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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 This did he (retchlesse in maner what became of himselfe, so he might amaze the armie for a time) and surelie hereby he brake the swiftnesse of their following, & aduantaged the flight of his capteine, which thing he wan with the price of his owne bloud. For the souldiors would no further, till they had ran|sacked all the nookes of this wood, verelie suspecting some ambush thereabout, and in seuerall knots fer|retted out this gunner, whome Fitzwilliams and Fitzwilliams Bedlow. Bedlow of the Roch were faine to mangle and to hew in péeces, because the wretch would neuer yéeld. In the meane while, defiance was proclamed with 1523 Surreie sent for home. France and Scotland both at once, which mooued the king to call home Surreie out of Ireland, that he might imploie him in those wars. His prowesse, integritie, good nature, and course of gouernment, the countrie much commended. Piers Butler Piers But|ler earle of Ossorie lord deputie. earle of Ossorie was appointed lord deputie. In the meane time, Kildare attending the king his plea|sure for his dispatch, recouered fauour through the instance of the marques Dorset, whose daughter dame Elizabeth Greie he espoused, and so departed home. Now was partaker of all the deputies counsell one Robert Talbot of Belgard, whome the 1524 Robert Tal|bot of Bel|gard. Giraldines deadlie hated: him they procured to kéepe a kalendar of all their dooings, who incensed brother against brother. In which rage, Iames Fitz-Girald méeting the said gentleman beside Balli|more, slue him euen then vpon his iourneie toward the deputie to kéepe his Christmas with him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 With this despitefull murther both sides brake Margaret countesse of Ossorie. out into open enimitie, and especiallie the countesse of Ossorie, Kildare his sister, a rare woman, and a|ble for wisedome to rule a realme, had not hir sto|mach ouerruled hir knowledge. Here began infor|mations of new treasons, passing to and fro, with complaints and replies. But the marques Dorset had wrought so for his sonne in law, that he was suf|fered to rest at home, and onelie commissioners di|rected into Ireland, with authoritie to examine the root of their griefes: wherein if they found Kildare anie thing at all purged, their instructions were to depose the plaintiffe, and to sweare the other lord de|putie. Commissioners were these, sir Rafe Eger|ton, Commissio|ners sentis Ireland. a knight of Cheshire, Anthonie Fitzherbert, second iustice of the common plées, and Iames Denton, deane of Litchfield; who hauing exami|ned these accusations, suddenlie tooke the sword from the earle of Ossorie, sware Kildare lord deputie be|fore Kildare sworne lord deputie. whome Con Oneale bare the sword that [...].

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 EEBO page image 85 Concerning the murtherer whom they might haue hanged, they brought him prisoner into England, presented him to the cardinall Wools [...]ie, who was said to hate Kildare his bloud: and the cardinall in|tending Cardinall wools [...]ie eni|m [...] to the Giraldines. to haue put him to execution, with more re|proch and dishonor to the name, caused him to be led about the streets of London haltered, and hauing a taper in his hand: which asked so long time, that the deane of Lichfield stepped to the king, and begged his pardon. The cardinall was sore inflamed here|with, & the malice not hitherto so ranke, was through|lie Pardon gran|ted. ripened, & therfore henseforward Ossorie brought foorth diuerse proofes of the deputie his disorder, for Kildare accu|sed. The articles. that (as he alledged) the deputie should winke at the earle of Desmond, whome by vertue of the king his letters he ought to haue attached. Also, that he fought for acquaintance and affinitie with meere I|rish enimies, that he had armed them against him, then being the king his deputie; he hanged and headed good subiects, whome he mistrusted to leane to the Butlers friendship. Kildare was therfore pre|sentlie commanded to appeare, which he did, leauing in his roome his brother Fitzgirald of Lexlip, whom Fitzgirald lord iustice. they shortlie deposed, and chose the baron of Del|uin, whome Oconor tooke prisoner, & then the earle of The earle of Ossorie cho|sen lord depu|tie. Ossorie (to shew his abilitie of seruice) brought to Dublin an armie of Irishmen, hauing capteins o|uer them Oconor, Omore, & Ocarroll, & at S. Ma|rie abbeie was chosen deputie by the kings councell.

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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, Kildare attending the King his pleaſure for his diſpatche, recouered fauoure through the inſtance of the Marques Dorſet, whoſe daughter dame Elizabeth Grey, he eſpouſed, and ſo departed home.


Robert Tal|bot of Belgard

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Now was partaker of all ye Deputies coun|ſell, one Roberte Talbot of Belgarde, whome EEBO page image 81 the Giraldines deadly hated: him they procured to keepe a Kalender of all their doings, who in|cenſed brother againſt brother. In which rage, Iames Fitz Girald meeting the ſayde Gentle|man beſyde Ballimore, ſlew him euen then vp|pon his iourney towarde the Deputie to keepe his Chriſtmas with him.