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The third table for the description, historie, and chronicles of Ireland: gathered by Iohn Hooker aliàs Vowell, gentleman.

The first number noteth the page, the second the line.


  • ABerteifie. 4, 6
  • Abbeie of Bangor, 54, 6
  • Adam of Hereford admerall of the English fleet, discomfi|teth and spoileth the Irish fleet, 33, 10
  • Adelike castell taken. 62, 22
  • Adrian the pope confirmeth the priuileges of the church and realme of Ireland, 35, 17
  • Adulterie cause of warres. 1, 40
  • Affliction maketh men religi|ous, 53, 54
  • Allaine Zouch lord iustice slaine by the earle of Surrie lord Fitzwarren, 62, 55
  • Allen archbishop of Dublin e|nimie to the Giraldines, was murthered, 92, 1
  • Allen sir Iohn knight, enimie to the erle of Kildare, 88, 67
  • Allen doctor acquainted with Iames Fitzmoris, 154, 23. Ioineth with him in conspi|racie, ibi. He arriueth into Ireland, ib. 44. He causeth the popes banner to be dis|plaied, 159. 5. He incourageth the traitors, ib. 30. He is slain, ib. 28, 46
  • Alma daughter to erle Strang|bowe, married vnto William Fitzgirald, 35, 74
  • Alman Walter, 41, 40. Seneshall of Wexford, ibid. 43. Corrupt and couetous, ib. 46. A secret enimie to Reimond, ib. 58.
  • Amereduke Fitzstephans sonne 45, 54
  • Ambition breedeth dissention, 49, 70
  • Ambition cause of bloudshed, 49, 70
  • Antragh: Too late quoth Bois 75, 66
  • Articles concluded at the synod of Cashill, 23, 45
  • Articles for gouernment, 111, 3
  • Ardescoll towne burned. 63, 41
  • Arthur mac Morough discom|fited by the earle of Ormond, 77, 1
  • Arthur king of England recei|ueth homage at Westchester for the realme of Ireland, 49, 60, 36, 10
  • Arundell of the Strand his re|uenues one thousand fiue hun|dred pound, 75, 22
  • Arnold sir Nicholas lord iustice, 110, 28
  • Articles for marshall law, 166, 6
  • Archbishops appointed in Ire|land, 31, 20, 59, 20
  • Archbishops and their suffra|gans, 31, 1
  • Ardmagh enimie to rats, 31, 40
  • Archbishop of Ardmagh chae|sest primat of all Ireland. 0
  • Archbishop of Cashill like to be killed, 118, 50
  • Ashton sir Richard lord iustice, 73, [...]5
  • Asketen the earle of Desmonds house, 160, 10. Is besieged, 161, 30. The warders fore|sake the castle, and by a traine set it on fire, ib. 57. It is ta|ken and made a ward, ib. 66. Capteine Barklie laie in gar|rison there, 172, 25
  • Assurance giuen for loialtie by the lords of Ireland, 76, 60
  • Athelon castell builded, 66, 15
  • Athelon bridge builded, 152, 71
  • Augustus the emperour, 2, 30
  • Ailmer lord iustice of the com|mon plees, 100, 34. Made cheefe iustice of the Kings|bench, ib. 41. He is discom|mended to the king, ib. 50. The king hath speeches with him and liketh him well, ib. 60. He is the cause whie the lands of all nobles absenting out of that land are giuen to the king, 101, 10
  • Aire of Ireland, 13, 12
  • Agard Francis sent to Iames Fitzmoris with his par [...]n, 153, 57. His deah, 166, 21
  • Appesleie a capteine distrusteth himselfe, 157, 3. He withdraw|eth the earle of Desmond, ib. 10


  • BAgnoll sir Nicholas com|plained against by Baltin|glasse, he beareth the sword, 14 [...], 60. A b [...]l is exhibited against him, 150, 1. The mat|ter is examined, ib. 6. He is in the hosting with sir William Drurie, 157, 30
  • Balimore in Leimster burned, 64, 13
  • Balioll king of Scotland dooth homage for his earldome in Ireland, 63, 60
  • Baltinglas. ¶ See Poer.
  • Balram lord of Enfort his re|uenues on thousand and thir|tie pounds, 75, 15
  • Balie [...]tyr castell taken, 131, 37
  • Banne and Baga [...], 10, 5 30, 4, 67, 31
  • Banne the riuer, 27, 60
  • Banneret, 39, 30
  • Bangor abbeie, 54, 60
  • Barnabie Fitz [...]ke baron of Upperess [...]rie [...]th Rorie Og and killeth him, 149, 20. He and the earle of Ormond are reconciled, 162, 40
  • Barnacles, 18, 30. Nor fish nor flesh, 19, 40
  • Barnewell baron of Trimel|ston, 38, 65. He deliuereth the kings sword to the deputie, 95, 10
  • Barnewels first arriuall into Ireland, 38, 65
  • Barnewell of Beere hauen his reuenues one thousand six hundred pounds, 75
  • Barnewell sir Christopher, a wise and a learned knight, 38, 23. He excepteth against the Englishmen to be burgesses, 120, 20. Offended with the speech of an English gentle|man in the parlement, 121, 57. Is commanded to silence, ib. 65
  • Barie Robert his valiantnesse, 5, 51, 53, 56. 11, 41
  • Barie Philip nephue to Fitz|stephans, 45, 44. Brother to Girald Cambrensis, ib. 50. His issue remaineth in Ire|land, 46, 36
  • Barrie the vicount, 37, 43
  • Barrie Dauid lord iustice ta|med Moris Fitzmoris, 60, 7 He burneth his owne house, 172, 68. He is set vpon by cap|teine Raleigh, 173, 30
  • Barie Og sweareth fealtie, 131, 55
  • Barow riuer, 46, 58
  • Bartholenus inhabiteth Ire|land, 47, 12
  • Barod lord of the gard his re|uenues one thousand and one hundred pounds, 75, 26
  • Bath of Dullerdstowne execu|cuted, 94, 12
  • Basilia earle Strangbowes daughter married to Rei|mond, 34, 70. Hir dreame, 40, 40
  • Barkeleie Edward arriueth in|to Ireland, 172, 26. He lieth in Asketen, ib. 31
  • Battell at Ardmagh against the Scots, 68, 70. At Knock|tow, 79, 55. Against the gi|ants, 43, 30
  • Bees how they be ingendred, 19, 24
  • Benefit of good gouernement, 111, 13
  • Bellingham sir Edward, lord deputie, 109, 12. He keepeth a mint, ib. 12. His carefulnesse for his gouernment, ib. 23. His readinesse to serue, ib. 34, He buildeth a fort at Leigh|lin ib. 44. He taketh the earle of Desmond napping, ib. 1. ca|rieth him to Dublin, and cau|seth him to be nur [...]ered and instructed, ib. 9. The earle al|waies praied for him, ib. 25. He was neuer chargeable to anie subiect, ib. 30. His vp|rightnesse and sincerite, ib, 48. Was verie well beloued, 110, 2. Is reuoked, ib. 12.
  • Belinus his sonne claimed Ire|land by descent, 49, 20
  • Bingham sir Richard cheefe, commissioner of Connagh his great victorie vpon the Scots, 182, 15
  • Bingham buried, 17, 13
  • Bignorke archbishop of Du|blin, 69, 25. He dooth erect an vniuersitie in Dublin, ib. 28. He keepeth termes and com|mensements, ib. 34
  • Birmingham sir Walter slue six hundred men, 73, 68.
  • Birmingham Iohn generall of the field against the Scots, 68, 48. He vanquisheth them, and killeth Edward Bruse, 63, 9. Made baron of Athen|rie, and created erle of Louth, 16, 10. Is made lord iustice, ib. 55. Is slaine, 70, 30
  • Birmingham William a scourge to the Scots, 65, 13. He was hanged, 70, 10
  • Birmingham Richard ouer|throweth the Irish in Con|nagh, 68, 28
  • Birmingham Me [...]ler sleieth Cathell Ochonner, 74, 17
  • Bishops and bishoprikes in Ireland, 31, 1, 59, 15
  • Bishops married were onelie made archbishops, 55, 4
  • Bishops of Limerike commit|ted to ward, 166, 44
  • Bogh or Pogh what it sig|nifieth, 13, 30
  • Burgh or Bourke earle of Clanricard, 37, 25. Warres betweene him and Mac Wil|liam Eughter, 112, 61, 118, 46. Submitteth himselfe to sir Edward Fitton lord pre|sident, 131, 63. His sonnes rebell and wage Scots, 135, 45. He is prisoner in the ca|stell of Dub [...]. ib. 50. He pro|miseth vpon enlargement to reclaime his sonnes, ibid. 55. He performeth nothing, ib. 63 His sons spoile all Connagh, 140, 15. They breake out a|gaine into rebellion, 141, 14. The erle consenteth therevn|to, ib. 18. They flie. 141. 26. He is committed to close pri|son in the castell of Dublin. ib. 35. They rebell againe and doo reteine Scots, 142, 6. They besiege Balie Riogh. ib. 13. They preua [...]e not. ib. 12
  • Burgh Richard earle of Ul|ster besiegeth Athlone, in EEBO page image 737 which is Theobald Uerdon, 63, 51. Is taken prisoner, 63 35. Is disseized of his lands in Connagh, ib. 49. Is dis|charged, ib. He entreth into to Scotland, 64, 58
  • Burke lord William slue O|kellie and fiue thousand I|rishmen, 79, 25. He is lord de|putie, 65, 32. Peers Gaueston is recommended vnto him, ib. Is taken prisoner. 63, 35. He slue six hundred Irishmen, 67, 25
  • Burke sir William and his sons doo follow Iames Fitzmoris for a preie, 156, 72. They incounter with him, and kill him, 157. 38. Theobald is slaine, ibid. 37, Sir William is made baron of Cannell: hath an yearelie pension of one hundred markes, 158, 3. fowndeth for ioie, ib. 6
  • Burchier George is in com|mission with sir Iohn Perot for Mounster, 134. 60. His parentage, ib. his valiantnesse and good seruice, ib. 20. Is re|stored againe, ib. He arriueth into Ireland with a supplie of Deuonshire souldiers, 158. He is dubbed knight, ib. 11, He is sent to lie in garrison in Kil [...]llocke, 159. 17. He is assigned to serue vnder the earle of Ormond, 164. 18. He maketh a rode into Connell, ib. 68. Is colonell of Moun|ster, 169. 55. His seruice vpon Desmond. 163. 23. A mutinie among the souldiers, 168. 43.
  • Bouneuile lord Iohn is slaine at A [...]ole, 65. Is buried at Athie, ib.
  • Bourat castle destroied in Tho|mond, 70. 30
  • Boise seruant to the earle of Kildare his pretie request, 83. 28. His ad [...]ge: Antragh, Too late quoth Bois. 95. 70
  • Bonagh a wicked Irish imposi|tion. 78. 56
  • Brabeston vicetreasuror bring|eth sir Walter dela Hide and his wife to Dublin, 96, 10
  • Brendon the abbat, 54. 72
  • Bre [...] [...]ren in Mounster discomfited, 70. 38
  • Brennus king of Britain cal|led into Ireland, 49. 10
  • Brenham the name of the chiefe Irish lawiers, 45. 14. What matters he doth determine, [...]b. 20. The Brehans law giuen ouer.
  • Brereton sir William ariueth at the Ho [...]th [...] Ireland with 250. soldiers, 94. 72. He sum|moneth the castle of Mainoth 95. 25. He scaleth and entereth the castle and setteth vp the kings standard, ibid. 3. He is made cu [...] and keeper of Dublin, 96. 27. He is made lord iustice, 102. 10. He inua|deth Ocon [...]ors countrie and discomfiteth the Irish rebels ib. 20. He co [...]lleth them to submission and to put in pled|ges, ib. He is made lord mar|shall of Ireland, ib. 35. He is sent to fetch on the earle of Desmond, ib. 3 [...]. He dieth by the waie and was buried at [...] ib. 4 [...]. He skirmi|shed with Fitzgirald, 96. 55.
  • Brethren at dissention, 45. 68.
  • Brian sir Francis [...] iustice, 110, 14. He marrieth the countesse of Ormond, ib. 22. He died and was buried in Waterford. ib. 110. 26
  • Brian mac Cahir Cauenagh breaketh out in wars against Wexford men. 135, 40. They follow & pursue him. ib. [...]0. He submitteth himself, 135. 2. His parentage, ib. 10. He marrieth the daughter of Hewen mac Schant, ib. 24. His strength and power ib. He is a follower to sir Peter Carew, ib. 27. He was a wise man, ib. He died, ib. 35
  • Britaine inhabited with the Picts 50, 40. It is halfe big|ger than Ireland. 9. 24
  • Britons when they first inha|bited Ireland, 49, 10
  • Britaine erle of Richmond and lord warden of Scotland commanded to suppresse the templers, 64. 4
  • Bride or Briged base daughter to Dubtactus, 54. 16. She is deliuered to a Pet or a magi|cian to be trained vp, ib. 20. Is instructed in christian re|ligion by s. Patrike, ib. 25. Hir great iudgement and estima|tion, ib. 28. Hir answer to the king. ib. 50. She professeth virginitie, ib. 53. She died and was buried at Down, ib. 58. The concordance of the foure euangelistes found amongst hir monuments. ib. 60
  • Broughton sir Thomas confe|derated with Parkin, 79. 55
  • Bruse Edward brother to the king of Scots inuadeth Ire|land, 66, 56. Proclameth him|self king, burneth Dundalke, ib. 68. Spoileth the countrie, ib. Discomfiteth the English men, ib. He and his companie vanquished and slaine, 68. 72.
  • Bruse Robert king of Scots landed in Ireland to aid his brother, 67. 3. Besigeth Crag fergus, ib. 10.
  • Burkens of Kilkennie rob and spoile the countrie, 74. 37. They are discomfited, ib. 42.
  • Burnell of Baligriffen confe|derated with Kildare, 96. 1. Fleeth into Mounster ib. Is taken prisoner by the vi|count Thurles ib. Is sent into England and executed at Tiburne, ib. 4.
  • Burnell Henrie a student at the lawes, 154, 57. A counsellour and agent against the cesse, ib. Passeth ouer into England vnto the court ib. 64. Is sent to the fleet, 146. 6. Remoued to the tower, 147. 20. Submit|teth himselfe, ib. 40.
  • Butler sir Edmund dubbed knight, 37. 48. Made lord iu|stice 66. 20. He dubbeth 30. knights, ib. 50. 37. 50. Dis|comfiteth the Irishrie at Tri|stiedermon, 68. 24. He died ib. 37
  • Butler sir Edmond breaketh out into rebellion, 118. 20. He misliketh the English burges|ses, 120. 10. Great complaints against him, 129. 68. Refuseth to come before the commissio|ners, 130. 1. His castle of Cloghirinam taken, ib. 27. Brake out from thense, ibid. submitteth himselfe. 131. 11. He accuseth the lord depute of hard dealing, ib. 23. Commit|ted to the castle of Dublin, ib. 36. Is committed againe, ib. 56. Pardoned, ib.
  • Butler Iames lord iustice, 37. 70. Dubbed knight, 73. He married the earle of He|refords daughter, ib. Is earle of Tipporaria is. Pledge for the earle of Desmond, 71. [...]1. Created erle of Ormond, 37. 1. He is lord iustice, 72. 15. 74. 51. Died, ib. 70
  • Butler Iames earle of Or|mond, lord lieutenant, 76. 51 He summoneth a parlement at Dublin, ib. 57. In his go|uernment, the sunne s [...]ied his course three houres, ib. 7 [...]. His notable seruices in taming and vanquishing the Irishrie, ib. 72, 77. 1. 17. 77. 29. He kept by prorogation sundrie parle|ments, 77. 27. His sonne and h [...]ire born, 77, 44. Lieutenant to king Henrie the sixt, 77. 37. 48. 57. Godfather to George duke of Clarence, 77. 63
  • Butler Iames earle of Or|mond his contention with the earle of Kildare, 82. 18. He re|lieth to the house of Lancaster ib. 28. He is a deepe reaching man, ib. 37. He marcheth to Dublin with a puissant ar|mie, ib. 44. He praieth to purge himself ib. 6. The citi|zens of Dublin fall at iarre with him. ib. 25. He is in dan|ger to be killed, ib. 29. He is rescued by the erle of Kildare, ib. 40. They are reconciled, ib. 50. The description of him, ib. 83. 12
  • Butler Peers earle of Ossorie marrieth the ladie Margaret Fizgirald sister to the earle of Kildare, 83. 70. His bastard brother Iames intrudeth vp|on the erldome of Ormond, ib. He gaue charge vpon his brother & killeth him, 84. 20. Was lord deputie, ib. 41. The sword taken fom him, ib. 72. He was founder of a free schoole in Kilkennie, 23. 28
  • Butler lord Iames, lord tresu|ror, 87. 47.
  • Butler Thomas prior of Kil|main serueth king Henrie the sixt in France. 76. 42
  • Butler Thomas earle of Or|mond his troubles with the earle of Desmond, 114. 47. His countrie spoiled, 130. 50. Submitteth himselfe to the queenes order, 114. 60. His affection to his brethren, 130. 56. He offereth to serue a|gainst them, ib. 7. He arriueth to Wexford. 131. 2. He repai|reth to the lord deputie at Li- [...]rike and offreth his seruice ibid. 10. He yeeldeth and pro|senteth his brother sir Ed|mund vnto him, ib. He vnder|taketh for him and for his ap|perance at Dublin, ib. 15. His graue behauiour in place of councell, ib. He serueth vpon the earle of Thomond and driueth him out of the land, 133. 50. He was gouernour of Mounster 262. 6. He hath the custodie of the yong lord Gi|rald sonne to the earle of Des|mond, ib. He and the baron of vpper Ossorie are reconci|led, 1 [...], [...]. He is sent to the earle of Desmond to persuade him to submission, 163. 3. He subscribeth to the proclamati|on against the earle of Des|mond, 164. 7. He maketh a iournie into Connilo, 164. 70. He meeteth with the maior of youghall, ib. 34. He carrieth him to youghall and hangeth him before his owne dor [...]. ib. [...]. He causeth the town to be inhabited and new peopled, ib. 52. He besigeth the castle of Strang [...]allie, ib. 64. He taketh their castle & put|teth a ward in it, 165. 6. His seruice vnder the lord iustice, 116. He receiueth the sub|mission of Fitzmoris baron of Lexnaw, 167, 20. He is at the siege and taking of the ca|stle of Cargf [...]ile, 167, 30. He returneth home to Kilk [...]nne, 167. 72
  • Butler lord Thomas is slaine by Gogaghadon, 70. 57.
  • Butler Theobald, lord Butler fled out of Dublin, 63. 33. Di|ed, ib, He founded the abbie of Wetherham, 61. 64
  • Caltrops cast vpon the ground to annoie the Danes, 57, 60
  • Cantred what it is, 4. [...]0. 42. 20
  • Canute alias Knought the Dane is slaine, 57. 37
  • Canon Robert secretarie to sir William Skeuington an eni|mie to Kildare, 89. 2
  • Canon Richard the kings iu|stice slaine, 68. 4
  • Canton sir Iames and Canton sir Iohn slaine, 68. 55
  • Canton sir Dauid beheaded Murcod Ballough. 64. 38
  • Carew baron of Carew lord iustice, 72, 10
  • Carew marquesse of Corke, his reuenues is Ireland two thousand two hundred poũds 75. 8
  • Carew sir Peter lord of Odron 46. 30. Sueth for a licence to recouer his lands in Ireland 118. 16. He recouereth so much as he had in suit, 118. 18. He serueth in the Butlers wars, 130. 20, He was in danger to haue bin murthered, ib. 30. He giueth a hot charge vpon the enimie and hath the victorie, ib. 60. His seruice in Ulster, 138. 68. His seruice in the Butlers wars, 138. 45. His parentage, 137. 62. His title to great seignories in Moun|ster, 138. 70. 46. 4. His manie and most excellent vertues and qualities, 137. 6. A short discourse of his life, 137. 60. He died at Rosse and was buried at Waterford, 137. 56. 138. 47
  • Carew sir Peter the yoonger, his being in Ireland, 137. 38 Is placed in Leighlin, 138. 40. He arriueth at Waterford with a band of Deuon soul|diers, 158. 55. Is dubbed knight, ib. 10. He receiueth the lord iustice at Waterford, 166. 46. Is slaine. 170. 10
  • Carew George his being in Ireland, 137. 38. His seruice against Rorie Og. 148. 50. His arriuall at Waterford with a band of Deuon soul|diers, 158. 55. His seruice a|gainst sir Iohn of Desmond, 159. 60. He lieth in garrison at Adare, 161. 62. Is besieged there. ib. 60. Is set on by the Desmonds and Spaniards, 162. 30. He receiueth sir Wil|am Pelham, lord iustice at Waterford, 166. 46. He taketh the view of Cargfoile, 167. 30. He besiegeth and taketh the castle of Balie Lougham, 167 40
  • Cardinals sent to king Henrie the second, 24. 38
  • Caransus maketh peace be|twéene the Scots and the Picts, 52, 23
  • Caraticus king of Britaine ha|ted of his people, 55, 40
  • Carike, 11, 47
  • Catherlow aliàs Carlow or Clauill, 47, 8. By whome it was builded, ib. 48. 28. 27. 37
  • Catalog of Irish saints. 54. 5. Of learned men, 39. 50. Of noblemen, 33. 10. Of bishop|rikes, 31. 10. Of the bishops of Kildare, 33. 60
  • Cashill an archbishoprike. [...]
  • EEBO page image 738 Cawcocke lord chancellor made bishop of Imilie, 64. 25
  • Cenanus of a warrior was made bishop, 54. 70
  • Cesara neece vnto Noah arri|ueth into Ireland, 47. 20
  • Cesse denied & trauersed, 144. 10
  • Christian bishop of Lisemore, 59. 30
  • Christes church in Dublin bur|ned, 63. 6. New reedified and restored, ibid. First builded by the Danes, ibid. 10
  • Churches first builded, 53. 60. Spoiled, 140 54
  • Cirus monarch of Persia, 18. 5
  • Cities first builded, 58. 53
  • Chepstow, 4, 60
  • Ciuilitie in Ireland, 10. 60
  • Clanricard. ¶ See Bourgh.
  • Cogan Milo with others as|saulteth Dublin and taketh it, 15, 3. Hath the custodie of the citie. ibid. 20. He is besie|ged therein by Hasculphus, ibid. 65. He taketh him and cutteth off his head, ib. 34. He is made lieutenant of the ar|mie and constable of Dublin, 44. 73. He and Robert Fitz|stephans haue the kingdome of Corke giuen to them, ib. 60. He first entreth into Conagh, ibid. 6. He is slaine, 45, 4
  • Cogan Miles is taken prisoner, 62, 24
  • Cogan Richard brother to Miles, his good seruice and valiantnesse, 16. 4. He com|meth to Corke with a com|panie to supplie his brothers place, 45, 40
  • Clowne deriued of the word Coloni, 10, 50
  • Clanricard. ¶ See Borgh.
  • Clare Thomas married the daughter of Moris Fitz|moris, 62, 43. He slue Obren|roth king of Thomond, ibid. 51. He died, 63. 47
  • Colier capteine his seruice in the Butlers war, his seruice at castle Drogh, 142, 41
  • Clare sir Richard discomfiteth the earle of Ulsters power, 66. 4. He slue six hundred gallowglasses. ibid. 9. Gi|ueth hostage to assure his al|legiance, 66. 60. He leuieth an armie against the Scots, 68. 10 He was slaine, 68. 33
  • Cloutars field by Kilmainham, 59, 75
  • Comin archbishop of Dublin, founder of saint Patrikes church, 61. 47. 22. 20. Sute made to king Henrie the se|cond that he should be bishop, ibid. 25
  • Combate, 76. 55. 60. 45. Be|tweene two Oconhers, 180. 70
  • Counties or shires in Ireland, 0
  • Countesse of Ulster, 71. 75
  • Combination of traitors, 134. 74
  • Commissioners for examining the matters betweene the earles of Ossorie and Kil|dare, 84. 70
  • Colton Iohn archbishop of Ardmagh, 4. 45
  • Coline king of Leimster, 54. 20
  • Contention betweene the arch|bishops of Ardmagh & Du|blin, 65. 70. Contention about burgesses, 120. 10
  • Con Onele beareth the sword before the lord deputie, 84. 74. Created earle of Tiron, 112. 20. He kept Alson the wife of Kelleie a smith, 113. 10. He had no right to the countrie but for his life. ib. 37
  • Conereth a sauage people in Ire|land, 54. 72
  • Connewaie sir Iohn lord pre|sident of Ul [...]ter, 54. 11
  • Concordance of the foure e|uangelists found among S. Brides monuments, 54. 60
  • Conhor Obren slaine, 62. 12
  • Constable Iohn sent for Lacie, 47, 67
  • Councell holden at Ardmagh, 15, 12. At Cashill, 23. 10. At Waterford, 35. 30. At Late|ran, 48. 13. At Grenocke, 62 58. At Dublin, 44. 50
  • Conquest implieth three things, 11. 20
  • Countesse of Ulster married to Rafe Ufford lord iustice, 71. 68. She persuadeth hir hus|band to extremitie, ibid. 70
  • Cope Allan his wrong iudge|ment, 14. 40
  • Corke citie the fourth citie of Ireland, 25. 14. An ancient citie builded by the Esterlings 21, 71. 34. 60. The gouerne|ment of it, 22. 12. It is euill neighboured, 25. 17. 75. 71. They match in mariage a|mong themselues, ibid. 8. The kingdome of Corke giuen to Fitzstephan and Cogan, 44. 60. The bounds of the coun|trie, 45. 68. They receiue the lord deputie with all honour, 140. 32. The Corkemen and their prince discomfited and their countrie preied, 33. 25
  • Corbie neuer christened, 74. 18
  • Cormake Olegham riseth a|gainst his father to expell him out of his kingdome, 40. 2. He is subdued, ibid. 15. He is be|headed, ibid. 24
  • Cormake mac Dermont mac Rorie pursueth Odonell, 62. 40. He vanquisheth him, ib. 45
  • Cormake mac Tiege knight, shiriffe of Corke, 168. 37. His seruice vpon sir Iames Des|mond, ibid. He taketh him pri|soner, ibid. 70. He is well ac|cepted of the queene and of the lord iustice, ibid. 10. He is a yoonger house vnto mac Artie Righo, ibid. His fidelitie and loialtie, ibid. 33. He is dubbed knight, ib. 48. He offereth to acknowledge sir Peter Ca|rew to be his lord, 138, 28
  • Cow the name of a ship, 97, 47. The prophesie of the Cowes bellie, ibid. 51
  • Cowleie Robert an aduersarie to the earle of Kildare, 89. 7. Bailiffe in Dublin. ib. Mai|ster of the rolles, ibid. Died at London, ib. 10
  • Coine and liuerie not to be vsed, 23. 6
  • Coiners in Connagh, 149. 8
  • Cragfergus yeelded vnto the Scots, 67. 10. It is inclosed with a wall, 152. 66
  • Christening not knowne nor v|sed in some places in Ireland, 140. 48
  • Crome primat of Ardmagh lord chancellor, 87. 48. His ora|tion, 90. 40. His grauitie. 89, 60
  • Crofts sir Hugh slaine by the Lacies. 68. 65.
  • Crofts sir Iames lord deputie, 110. 37
  • Curcie Iohn arriueth into Ireland, 40. 47. 15. In com|mission or lord iustice with Fitzaldeline, 42. 70. Inua|deth Ulster, ib. 25. Uanqui|sheth Odonell, 43. 70. His valiantnes, ib. 20. He mar|rieth the king of Manus daughter, ib. 24. 61. 51. The description of him, 43. 70. 61. 30. Careles to serue God, ib. 65. He keepeth the whole land in quiet, 60. 47. His irre|uerend speeches to the king, 60. 6. Is accused and procla|med traitor, 60. 20. He foiled the lord iustice at Downe, ib. 24. Is taken and committed to perpetuall prison, ib. 32. He answereth the French com|bat, ib. 57. The French king requesteth to see him, 61. 10. He is set at libertie, & dieth, 61. He left no lawfull issue, ib. 58. 29
  • Curcie of Kilberton his reue| [...]enues, 72. 17
  • Cusake Adam his seruice in Connagh, 62. 17
  • Cusake sir Iohn serueth the Scots, 68. 52
  • Cusake sir Thomas lord iustice, 110. 42.


  • DArcie Iohn lord iustice sent into Ireland, 70. 34. Re|ceiued great liuings of the king, ib. 44. He subdueth the rebels in Ulster, ib. 70. He inuadeth Scotland, 71. 3. He maketh a great slaughter vp|on the Irishrie in Mounster, 70. 40. He onely was the first that ventured vpon the Sco|tish isles, 71. 1 [...]. He is made lord iustice for terme of his life, 71. 28. He causeth liber|ties and franchises to be called in, 71. 33. He calleth a parle|ment for the same, ib. 40
  • Darcie Robert lord iustice, 71. 62
  • Daris an erle in Mounster, 53. 44. He fauored Patrike, and gaue him a dwelling place, called Sort [...], ib. 46
  • Danes or Norwegians arriue into Ireland, 55. 30. 42. They inuade it the second time, 56. 10. They made sundrie inuasions at sundrie times, 57. 7. They besiege Dublin, 57. 48. They winne it. ib. 57. 55. They roue the ocean seas for inlarging their conquests. 58. 67. They traf|fike with the Irishrie. 58. 40. They build towns and ca|stles, ib. 50. They are mingled in blood with the Irish, ib. 60. They become lords, ib. 67. Danes Esterlinges Norwe|gians and Normans are all one nation. 59. 4
  • Dauels Henrie, a gentleman of Deuon, 155. 70. His training vp in the wars, ib. 3. His comming into Ireland, ib. 10. He is sent to the earle of Des|mond, 154. 50. He doth per|suade the earle to resist the rebels, ib. 60. His counsell is refused, ib. 70. He departeth homewards from the earle, he is murdered in his bed by sir Iohn and sir Iames Des|mond the earls brethren, 155. 50. His state and conditions, ib. 72. His skill in the seruice of that countrie, ib. 13. His loue to his countrie, 155. 20. His notable good vertues, ib. The credit of his word, ib. 40. His credit with the erle of Ormond and with the But|lers. ib. 64. His fast friendship to sir Iohn of Desmend, ibid. 156. 10,
  • Dela his sonne a Grecian con|quered Ireland. 48. 20
  • Dela Hide sir Walter troubled for conspiracie. 96. 10
  • Dela Hide Iames a chiefe coũ|sellor to Thomas lord Fitz|girald, 89. 31. Sent to Du|blin to intreat for a submissi|on, 94. 37. Fled into Scot|land and died. 97. 10.
  • Dermond king of Corke sub|mitteth hunself to king Hen|rie the second, 21. 38.
  • Dermond mac Arthie prince of Desmond is ouerthrown by Reimond, 35. 20. Is aided & r [...]stored by Reimond. 40. 12
  • Dermond mac Rorie inuadeth Ulster. 62. 41
  • Dermond mac Morough king of Leimster, ib. 8. An oppressor of his people, ib. 20. He accom|panieth Omalaghlins wife, ib. 40. He is hated, ib. 6. He seeketh to king Henrie the second for aid, ib. 35. He swea|reth allegiance to the king. ib. 40. Hath the kings letters of protection, ib 43. The etymo|logie of his name, 2, 6. He commeth to Bristow, 3. 23. His acquaintance and compo|sition for a marriage with the Strangbow earle of Chep|slow, ib. 38. He returneth in|to Ireland, 4. 17. He com|poundeth with Fitzstephans and Fitzmoris for their aid, 4. 5. He is honorablie recei|ued at Fernes by the clergie, ib. 24. His immanitie and cru|ell nature, 6. 24. He is set vp|on by Rothorike of Conagh, 7. 30. His stature and condi [...]|ons, 8. 43. He inuadeth Osso|rie 6. 53. He preuaileth, ib. 16. His oration to his souldiers, 9. 20. He besiegeth and taketh Dublin, 15. 4. Is threatned by Ororike king of Conagh, 15. 30. He inuadeth Meth. ib. 20. He is reconciled with Rothorik of Conagh, 10. 30. His eldest sonnes eies are put out, 6. 60. He dieth, 16. 18. Buried at Fernes, ibidem.
  • Desmond the earle. ¶ See Gi|rald Fitzgirald.
  • Desmond sir Iohn spoileth the earle of Ormonds countries, [...]. 4. 70. Is sent into Eng|land, and offereth to serue a|gainst Oneale, 116. 8. Com|mitted to the tower, 117. 57. Is committed to the castle of Dublin, 117. 57. 144. 60. He putteth awaie his wife, ib. 70. He conioineth with Iames Fitzmoris, 154. 6. He mur|thereth Henrie Dauels, 155. 55. His brags and vaunts for the said his slaughter, 156. 50. He is pardoned by the popes legats for the same, 16. 70. He supplieth Iames Fitzmoris his rooine, 157. 17. He incam|peth at Slulougher, 158. 2. He [...]eth in ambush at Geten|bre castle, ib. 45. He priuilie stealeth awaie at Connell, 158. 68. He encountreth with the lord gouernour, 159. 68. Hath the worst side and fleeth, ib. 12. He giueth the battell to the gouernor, 159. 12. 10. He fleeth to the vicount Bal|tinglasse for aid, 169. 13. Is in danger to be taken, ibid. He intreateth a peace betweene Barrie and the Seneshall, 175. 57. He is killed and then hanged. 175. 3
  • Desmond sir Iames conioineth in the rebellion with Iames Fitzmoris, 154. 6. He is one of the murtherers of Dauels, 155. 55. He is pardoned by the popes legats for the same, ibid. 70. Besiegeth the castle at Adare, 161. 60. Raiseth his siege and departeth, 162. 4 Taketh a preie and is taken prisoner, 168, 60. Is drawen hanged and quartered, 168. 4
  • Desmond Girald Fitzgirald the earle of Desmonds sonne is deliuered for a pledge, 158. 63
  • Desmond Girald earle of Des|mond EEBO page image 739 his wars with the erle of Ormond, 112. 40. 58. He is in England, 114. 47. The quarels betweene him and the erle of Ormond referred vnto the queenes order, ibid 60. He incampeth himselfe, 116. 40. Repareth to the lord deputie, ibid. 57. Serueth and offereth to serue against Oneile, 116. 2. Is committed to the castell of Dublin, 117. 57. Is carried into England and sent to the Towre, 118. 5. Breaketh prison at Dublin, 136. 45. He submitteth himselfe and yeel|deth all his to the lord deputie 140. 30. He will not permit the lord president to interme|dle within his liberties, 141. 70. Is set vpon by the lord president, 142. Complaineth to the lord deputie against him 142. 1. His disagreement with the earle of Thomond, 144. 40 Repineth against the cesse, ibi. 50. Commeth to the lord de|putie to Kilkennie, 149. 50. He and the lord president are reconciled, ibid. 64. Discoue|reth the treacherie of Iames Fitzmoris, ibid. 2. He is per|force made to submit himselfe 151. 10. Dischargeth his workemen vpon the arriuall of Iames Fitzmoris, 154. 10 He pretendeth to serue against him, ibid. 8. Refuseth it, ibid. 70. His chiefe men turne to Iames Fitzmoris, 156. 18. Commeth to the lord iustice at the campe, 157. 50. Is com|mitted and submitteth him|selfe, ibid. 60. His sonne is de|liuered for a pledge, 158. 60. The gouernor sendeth for him, 159. 28. Dissembleth, ibid. 34. 160. 20. He sheweth himselfe an open rebell, ibid. 39 53. He is persuaded to yeeld himselfe and will not, ibid. 52. He fortifieth his castels, ibid. 63. Is sent for to come vnto the lord iustice, 162, 50. The articles demanded of him, 163 10. His treasons. ibid. 10. He is proclamed traitor, 164. 10. He is in danger to be taken, ib. 6. Lieth in ambush, 165. 13. His castels at Caregfoile and Asketten taken, 167. 10. Sup|posed to be dead, 177. 70. Kee|peth his Christmas in a wood 178, 3. Is forsaken, 178. 58. Is in danger, 179. 40. He is slaine, 180. 30
  • Deuereux earle of Essex his ho|nor, vertues, and nobilitie, 143 20. 136. 30. His life & deth, 143
  • Dillon Lucas the queenes at|turneie sent to the parlement house, 120. 56. Made baron of the excheker, 133. 63. Exami|neth vicount Baltinglasse of complaints, 150. 5
  • Dirrie and all the vittelles and munitions burned, 115. 48.
  • Dissention cause of confusion, 49. 68. 52. 6. 55. 57. 72. 7. 55. 8
  • Dissention betweene Kildare & Ormond, 82. 24
  • Donat bishop of Dublin repa|reth Christs church in Du|blin, 62. 10
  • Donat Obren murthered by his men, 66. 10
  • Donegan Odowill taken priso|ner at Limerike, 66. 35
  • Donald prince of Ossorie a mor|tall enimie to Dermon Mac Morogh 6. 57. He putteth out Mac Moroghs sonnes eies, ibid. 60. He and his countrie are pursued, ibid. 67. They are ouerthrowen ibid. 10. Submitteth himselfe ibid. 29. He attendeth Reimond at Limerike, 39. 66
  • Donald Obrin prince of Lime|rike his reuolting and rebelli|on, 36. 70. His citie and him|selfe besieged, ibid. 45
  • Donald Russe king of Des|mond slaine, 64. 10
  • Donald prince of Thomond be|siegeth Limerike, 39. 43. He desireth a parlee, ibid. 57. He submitteth himselfe, ibid. 67. Is the kings baron and sub|iect, 40. 1. Giueth his oth and hostages for the safe keeping of Limerike, 40. 2. He most traitorouslie setteth the citie on fire, 40. 13
  • Dondonolfe the place of Rei|monds arriuall, 12. 30. 48
  • Dowdall shiriffe of Louth slaine 74. 36
  • Dowdall primat of Ardmagh, 40. 52
  • Dowdall capteine arriueth vnto Waterford, 158. 58. He is ap|pointed to lie in garrison in Kilmallocke, 159. 18. Maketh a iorneie into Conilo, 164. 70. Attendeth the lord gouernor to Cashill, 164. 34. Serueth at the fort, 170. 27. Maketh spiall vpon the Desmonds, 175. 41. He accompanieng capteine Zouch tooke and kil|led sir Iohn of Desmond, 175 30. Entereth into Dauid Barries campe and spoileth his people, 176. 10. He assai|leth and discomfiteth Fitz|moris, 176. 70. Hath the whole charge of Kerrie, 177. 22. Surpriseth the earle, 179, 10
  • Downe a citie, 43. 64. Spoiled, 102. 46
  • Drake Iohn maior of Dublin slue foure thousand Irish outlawes, 74. 24
  • Drodagh or Drogheda, 25. 26. They enter into Scotland and spoile it, 74. 57
  • Dreames, 26. 60, 27. 33 32. 22. Of Basilia, 40. 40. Of Pa|ris, 2. 12. Of Griffith, 26. 61
  • Drunkennes, 16. 50
  • Drurie sir William arriueth in|to Ireland, 140. 72. Is lord president of Mounster, 141. 40 His gouernement, ibid. 47. The earle of Desmond repi|neth at him, ibid. 71. Entreth into Kerrie and executeth iu|stice, 142. 30. The earle resis|teth and complaineth of him: ibid. 2. The earle and he are reconciled, 149. 65. Is made lord iustice, 150. 50. His go|uernment, 153. 27. His iour|nie into Mounster, 154. 44. 157. 20. His painefull ser|uice against Iames Fitzmo|ris, ibid. Falleth sicke and di|eth, 158. 57. 160. 72. His vertues and conditions, 161. 1 His seruices at Bulleine, at the seas and in Deuon, ib. Is dubbed and made generall of the armie for the seruice in Scotland, ibid. 45. Taketh Edenborough, ibid. 60
  • Dublin an ancient citie, 15. 50. The name of it, 20. 44. Buil|ded by Auellanus, ibid. 68. The situation of it, ibid. 8. In|habited by Bristolians, 21. 57 The parish churches in it, 22. 20. The castle builded, 23. 30. Besieged by Fridleie king of Denmarke, 57. 48. Set on fire, ibid. 58. Taken by the Danes, 57. 33. 57. Besieged by Knought the Dane, 58. 2. Builded by Iuorus, ibid. 54. Rebelleth against Mac Mo|rogh, 14 50. It is taken, 15. 16 Besieged by Hasculphus, 16. 40. It is kept, 19. 20. Earle Strangbow yeeldeth it vnto king Henrie the second, 20. 53 It is besieged by Ororike king of Meth, 21. 42. It is burned, 63. 4. Restored and beautified, 63. 10. Interdic|ted by the pope, 83. 26. In an vprore against the earle of Ormond, 82. 44. They doo pe|nance, 83, 46. They are dis|comfited, 62. 4. Besieged by Thomas Fitzgirald, 92. 41. They enter in league with him, ibid. 20. They breake league, 93. 40. It is besieged by Thomas Fitzgirald, 93. 20. Intreateth for peace, 94. 41. Giueth his pledges, ibid. 30. They haue aid out of En|gland, ibid. 45. Their bridge fell, they haue a maior ap|pointed to be their gouernor, 75, 46. They haue the sword borne before the maior, ibid. The king sendeth them his letters of thanks, 93. 30. 95. 5. They haue a mint, 109. 18. The castell is repared, 152. 60 They inuade Obrens coun|trie, 73. 27. They inuade Scotland and Wales, 75. 65. They discomfit Fitzgirald, 94. 10 Their children are ta|ken prisoners, 93. 3, They haue a mint, 109. 19
  • Dubtactus a capteine father to saint Briget, 54. 16
  • Duffe Adam an heretike bur|ned, 69. 50
  • Dundalke taken and burned by the Scots, 66. 68
  • Dunnes and Duneses whie so called, 9. 48

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