Compare 1577 edition: 1 It resteth (right noble Earle) that it may please your Honor to ac|cept my dooings in good part, to whom I offer this parcell of my trauels in this historie of Scotland, in regard of the honor due to your noble father, for his incomparable valure well knowne and approoued, as well within that realme as else-where in seruice of two kings of most famous memorie, Hen|rie the eight & Edward the sixt, sounding so greatlie to his renowme, as the same cannot passe in silence, whilest any remembrance of those two most peerelesse princes shall remaine in written histories. I therefore most humblie beseech your Honor, to beare with my boldnesse in presen|ting EEBO page image 28 you with so meane a gift, proceeding from one, although vnknowen to your Lordship, yet not without experience of your bountifull goodnesse ex|tended towards those, to whome I reckon my selfe most beholden. As what is he within this realme almost of anie degree, which findeth not himselfe bounden to your Honor, either in his owne causes or his friends? For such is your inclination to pleasure all men, as the same may seeme a peculiar ver|tue planted in your noble heart, mouing you so much to delight therein, as no time is thought by your Honor better spent, than that which you employ in dooing good to others.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But least I should enter into so large a discourse, as might be framed of this and other your excellent vertues (a matter far exceeding my simple knowledge) I will ceasse to speake further thereof, sith the same is spread ouer all, aswell this as other regions: for no where doo want great numbers of such as haue abundantlie tasted of your exceeding courtesies. In making you owner therefore of this abstract of the Scotish histories, I most humblie beseech your Honor, if anie thing be amisse, to impute the same to the im|perfection and defect of better instructions, and with your benigne and fa|uorable interpretation to haue me therein excused. Such as it is, I addresse it to your good Lordship with so dutifull a mind as may be imagined, beseeching God to preserue your Honor with plentifull increase of wisedome, vertue, and all wishfull prosperitie.
Your Honors most humble to be commanded Raphaell Hollinshed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 _THe Scotish men, according to the maner of other nations, estéeming it a glorie to fetch their begining of great anci|encie, say that their originall descent cam frõ the Gréeks and Aegyptians: for there was (as the old Scotish historiographers haue left in wri|ting) a certeine noble man among the Gréeks, na|med Gathelus, the sonne of Cecrops, who builded the citie of Athens: or as some other would, he was Gathelus. the sonne of Argus Nealus, the fourth king of the Argiues. This Gathelus plaieng in his youth ma|nie Gathelus gi|uen to will and pleasure. wild and vnrulie parts in the countrie of Mace|donia and Achaia, was diuers times sharplie rebu|ked by his father and other of his friends: so that in fine disdaining their correction and wholsome admo|nitions, he was banished by his father: after which he got togither a number of strong and lustie yoong Gathelus [...] into [...]pt, Anno [...] 2416. men, such as had vsed the like trade of liuing, and with them fled ouer into Aegypt; and comming thither in the 33 yeare of Pharao Orus as then king of that countrie, was receiued of him in most [...]helus was intertei| [...] of Pha|rao. gladsome wise, for that his seruice (as was thought) might stand in great stead in those warres, which the Aegyptians held at that time with the Aethiopians that had inuaded the realme of Aegypt, euen vnto Memphis. This Gathelus, to be short, went forth Gathelus went against the enimies. Moses cap|teine generall vnder Pha|rao. Ios. lib. 2. cap. 7. Gathelus, his dooings ad|uanced. with his bands against the same Aethiopians, vnder Moses the capteine generall of the armie, chosen thereto by diuine oracle (as Iosephus writeth) which Moses obteined the victorie, and conquered Saba by force being the chiefest and principall citie which stood in the Ile Meroe.