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  • GAlgagus capteine of Bri|tains fighteth against A|gricola, 49, a 60
  • Gallia now called France, 9, b 20. Inuaded by Bren and Beline, 17, b 10. Celtica the hither parts of France, 32, b 50
  • Galles put to flight by Brute and Corineus, 10. b 50. Bea|ten backe by the Romans, 18, a 10. Enter into Rome, 18, a 10. Their couetousnes pr [...]iu|diciall to themselues, 18, b 10
  • Gallies an old inuention, 4, a 10 rowed with ores strange to the Britans to sée, 25, a 30
  • Gallio Rauenna sent into Bri|taine to succor the people, 70, b 10
  • Gawaines loialtie, fighting a|gainst his owne brother in his princes quarell, and di|eng, is honorablie buried by Arthur, 91, b 10
  • Gebmound bishop of Roche|ster, 122, b 60
  • Genissa the daughter of Clau|dius the emperour giuen in marriage to Aruiragus, 36, a 10. Maketh Aruiragus and Uespasian fréends, and so en|ded their warres, 36, b 50
  • Gerent king of Britans chased and put to flight, 127, b 10
  • Germanus and Lupus bishops arriue in Britaine and pre|uaile against the Pelagian heresie, 82, b 40. He conducteth the British armie against the Saxons, 83, a 10. His mi|racle of a calfe, 84, a 40. He re|turneth into little Britaine, 83, b 10. His death and buri|all, 83, b 20
  • Germans assistants to the Ro|mans, 49, b 50
  • Geta. ¶ Sée Bassianus.
  • Geuesses inhabitants of that part of Britaine which the westsaxons afterwards held, 77, b 30. why so named, 65, a 60, b 10
  • Giants, and how the word is meant, 4, a 50. How long they continued in this Ile, 5, a 60. whom our chronicles meane by that name, 5, a 30. Encoun|ter Brute, 10, b 40
  • Gigas. ¶ Sée Giants,
  • Gift. ¶ Sée Present.
  • Gillomanus king of Ireland discomfited, 84, b 60. Slaine in battell, 85, a 10
  • Gipswich, now Ipswich, 169, b 60
  • Githa the wise of earle Good|win departeth England, 189, a 60
  • Girth king Harolds brother would not haue him fight in person against the duke, 199, a 50
  • Giruij what people, 125, a 60
  • Glamorgan. ¶ Sée Glau Morgan.
  • Glasiers first brought into En|gland, 120, b 30
  • Glastenburie monasterie buil|ded, 127, b 40
  • Glouernia now Glocester, 36, a 20
  • Giuni. ¶ Sée Duke.
  • Goda-erle of Deuonshire slaine, 166, a 50
  • Goda, sister to king Edward the third, married to Baldwin earle of Flanders, 188, b 10
  • Godfathers, 117, b 60, 147, b 20, 157, a 10. ¶ Sée Baptisme.
  • Goffarius surnamed Pictus, 9, b 20. Sendeth to Brute, 9, b 60
  • Gogmagog in wrestling slaine, 10, b 50
  • Gonild the néece to K. Swaine with hir sonnes auoid out of England, 187, a 20
  • Goodwin currieth fauour with king Edward the third, and good cause why, 186, b 50, 60. Offended with king Ed|ward the third, for fauouring strangers, 188, b 40. well fréended, 190, a 60. In fauour with king Edward the third none greater, 187, a 40. Put to his purgation for the death of Alfred, 185, a 60. He and his two sonnes rise in armes against king Edward the third, they flie, 189, a all. They are proclaimed outlawes, b 30. Receiued into fauour re|turneth home, 190, a 30. His qualities, his wiues, his chil|dren, with the lewd life and foule end of his mother, 191, b 60. Dissembling freendship to Alfred mischéefous, 183, a 10, 184, a all. He & his sons practise pirasie vpon the En|glish coasts, 189, b 60. His ser|uice in Denmarke, 180, b 20. His authoritie in England, 182, b 20. His sudden death: note, 191, b 10
  • Gorbodian. ¶ Sée Gurgustius,
  • Gorbodug the eightéenth ruler of Britaine, 14, b 40
  • Gorbonianus king of Britaine his acts and déeds, 20, b 20
  • Gorolus duke of Cornewall slaine for his wife, 88, a 20
  • Gospell, and that Augustine the monke is sent into Britaine to preach it, 99, b 10
  • Gosseline archbishop of Lon|don, 71, b 30
  • Gothlois disdainefull against Nathaliod his countrieman both Britains: note, 87, b 50
  • Granchester, 21, a 10
  • Granta now Cambridge, 20, b 40
  • Grantham by whome builded, 20, b 40
  • Gratian, who and what sent from Rome to rule in Bri|taine, 67, b 60, 68, a 10. In|trapped by a policie, 68, a 60. His rough regiment causeth his owne destruction, 70, a 10
  • Gréefe inward bringeth death, 159, a 50
  • Gregories willingnesse and de|sire to win the Englishsax|ons to the faith, 100, a 10. whereby mooued to send Au|gustine the moonke to preach in this Iland, 99, b 10. His se|uenfold Letanie, 100, a 60. His platforme of ecclesiasti|call gouernment sent to mõke Augustine in Britaine, 101, [...] a 40
  • Griffin king of wales destroi|eth Hereford, 189, b 60. In armes with Algare against king Edward the third, 192, b 20. He with his welshmen are subdued, 188, a 40. A pre|sent aid alwaies against king Edward the third, 193, a 60. His palace burned, b 10. Re|nounced of all people & as a banished person, he is slaine, and his head sent to Harold, 193, b 20
  • Guanius king of the Hunues a mercilesse murtherer, 67, a 30
  • Gudwina the wife of earle Leo|frike rideth naked thorough Couentrie towne, and why, 193, a 50
  • Guenouer and why so named, 93, a 60. Arthurs wife, néere kinswoman to Cador earle of Cornewall, 91, a 30. Buried with hir husband Arthur, the tresses of hir haire: note, [...]2, a 20.
  • Guendolena daughter to Cori|neus duke of Cornewall, 11, b 10. Ruleth Britaine du|ring hir sonnes minoritie, 11, b 20
  • Guetheline ¶ Sée Gosseline.
  • Guiderus king of Britaine de|nieth tribute to the Romans, 33, a 90. Traitorouslie slaine, 35, b 30
  • Guillomer king of Ireland ai|ding the Scots is repelled by Arthur, 91, a 20
  • Guilthdacus K. of Denmarke landed in Northumberland, 16, a 60
  • Guintoline king of Britaine, his a [...]s and déeds, 19, b 20
  • Guoron [...]us gouerned Kent vn|der Uortigerne, 79, b 10
  • Guortigerne. ¶ Sée Uortimer.
  • Gunthildis the sister of king Swaine murthered, 170, b 60 171, a 10
  • Gurguint king of Britaine his acts and déeds, 19, a 40
  • Gurgustius the fouretéenth ru|ler of Britaine, 14, a 60
  • Gurmundus K. of Affrica ai|deth the Saxons against the Britains, 98, a 10. Spoileth Britaine in pitifull wise, 98, a 30. ¶ Sée Gurthrun.
  • Gurthrun a principall man of the Danes is baptised, 146, b 50. King of Eastangels di|eth, 149, b 60
  • Guthlake a man of great ver|tue and holinesse, 133, b 40
  • Guthmond a Danish capteine with his Danes spoile Ips|wich, 166, a 60
  • Guthred king of Northumber|land: note, 150, a 10
  • Guthrun a Dane king of East|angles, 144, b 20
  • Guy of warwike when he liued 136, b 10
  • Gyldas words inuectiue a|gainst the British rulers and kings, 94, a 60, 95, a 10, b 60, 95, a 60, b 10


  • HAlden and Baseréeg two leaders or kings of the Danes, 143, b 40. A Danish king inuadeth Mer [...]a, 145, a 20
  • Ha [...]o apparelling himselfe like a Britaine killeth the king thereof, 35, b 30. Slaine by Aruiragus, 35, b 40
  • Hampton wh [...]e so called: note, 35, b 50
  • Hardiknought. ¶ Sée Har [...]|enute.
  • Hardicnute proclamed & crow|ned king of England, 185, a 10. His sudden death, his conditions, 185, b 20
  • Harold father to one Hirke K. of Northumberland, 158, a 50
  • Harold the base sonne of Cnute proclamed king and conse|crated, 182, b 20. Degenera|teth from his father Cnute, 194, b 10. Why surnamed Hare [...]oot, 181, b 60. His coun|terfeit letter tending to the destruction of Emma and hir sonnes, 183, b 10. His bodie taken vp and throwne into the Thames. 185, a 10
  • Harold Ha [...]farger king of Nor|weie is persuaded by Tostie to make conquest of England 197, b 50, 198, a 10. He is slaine, 198, a 30
  • Harold king of England, wher|in note the diuerse opinions of writers, 196, b 20. Hated & disdained of the pope and car|dinals, EEBO page image 729 199, a 10. Battell be|twixt duke William and him, 200, a 10. He and his brother Leo [...]win inuade the shires of Dorset and Summerset, 189, b 60. They ioine with Good|win in the Ile of wight, 190, a 10. He goeth ouer into Nor|mandie, 193, b 30. He hath more hautinesse than hardi|nesse, 199, a 50. Highlie wel|commed to duke William, 194 a 10. He had his father Good|wins carldome, 191, b 30. His pride, 197, a 10, b 20. His coue|tousnes, 198, a 40. He séeketh to win the peoples harts, 196, b 50 He promiseth duke Wil|liam to kéepe the realme of England to his use, 194, a 20. Made generall of king Ed|ward the thirds arme, his ex|ploits against the welshmen, he fortifieth the citie of Here|ford, 192, b 30. His answer to duke Williams ambassadors touching his oth and promise made to the duke, 197, a 10. He inuadeth Griffins dominiõs and burneth his palace. 193, b 10. He is taken prisoner by the earle of Ponthieu, and set at libertie at duke Williams request, 193, b 60. His death diuerslie reported, he is descri|bed, his acts and déeds, 200, a 60, b 10
  • Hasting capteine of the Danes, besieged, he receiueth an oth touching baptisme: euer vn|true of his word, 147, b 20
  • Hatfield, 110, b 60
  • Hatred and death for good will, 163, a 30. ¶ Sée Enute.
  • Hector Boetius his fault to ad|orne the Scots with the ho|nor of the Britons, 23, b 50. His error touching the Sil|lures, Brigants, & Nouants 41, a 20
  • Helie king of Britaine his acts and déeds, 23, a 10
  • Helen the daughter of Coell a Britaine married to Con|stantius a Romane lieute|nant, 62, a 60. The religious empresse hir deuout acts and déeds, 64, b 30. Hir loue to London and Colchester, hir death and buriall, 66, a 10
  • Hengist purposeth at the first to conquer the Britains, 78, b 40. He and Horsus two Sax|onish brethren, 78, a 30. His deuise to make Uortigerne in loue with his daughter, 79, b 10. He and Horsus of what li|nage they came, 78, b 60, 79, a 10. He with his Saxons re|turne into Britaine, 81, b 40. He deuiseth a new kind of treson against the Britains, 81, b 50. Counted Regulus a litle king. 82, b 10. He wor|keth all vpon the aduantage, 77, 78, 79. Taken and behea|ded, 84, b 40. Contrarietie a|mong writers touching his death, 85, a 60, 86, b 40
  • Hengistland (now England) & the reason of the name, 98, a 30
  • Henninus. ¶ Sée Duke.
  • Heptarchie. ¶ Sée Britaine, & Kings seuen.
  • Heraclitus lieutenant of Bri|taine, 54, a 50
  • Hercules his being in Britaine proued, 5, a 10 why he pursu|ed & slue his cousins Albion and Bergion, 4, b 20
  • Heresie to veritie as poison to the bodie, 110, b 40. Of Pela|gius spred in Britain, 82, b 20 Reuiued in Britaine, 94, a 20
  • Hericius. ¶ See Hirke.
  • Hertfort castell biult, 151, a 50
  • Heuenieeld, 111, b 60
  • Hide of land is an hundred a|cres, 169, b 10
  • Hegelbald a noble man west sax|ons slaine in battell, 127, b 10
  • Highwaies foure finished by Beline, that his father begun 16, b 50. Priuileged, 17, a 10
  • Hiknell street ¶ Sée Highwais.
  • Hilda an abbesse: note, 118, b 10 Abbesse of whitbie, she dieth, a description of certeine hir actions, 123, b 30
  • Hilde [...]ha a nun. ¶ Sée Erken|wald.
  • Hirke the sonne of one Harold K. of Northumbers, 158, a 50 they put him awaie, 158, a 60
  • Hirtida nephue to Cassibelane, 30, b 30
  • Histories should not sauour of lies, 84, a 60
  • Honorius commended by Clau|dianus for deeds doon in Bri|taine, 74, b 10. His drift to re|couer the empire that vtter|lie fell, 69, a 60
  • Honorius archbishop of Can|turburie, 110, a 30. He dieth, 116, a 60
  • Hope, vaine of Eastangles, 116, a 50
  • Horgerius duke of Cornwall or Deuonshire and of his faire daughter: note, 160, a 60
  • Horrestians inhabitants of An|gus and Merne, 51, a 10
  • Horsus. ¶ Sée Hengist.
  • Hospitalitie of a herdman to bi|shop German how rewar|ded, 84, a 40
  • Hostages deliuered for assurãce of loialtie, 190, b 20. Deman|ded by Cesar of the Britans, 25, b 50. Giuen to Cesar by Androgeus, 30, b 50. ¶ Sée Pledges.
  • Houres 24 of the daie and night how Alured diuided for his necessarie vses, 149, a 30
  • Howell king of litle Britaine cõmeth ouer in aid of Arthur against the Saxons, 90, b 40. Besieged by the Scots. 91, a 10
  • Hugh a Norman conspireth with the Danes, 168, b 50
  • Humber gulfe or riuer why so named, 11, a 60
  • Hundreds. ¶ Sée Tithings.
  • Hungar. ¶ Sée Agnerus, Hub|ba, and Ubba.
  • Hunger what it forced the Bri|tons to doo, 70, b 60. ¶ Sée Famine.
  • Hubba a Danish capteine slaine 145, b 20. ¶ Sée Agnerus.
  • Hypermnestra hir loue to hir husband commended, 5, b 60


  • IAmbert. ¶ Sée Lambert.
  • Iaphet and his sonnes, &c: first peopled Europe, 1, b 30
  • Iaroman bishop, sent to the Estsaxons to reduce them to the faith, 121, a 10
  • Iceni, Northfolke men, 38, a 60 42, a 60
  • Ida the first king of Brenicia, 95, a 50. Of Northumberland his acts, déeds, and death, 96, b 60
  • Idols destroied by king Er|cõbert, 114, b 40. Destroied by a heathenish bishop, 109, a 10
  • Idolatrie erected by Sighere king of Eastsaxons, 120, b 60
  • Ierusalem when taken by Na|buchodonosor, 14, b 10
  • Iew. ¶ Sée Inas.
  • Igerna. ¶ Sée Igwarne.
  • Igwarne the wife of Uter af|ter the slaughter of hir first husband, 81, a 20
  • Ilands none at the first as some coniecture, 1, a 40
  • Images proued by a fabulous vision, 128, a 60
  • Imanuentius slaine by Cassi|belane, 29, b 50
  • Imball king of Armorica slaine 67, a 10
  • Imbert slaine by Corincus, 10, a 10
  • Ine. ¶ Sée Inas.
  • Inas king of westsaxons, his acts and deeds, 127, a 20. Sel|leth peace for monie, 126, b 10. Diuideth the westsaxons prouince into two bishopriks 129, a 60. How persuaded by his wife to resigne vp his crowne & become a p [...]lgrime, 128, a 10. Went to Rome and there died, 127, b 30
  • Indians fond adorning them|selues with pretious stones, 9, b 50
  • Indigenae, 4, a 60
  • I [...]ogen the wife of Brute, 8, b 40
  • Interteinement. ¶ Sée Hospi|talitie.
  • Iohn archbishop of yorke, 125, b 50
  • Iohn the archchanter of saint Peters at Rome sent to the synod at Hatfield, and why, 123, b 10
  • Ioseph of Arimathia, 52, a 40. His comming into Britaine, 37, a 20
  • Ipswich spoiled by the Danes, 116, a 60
  • Ireland and the Orkneies by whom first gouerned, 4, b 10. when it laie wast and not in|habited, 19, b 10. The peoples cursses against king Egfride preuaile, 125, a 20, b 40. Ciuill discord there when Agricola was lieutenant of Britaine, 49, a 10. Conquest therof pur|sued by Turgesus, 98, a 10. Inuaded by the Northum|bers, 125, a 10. Subdued to Edgar, 162, a 20
  • Irmenrike the son of Oth the Saxon, 89, a 20
  • Irmenrike of Kent dies, 97, a 10
  • Ithamor bishop of Rochester consecrateth archbishops of Canturburie. 116, b 40
  • Itius portus supposed to be Ca|lis, 24, a 50
  • Iudith the daughter of Charles the Bald married king E|thelwolfe, 141, a 60
  • Iudge Bearne burnt for cruel|tie, 135, a 30
  • Iudwall, 160, a 20. ¶ Sée Lud|wall.
  • Iue. ¶ Sée Inas.
  • Iugants a people, 40, b 40
  • Iulius Agricola lieutenant of Britaine. 47, b 40. His good gouernment, 48, a 40
  • Iulius Cesars purpose to make a discouerie of Britaine, 24, a 30. Appointed for to conquer Gallia, 24, a 10. with two le|gions passeth ouer into Bri|taine, 24, b 30. His ships lie at Calis, 24, a 50
  • Iulius Cassianus at square with Suetonius, 46, a 20
  • Iulius Frontinus lieutenant of Britaine, 46, b 40
  • Iustine. ¶ Sée Guthmond.
  • Iustus archbishop of Cantur|burie, 107, a 30
  • Iustus bishop of Rochester, 103 a 40. He and Melitus depart into France, 106, b 50. Both sent for againe, & the one re|frored to his bishoprike, 107, a 10
  • Iutes called Ibitti a kind of people that came into Bri|taine with the Saxons, 78, b 60, 79, a 20

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