318, b 10
  • Dardan king of Scots, 53, a 10 Falleth into all kind of vices, beheaded, 53, a 40, 50
  • Dauid king his liberalitie, in|uadeth Northumberland, 240 a 20. The borders of Eng|land, 40, 60, With a great ar|mie, b 60. His valiance, taken by Iohn Copland, 241, b 10, 20. Deceaseth after he had re|pented him of his mariage, 244, a 60, b 60
  • Dauid king conueied ouer into France, 231, a 50. The north parts of Scotland obeie him, 236, b 50. Returneth to Scot|land, 239, b 30
  • Dauid the fierce and the first of that name king of Scotland, 182, b 60. His care for the poore, 60. A builder of ab|beies, 183, a 10. Inuadeth Northumberland, 184, a 10. Mortified from the world, his oration to his nobles, te|stifieng how patientlie hée tooke the death of his sonne: note, 184, a 60, b 10, &c. His ex|hortation to his nobles, his departure out of this life, 185, a 50, 60
  • Dauid Fauconer slaine, 316, b 50
  • Dauid Richio the quéenes se|cretarie slaine, 382, b 50
  • Déed of gift after the old forme and fashion, 248, a 60
  • Deglaston battell, 110, a 10
  • De [...]ra wasted by fire and sword, 123, b [...]
  • Denmarke and Scotland in a|mitie, 266, a 10. Munition for warre sent from thense, 295, a 60. The king thereof com|meth into Scotland, restored vnto his kingdome, 291, a 30
  • Derth great, 198, b 30. Ex|treme and lamentable: note, 239, [...] 40. Excéeding, & after that a plentie, 192, b 20
  • Derth and famine extreme, 216, a 50, And how helped, 209, b 40
  • Derth and deth, 185, b 30 237, b 60, 238, a 10. By pestilence, 268, b 60
  • Desire. ¶ Sée Bruse.
  • Desiée monsieur [...]ieth from Iedworth, 350, a 40. Retur|neth into France, 351, a 10
  • Deth of kings, 259, b 40, 50. Of noblemen, 276, b 10. Of great personages, 292, b 10, &c.
  • Deth sudden, 36, a 30
  • Diana honored of the Scots, the goddesse of hunting, 36 b 10
  • Diet superfluous and excessiue restreined: note, 137, a 50, 60 Fine cookerie banished, 63, b 60. Delicat spoken against, redressed, and when baked meat began in Scotland, 264 b 20, &c. 60. ¶ Sée Surfet|ting.
  • Dinnune burned, 336, a 30
  • Dioclesian persecuter of the Christians, 73, a 10
  • Dionethus reputed for the se|cond person in the realme, 86, a 30. Ioineth with the Scots against the Romans, procla|med king of Britaine, esca|peth slaughter, 85, a 20, b 60, &c.
  • Discord amongest a companie harteneth the enimie, 59, a 60. ¶ Sée Contention and Dis|sention.
  • Disloialtie, 223, b 60. ¶ S [...] Disobedience.
  • Disobedience in the Dow|glasse, 268, a 50. Punished, 209, b 50
  • Dispensation from Rome, to marrie with the lord Derne|leie, 381, a 50
  • Dissention betwéene the earle Morton and the lord of Iohnstone, 436, b 40. Amon|gest the nobilitie, 423, a 50. Betwéene the pope and king Iohn, 193, b 50. In England, 277, b 30. A pre|sent destroier, 32, a 50. ¶ S [...] Contention, Nobles.
  • Dissimulation and deliting in lies, 175, a 60. Craftie & clo|ked, 40, b 40, 60
  • Diuorse betwéene the queene and the earle of Angus, 313, b 18
  • Dobegnie lord dieth, 292, b 10
  • Dogs of Scotland commended 71, a 60
  • Dolphin of France maintei|neth warre against the Eng|lish, 258, b 20. Marieth Mar|garet daughter to K. Iames, 266, a 20
  • Domitian the emperour enui|eth the prosperous successe of Agricola, 59, a 60
  • Donald Bane vsurper of the crowne, fled into the Iles, re|stored to the crowne, 180, a 50, &c. b 50. Studious to main|teine his subiects in peace, conuerted to the christian EEBO page image 750 beléefe 67, b 60, He dieth, 68, a 30
  • Donald brother to Findocke king of Scots, 70, a 60 Dieth a 30
  • Donald Ballocht inuadeth Lochquhaber, 263, b 20 Fli|eth, his head sent as a present to the K. three hundred of his complices hanged, 263, b 30
  • Donald discomfited, chased, ta|ken, dieth in prison, 181, a 10 20, &c.
  • Donald apprehended and put to death with his complices, 118 a 60
  • Donald of the Iles mainteineth robbers, 118, a 30. Rebelleth, 257, a 10, Flieth, b 10, Sub|mitteth himselfe, 20, 279 a 50, Becommeth mad, 60, Slaine by a minstrell, 260,
  • Donald of the Iles inuadeth Scotland, 70 a 60 Suddenlie setteth vpon the enimies b 10 Taketh vpon him as king, & is murthered, 40, 60
  • Donald king of Scots studieth to reduce his subiects to ciui|litic, promiseth to aid Ful|gentius, 66, b 50, 60. Offereth to yéeld himselfe vpon certein conditions, but is not recei|ued, 69 b 60, Deuiseth how to murther king Findocke, 70, a 10. Resisteth Gormond, 145 a 20, His death, b 10
  • Donald the fourth K. of Scots, of dissolute behauiour, admo|nished of his nobles, 134, b 20 30: &c. He with the noblemen are sent home againe, 136, b 10. Taken with the nobilitie, 135, a 60. Fal [...]eth to his old vices againe, laid in prison 136, b 60, He killeth himselfe, 137, a 10
  • Donald the fift king of Scots, a good iusticer, and religious, 144, b 60. ¶ Sée Conspira|cie.
  • Dongall made king of Scots. his politike rule, 92, a 30. A seuere punisher of malefac|tors, raiseth an armie against rebels, 125, a 50, 60, b 10
  • Dongall his displeasure with the Picts answer, 126, a 40 His good counsell, 91, b 60
  • Dongard king of Scots, his acts and déeds, his vertues, 90, b 30. Slaine, 91, a 50, b 10
  • Donwald king of Scots, 113, a 20, Drowned, b 20. His pe|tition for rebels reiected, hee conceiueth hatred against the king, is counselled to kill him, 150, a 40: &c, Committeth the fact, b 10: &c, A verie dissem|bler, 60. Taketh his flight, 151, a 50. Taken prisoner, ex|ecuted, b 20, &c.
  • Doorus writeth vnto certeine Scotish lords to mooue them to rebellion, 69 a 20, His fa|uourers put [...]o death, 30
  • Doruadill king of Scots, a louer of peace and delighted in hunting, 36, b 30
  • Dowager sued vnto by the go|uernour, 344, b 10. She pro|miseth aid out of France, 344, b 20. Saileth to France 352, b 60. She commeth vn|to the English court, 354, a 60. She séeketh to be gouer|nour, 355, b 60. Made gouer|nour by parlement, 357, a 10 Hir oration to the nobls, 373, b 40. Sée Marie & Quéene.
  • Dowglasse Anthonie taken prisoner, 254, b 60, Infortu|nate in battell, 255, a 10, 20 Gouernour elected, 232, a 60 In armes against Edward the third, 232 b 50. Bam|shed, 317, b 10. Arrested and put in prison, 264, a 40. In|uadeth England, 254, a 50 Prisoner, 243, a 60.
  • Dowglasse earle Iames decca|seth, 250, a 30
  • Dowglasse Iames, his vali|antnesse against the Turks, landeth in Spaine, slaine by the Saracens, how oft he had gotten the victorie, 228, a 40 &c.
  • Dowglasse Ione conuict of tre|son, 320, a 50
  • Dowglasse Margaret hir birth, life, death and buriall, 414, b 40, 415, a 10
  • Dowglasse William of Liddes|dale prisoner, 232, a 20 Ran|somed, 235, a 60. Created earle of Dowglasse, 240, b 40. Claimeth the crowne, 245, a 30. Honoured for his prowesse, 248, b 10. Chosen admerall by the lords of Prutzen, he is slaine, 252, a 20
  • Dowglasse earle sent vnto an abbie, 284, b 30. Goeth into Italie, 273, b 20. And into England without licence of the king of Scots, 60. Su|eth for pardon, 274, a 10. En|uieth those that beare rule a|bout the king, 20. His great port, 268, b 50. Made duke of Touraine, 260, a 60. His va|liantnesse, 249, a 10, &c. b 4 [...], 50, 60. Deccaseth, 247, b 30
  • Dowglasse earle marrieth his brothers wife, 275, b 10. His companie shrinketh from him 276, a 20, He withdraweth into England, he is discom|fited, 276, a 40. Answereth the K. of Scots ouerthwart|lie, and is slaine, 274, b 30
  • Dowglasses forfalted or attein|ted at parlement, 275, b 20, 30. Of puissance and authoritie: note, 276, b 40, 50. Whie they beare the bloudie hart, 227, b 50. How they came by the earledome of Murreie, 245, b 10. A name beloued of the people, 274, b 20. They beare all the swinge and swaie, 271, a 30, b 30. Of great aliance: note, 274, b 10. Their rising to honour, 215, a 40, &c b 30
  • Dowglasdaie giuen in spoile vnto the men of warre, 275, b 50
  • Downe castell yéelded, 401, a 50
  • Downgarg besieged, 143, a 60
  • Downske castell besieged, 115, b 60
  • Draffan castell yéelded, 392, b 60
  • Drownelow sands, 170, b 10
  • Druides and their authoritie, 40, a 50, 60
  • Drumlanrig lord warden of the march, 393, a 40. Wri|teth letters, 344, b 70. Scour|ged by horsemen, 345, a 30. They barrie his countrie, 345, a 30 Pursueth the Eng|lish, 345, a 50. Put to flight, 345, a 60
  • Drusken king of the Picts, 128, a 60. Hastilie inuadeth his enimies, 129, a 40. Com|meth to rescue his people, 129, b 60. Persuadeth vnto peace, 130, a 10. Imbolde|neth his people, 60. Escapeth by flight, 129, b 10. Slaine, 130, b 30
  • Dublin besieged, 143, b 50
  • Duchmen ariue in Scotland, 52, a 50
  • Duffe king of Scots crowned, goeth to the Westerne Iles, purgeth them, 149, a 20. He falleth sicke, a 60. His regard to haue iustice execu|ted, b 10. Restored to health, 150, a 10. Rewardeth his friends, b 10. His seruants cut his throte, his buriall, b 30, 40. His bodie taken vp out of the ground, and ho|nourablie buried, 151, b 20, 50
  • Duke Alexander of Albame taketh the sca, 280, a 30. Re|turneth into Scotland, 307, b 10. Uisiteth the borders, the second person of the realme, 305, a 10, 20. His arriuall in Scotland, 303, a 60. Receiued into Eden|burgh, 60. Blamed, 284, b 40. Confirmed tutor by par|lement, 302, b 20. Flieth to Dunbar, 284, b 10. Com|meth into England, 283, a 40. Rec [...]nciled and recei|ued into his countrie, b 30 Warre denounced against him by an English herald, 307, b 60. Returneth into France, 312, a 30. Goeth ouer into France, his request and vaine brag, hee [...]etur|neth into Scotland 309, b 10, 20, &c. Imprisoned 282, b 20 Escapeth, 30
  • Duke of Chalterault gathereth a power, 400, a 10. He retireth to Glasco, 400, a 30. He besie|geth Glasco, 400, b 10. For|falted, 403, b 30
  • Duke of Lancaster commeth with an armie vnto Eden|burgh, 247, b 20. His disloial|tie, 223, b 60
  • Duke of Leneux hath the earle Moortons lands, 434, a 10. Banished, 434, b 30. ¶ Sée Leneux.
  • Duke Mordo and other péeres arrested, 262, b 10. He and his sonnes are beheaded, 262, b 30
  • Duke of Northfolke and the Scotish lords méete at yorke 393, b 60
  • Duke of Rothsaie and the ladie Anne de la Poole maried, 285, b 50. His insolent out|rage, 253, b 60. Commit|ted to prison, 254, a 20
  • Duke of Summerset entreth Scotland, protector of Eng|land, 341, a 50, b 60. He bur|neth a péece of Leith, 343, b 40. He brideleth the Scots, 345, b 40. A digression con|cerning him, with prophesies touching his rising and fal|ling, 434, b 40, 50
  • Dukes first created in Scot|land, 425, b 50. 252, b 20 Of other countries being Scots their catalog, 428, a 20. None in Scotland nor England, 434, b 30. Their catalog, 426, b 50
  • Dunbar stronglie situated, 402, a 40. Deliuered after the death of Richard the third, 286, b 10. The castell in the Englishmens hands, 285, a 20. Rendered to king Ed|ward, 208, a 30. Rased, 391, a 40
  • Danbar in Angus, and Dun|bar in Louthian, 106, b 30
  • Dunbar fam [...]lie, 131, a 60
  • Dunbreton whie so named: note, How called before, 136, a 10. An|cientlie called [...]iciuth, &c. 56, a 20. Burnt, 262, b 20. The castell taken, 303, a 20. Taken by po|licie, 402, a 10
  • Duncane king of Scotland, of a soft nature, 168, b 10, 20, &c. Be|stirre [...]h himselfe in assembling an armie, 169, b 60. His small skill in warlike affaires, 169, a 10. Fied to the castell of Ber|cha, 170, a 20. His wife whose daughter, his death inforced, and buriall, 171, a 30, 60
  • Duncane the base sonne of Mal|colme crowned king, lacketh skill in ciuill gouernement, he is slaine, 180, b 20, &c.
  • Dundée and whie so named, 192, a 20. Abandoned of the Eng|lish, 348, b 20. Fortified by the French men, 348, b 40. The men craue aid of Fife, 409, b 70
  • Dunkild castell, 108, a 10
  • Dunfermling church builded, 179, b 10
  • Dunse burnt, 362, b 50
  • Dunsman castell builded, 174, a 50
  • Dunstafage builded, 41, b 40
  • Durham abbeie spoiled, 241, a 20 The bishoprike burnt by the Scots, 223, b 40. The church by whom built, 179, a 60
  • Durstus chosen king of Picts, besieged of Romans, brought prisoner to London, 80, b 10, &c.
  • Durstus king of Scots conspired against, 40, b 30. Besieged and flaine, 41, a 10. His two sonnes slaine, 41, b 60
  • Durtie rode, 259, b 60
  • Dusdere set on fire, 346, a 10

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