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  • EArthquake, 63. 2
  • Easterlings traffike mer|chandise in Ireland, 58. 32 They build townes and ci|ties, ibid. 50. What people they are, ibid. 15. 50. ¶ See Danes.
  • Edward the first king of that name writeth his letters vn|to the Irish lords for their seruice into Scotland, 63. 70
  • Edward the second writeth his letters into Ireland for aid a|gainst the Scots. 69. 58, He sendeth thither Peers Gaue|ston, 65. 32. Sendeth his letters for the apprehending of the Templers, 65, 68
  • Eleanor ladie Fitzgirald daugh|ter to the earle of Kildare wi|dow to Mac Cartie Reogh, 98. 2. Married to Odonell, ibid, 20. She succoreth and helpeth Girald hir nephue, 98. 22 Conueieth him to France, ibid. Giueth him one hun|dred and fourtie portigues, ibid. 28
  • Emulation hindereth all good seruices, 35. 30
  • Englishmen reuoked from out of Ireland, 15. 50. Are made bondmen vnto the Irishrie, 15. 31. Are manumised and set at libertie, ibid. They ob|teine a great victorie, 19. 30.
  • English lawes currant through out Ireland, 181, 50. The no|ble men submit themselues to it, ibid. 70
  • English of bloud and English of birth, 71. 35
  • English pale how far it stretch|eth, 10. 30. They repine a|gainst the cesse. 144. 4. True to the crowne, 147. 37. They mislike English burgesses, 120. 10. In great prosperitie, Epistle.
  • Erle of Kildare when he was first created, 37. 10. Serueth honorablie at Calis, 71. 74
  • Eustace sir Rowland treasuror, lord chancellor and lord depu|tie, 79. 7. Founder of the ab|b [...]ie besides Kilcollen, ibid.
  • Eustace sir Rowland vicount Baltinglasse is against the cesse, 149. 53. 145. 48. Com|plaineth against sir Nicholas Bagnoll, ibid. 60. His com|plaints be vntrue, 150. 26
  • Exceter Richard lord iustice of Ireland, 62. 18. Died, 63. 48.
  • Examples which be euill are soone followed, 47. 4 [...]


  • FAtall destinie vpon the gouer|nors of Ireland, 110. 56
  • Faires and markets not to be kept vpon holie daies, 25. 60
  • Faith not to be kept with trai|tors, 93. 45
  • Feare must be tempered with loue, 1. 27
  • Ferand William a valiant man, 12. 10
  • Ferns 4. 40. 20. Builded by Madocke bishop thereof, 54. 12. Burned by the Irish, 70. 73
  • Fidelitie of the English pale, 147, 50
  • Fingall the fertilest soile in Ire|land, 10. 48. Whie so called, ibi. 53. Inhabited onelie by En|glishmen, ibid. Their lan|guage English ibid. Spoiled 91. 65
  • Finglas Allan chiefe baron tooke the castell of Dublin, 91. 7
  • Fitton sir Edward president of Connagh, 13 1. 61. His go|uernment, 132. 17
  • Fitzaldelme William sent into Ireland, 40. 56. Lieutenant to the king, ibid. Taketh all the cities and townes into his gouernment, ibid. 70. Enuieth at Reimond & Fitzstephans, 41. 8. Is greedie and couetous ibid. 20. His hard dealing with Fitzmoris, ibid. 30. 35. Taketh from Reimond his possessions ibid. 60. His de|scription, 42. 27. Is a deepe dissembler, ibid. 34. He was ancestor vnto the Burks in Kent ibid. 57. Is sent for in|to England, 44. 40.
  • Fitzgirald Bartholomew ser|uant to the archbishop of Du|blin, 92. 44. His seruices, ibid. 48. 50
  • Fitzedmunds seneschall of I|mokellie. ¶ See Seneschall.
  • Fitzgeffreie sir Iohn lord iu|stice, 62, 53
  • Fitzgirald Girald of Kildare lord iustice three and thirtie yeares, 82. 16. A dissention be|tweene him and the earle of Ormond ibid 26. He appoin|teth a meeting at saint Pa|triks, ib. 30. They are recon|ciled, ibid. 50. The descripti|on of him, 83. 15. He is accused to the king ibidem. Retur|neth from the king, lord depu|tie. ib. His policies in war. ib. He vanquisheth the Irishrie. ib. 15. Is made knight of the garter, ibid. 18. He deceassed, ibid. 20
  • Fitzgirald Girald sonne to Gi|rald of Kildare is lord depu|tie of Ireland, 83. 53. He gi|ueth his sister in marriage to the earle of Ossorie. ib. 70. He is accused and sent for into England. 84. 30. Is sworne lord deputie. ib. 74. He is ac|cused for diuerse disorders, 85. 12. Is called before the lords of the councell. ibid. 58. EEBO page image 740 The cardinall is against him, ibid. He interrupteth his spee|ches, ibid. 48. He is batled, 86 40. He is of new accused and committed to the Towre, ibidem. 64. A mandatum to execute him, 87, 1. The king countermanded, ibid. 15. He is deliuered out of trou|bles, ib. 24. He returneth home and is honourablie re|ceiued, ib. 28. He serueth vp|on the Otooles. ib. 60. Is made lord deputie, ib. 45. He serueth against O [...]arell and is hurt, i [...]. 68. He is a new ac|cused, 88, 1. He is committed to the Towre, ib. 62. His ad|uersaries who they are, ib. 47. He died for thought, 97, 25. His conditions and qualities, 100, 36
  • Fitzgirald Girald earle of Kil|dare second sonne, aged, thir|teene yeares sa [...]d, 97. 40. He is conucied into France, 98. 34. He serueth the Dolphin, ib. 57. The king his ambassa|dors doo require him, ibid. 60. He commeth to the emperors court, ib. 36. The emperor gi|ueth him a pension of a hun|dred crownes, ib. 47. Cardi|nall Poole sendeth for him to Rome, ib. 55. He is brought vp in learning, 99, 3. He ser|ueth against the Turke, ib. 20. He returneth rich and ser|ueth vnder the duke of Man|tua and Florens, ib. 38. He falleth into a pertilous [...]it, and is recouered by means of a dog, ib. 60. Restored to his carldome, 97. 58. Suspected of conspiracie, 172, 64. Com|mitted toward, ib. 70. Sent to the Towre. ibid. 40. Died, ibidem.
  • Fitzgirald Girald earle of Des|mond, his warres against Ormond. 112. 40. They sub|mit themselues to the queenes order, 114. 60. He is in campe. 116. 40. Suspected to be con|ioined with Onele, ib. 56. He serueth against Onele, ib. 60. He is committed to the castell of Dublin and sent into Eng|land, 117. 58. He breaketh out of prison at Dublin. 136. 45. He commeth to Corke to the lord deputie, 140. 40. He deni|eth the queenes officers to in|termeddle within his palatine, 141. 70. He resisteth the lord president, 142, 38. He complei|neth against the lord president, ib. 29. He is falne out with the earle of Thomond. 144. 40. Denieth to paie cesse. ib. 50. He commeth to Kilkennie and is reconciled to the lord presi|dent, 149. 48. 65. He discoue|reth Iames Fitzmoris his practises. ib. 2. He pretendeth to serue against him, ib. 20. He refuseth to doo it. ib. 70. His cheefest men ioine with Iames Fitzmoris. 156. 20. He commeth to the campe and is committed, 157. 51. He humbleth himselfe and swea|reth sidelitie, ib. 64. His sonne is giuen in pledge, ib. He is sent for and commeth not. 159 30. His deepe dissembling, 160. 20. He is in open rebel|lion, ib. 39. 56. He will not be persuaded to submission, ib. 23. 54. He is proclamed trai|tor, 164. 13. He is in danger to be taken, ib. 10. He [...]eth in an ambush, 165. 13. He giueth an onset vpon the Englishmen, ib. 50. His proud letters to the lord iustice. 166. 26. He sen|deth his wife for peace, 169. 6. Is in danger to be taken, 169. 40
  • Fitzgirald Iames of Desmond putteth Irish impositions of Quinto and such like vpon Englishmen, 78, 54
  • Fitzgirald Iames killeth Ro|bert Talbot. 84. 56. He is sent to London and executed, 97. 18. 70
  • Fitzgirald Iohn the first earle of Kildare. 34, 63.
  • Fitzgirald of L [...]islip lord iu|stice, 85. 20
  • Fitzgirald sir Iohn taketh the archbishop of Dublin, 92. 60 He is carried into England and executed, 97. 10. 20
  • Fitzgirald Eleanor widow to mac Artie Reogh, 98, 2. Is married to Odonell, ib. 17. Hir liberali [...]e to hir nephue Girald, ib. 28
  • Fitzgirald Margaret espoused to the earle of Ormond, 83, 70. Greeued with the mur|ther of Robert Talbot, 84, 56 She languisheth being with child, 84. 10. She is a woman of great wisedome, ibid. She adorneth hir husbands go|uernment. 85. 34
  • Fitzgirald Moris lord iustice of Ireland, 34. 53. The first erle of Kildare ib. 64. A contenti|on betweene the lord Uessie and him, ib. 66. He posteth in|to England, 35. 22. His spee|ches to the king, 32, 28. He chalengeth the combat of Uessie, ib. 63. He is rewar|ded with the gift of Uesseis lands, 37. 6. His eldest sonne baron of Ophalie. ib. 32
  • Fitzgirald Moris promiseth to aid Macmorogh, 4. 5. He and Fitzstephans are promised to haue the gift of the towne of Wexsford, ib. 6. He arriueth at Wexsford, 10. 68. His con|stancie, 11, 2. He accompaneth Macmorogh to Dublin, 11. 20. He commeth to Waterford 14. 21. He is troubled for the distresse of Fitzstephans, 17. 30. His oration, ib. 47. He dis|comfiteth Rotherike king of Conaugh, 19. 10. He saueth Hugh de Lacie from mur|thering, 26. 50. He died and was buried at Wexsford, 41. 25
  • Fitzgirald Moris lord cheefe iustice of Ireland, 62. 5. He aideth the king against the Welshmen. 62. 32
  • Fitzgirald Moris of Desmond drowned between Wales and Ireland, 62, 12
  • Fitzgirald Marie soiorneth and keepeth hir brother Girald Fitzgirald, 97, [...]0
  • Fitzgirald the archtraitor at the Glinnes, 169. 60. A draught made vpon him, 177. 10. His bad practises, ib. He is han|ged, 177. 37
  • Fitzgirald Oliuer partaker to the murthering of the arch|bishop of Dublin, 92. 16. He is carried into England and executed to death, 97. 70
  • Fitzgriffith cheefe of Wales vn|der the king, 3. 47. He con|spireth against the king, ibid. 64. He and Fitzstephans are cousens germane, ib. 6. 9.
  • Fitzroger William, prior of the Templers taken, 62. 37
  • Fitzmoris Iames conspireth against the queene, 130. 5. Be|siegeth Kilkennie, 130. 8. He rebelleth. 133. 16. He seeketh for peace and craueth pardon, 134. 22. 153. 40. 55. He flieth into France, and offereth all Ireland to the French king, 153, 60. His practises are knowne, 146. 50. He seeketh to king Phi [...]ip & to the pope, 154. 2. He hath good inter|teinment ibid. 16. His ac|quaintance with Sanders and Allen, ibid. 21. He is fur|nished with all things neces|sarie, ib 28. He arriueth at S. Marie Weke alias Sme|reweke, ib. 40. The Des|monds and the countrie re|pare vnto hi [...], ib. 3. He per|suadeth the Spaniards to pa|tience, 156. 35. He pretendeth a pilgrimage, ib. 44. He tak|eth a preie and is followed, ib. 65. He persuadeth the Burks to rebellion, 157. 15. He is slaine. ib. 38. His con [...]ions. ib. 50. His head and quarters set vpon the gates and wals of Kilmallocke, ib. 66
  • Fitzmoris Girald erle of Des|mond lord iustice, 72. 64. Slaine by Obren, 73. 10
  • Fitzmoris Thomas earle of Kildare lord iustice, 78. 35.
  • Fitzsimons Patr [...]e put in trust with the cariage, 84, 66. He is accused, ib. 71. The lord lieutenant chargeth the ma|ior for him, ib. 2. Fitzsimons cleereth the matter and an|swereth for himselfe, ibid. 9. The lieutenant asketh him pardon and rewardeth him, ib. 16
  • Fitzsimons Robert maior of Dublin serueth against the Omores, 84. 55. His answer to the bishop of Meth, 87. 71. He vittelleth the castell of Dublin, 92. 35
  • Fitzsimons Thomas recorder of Dublin his oration, 87. 30
  • Fitzsimons Walter bishop of Dublin lord chancellor. 41. 30
  • Fitzstephans Robert constable of Aberteffe, 3. 56. He arri|ueth into Ireland, 4. 60. He landeth at the Banne, ib. He besiegeth Wexsford, 5. 43. He is the knight bypartite, ib. 46. His oration to his souldi|ors, 10. 23. He is besieged in the Carike, 17, 25. He is se|duced and taken by flatterie. 19, 40. The description of him ibid. He is deliuered to the king, 21, 22. He is handlockt, ibid. 35. He is released. ib. 66. They that betraied him are executed to death, ibid. 71. He and Fitzmoris are constables of Dublin, 24. 13. The king|dom of Corke is giuen them, 44. 60. They diuide it be|tweene them, 45. 10. He is shut vp in Corke, ib. 25. His praises, 52, 54
  • Fitzstephans Rafe is traito|rouslie slaine, 0
  • Fitzthomas Girald dieth, 64. 64
  • Fitzthomas and Moris his sonne slaine. 62. 69
  • Fitzthomas Moris erle of Kil|dare is lord deputie, 63. 60
  • Fitzthomas Moris erle of Kil|dare lord iustice by turnes, 72. ib. He hath a yeerelie pension of fiue hundred pounds, ib. 34. Marieth the earle of Ulsters daughter, 66, 27
  • Fitzthomas Moris earle of Desmond is lord iustice for terme of life. 72, 70. He is put in prison, 70. 60. He is taken prisoner, 70. 2. Is set at liber|tie vpon suerties, ib. 20. He putteth in suerties to appeare in England, 72. 4. He died lord iustice, 72, 72
  • Fitzthomas Iohn lord of O|phalie giueth an ouerthrow to the Scots, 66, 58. Is created earle of Kildare, 67. 20. Is ta|ken prisoner, 63. 34. Is re|leased, 71. 65
  • Fitzwater Thomas Rat [...]iste lord deputie, 110, 63. Is lord lieutenant, ib. 20. His troubles with Onele, ibid. 5
  • Fitzwater Theobald slaine by Mac Artie of Desmond, 53. 60. 54, 12
  • Fitzwaren earle of Surtie kil|led Allen de la [...]ooche, 62. 54
  • Fitzwilliams Iohn slaine at Kencies by Obren, 73. 7
  • Fitzwilliams killeth the gunner which shot to the erle of Sur|rete, 84. 34
  • Fitzwilliams sir William lord iustice, 11. 66. Lord deputie. 134. 46. The plot of his go|uernment, 135. 10. His di|stresse and great troubls, 136. 6. He is reuoked. ibid.
  • Foster children, 44. 58
  • Fough or pogh, 13. 34
  • Fridleie king of Denmarke in|uadeth Ireland, and by policie taketh Dublin, 57. 48
  • Froth king of Denmarke, 57. 60


  • Gallowaie towne in great de|caie, 140. 11. Their charter and liberties, 165. 22
  • Galus archbishop of Ardmagh consenteth to the synod hol|den at Cashill, 23. 55. Fed with the milke of a white cow which he carried with him, ib. 57
  • Gallowglasse the best souldior, 45. 42. His weapon and con|ditions, ibid. 46
  • Gandius and Genandius the sonnes of Nemodus arriue in to Ireland, 48. 27. They pos|sesse and diuide the same, ibid. 37
  • Garbaneles inuadeth Ireland, 48. 3.
  • Gathelus the sonne of Nele a Grecian arriueth into Ire|land, 49. 57. His skill in lan|guages, ibid. He calleth that land Gathela after his owne name, ib. 68. 9. 29
  • Gaueston Peers arriueth in Ireland, 65. 24. He hath all roialties assigned vnto him, ib. 40. His buildings and pro|ceedings, ibid. 48
  • Gegathus a noble man serued king Hugler, 57, 12
  • Geneuill lord of Meth, 10. 25. Becommeth to be a frier and is buried at Trim, ibid.
  • Gentlemen named in Latin Mi|lites, 5, 54
  • Gentilitie of Ireland, 44. 27
  • Geffreie earle of Britaine, sonne to king Henrie the second, 47 72. Rebelleth against his fa|ther, ibid. 26. 20. He died, 48. 10
  • George duke of Clarence borne in Dublin, 77. 59. His godfa|thers, ibid. Is lieutenant of Ireland, 78. 26
  • Giants the ofspring of Nim|rod arriue in Ireland, 47. 38. They are fought with, 48. 20. They preuaile vpon the sons of Nemodus, 48. 12. They are destroied, ibid. 30
  • Girald William lord chancellor, 140. 72
  • Giraldines their ancientnesse, 33. 10. Maligned and yet ad|uanced, 62. 5. Fauourers to the house of yorke, 33, 11, 78. 36
  • Giraldines throwe and with. 29. 47
  • EEBO page image 741 Giraldus Cambren [...]s atten|deth king Iohn in Ireland, 52, 41. His descent 52, 10. Wri|teth the historie of Ireland, 52. 4. He is verie inward with king Henrie the second, 54, 10
  • Girald Fitzgirald. ¶ See Fitz|girald.
  • Gilberd sir Humfreie his arri|uall into Ireland, 132, 27. He serued in the Butlers wars. 130, 20. He is at the taking of Cloghgrinam, ib. He hath the voward of the battell at Kil|kennie, ib. 57. His noble ser|uice vpon the enimie, ibid. Is made colonell of Mounster, 131, 50. His noble seruice there, ibidem. 70. He ma|keth the earle of Clannecar to stoope and submit himselfe, 132, 9. He is dubbed knight, ibid, 56. His descent and de|scription, ibid. 1. His vertues and qualities, ib. His death, 133, 34
  • Glanduill Reginold lord cheefe Iustice of England attendeth king Iohn, 52, 41. Gouer|nour of Sandwich castell, 29, 20. No God no religion, 114, 20
  • Glibes, 54, 5
  • Glinnes fastnesse, 169, 25
  • Gratefulnesse of the ancient writers, epist.
  • Greie Leonard lord deputie of Ireland, 96, 46. Incountreth with Thomas Fitzgirald, ib. 47. He holdeth a parlement 99, 30. He certifieth Onels rebellion, 101. 30. His seruice against Onele, 101, 64. He is accused, 102, 20. He is behea|ded, 102, 60
  • Greie lord Arthur his arriuall to Dublin, 169, 50. His iour|neie vpon the Brinnes, 169, 4. He maketh a iourneie into Mounster, 171, 50. He be|siegeth the Spanish fort, 171 12. He taketh it, 171, 57. He taketh the erle of Kildare and sendeth him into England, 172, 34. He returneth into England, 177, 40
  • Griffith, nephue vnto Morris Fitzgirald his dreame, 26, 60. Forewarneth Hugh de Lacie, ib. He is troubled with his dreame, ib. 8. He is watchfull to foresee the harmes, ib. 8, 35. He pearseth through Oro|rike with his staffe and kil|leth him, ib. 66
  • Gurguntus king of Britaine met the Spaniards at seas, 49, 50. Placeth them first in Ireland, and taketh fealtie of them, ib. 42
  • Gurmoa heathnish king, 57, 57. He marieth Thira king E|theldreds daughter, ib. 60. His sonnes inuade Ireland, ib. 73. His sorrow for losse of his sonnes, ib. 58, 10. He di|eth for sorrow of them, ib. 39
  • Gurmundus an archpirat, 55, 40. Is sonne to the king of Norwaie, 56, 62. He helpeth the Saxons against the Bri|tains, ib. 44. He maketh a voi|age into Ireland, ib. 50. He buildeth forts and castels, ib. 55. He conquereth the land, 57, 18. He landeth in Wales, [...]. 20. He saileth into France and dieth, 55, 56

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