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Compare 1577 edition: 1 This Curcie translated the church and prebenda|ries Translation, of prebenda|ries to monk [...]. of the trinitie in Downe, to an abbeie of blacke moonks brought thither from Chester, and caused the same to be consecrated vnto saint Patrike: for which alteration, taking the name from God to a creature; he déemed himselfe woorthilie punished. Not long after (as saie the Irish) certeine French knights came to king Iohns court, and one among them required the combat for triall of the right to A chalenge for a combat made by certeine French knights. the duchie of Normandie. It was not thought expe|dient to ieopard the title vpon one mans lucke, yet the chalenge they determined to answer. Some friend put them in mind of the earle imprisoned, a warrior of notable courage, and in pitch of bodie like a giant. King Iohn demanded Curcie, whether he Curcies an|swer to king Iohn. could be content to fight in his quarrell? Not for thee said the erle, whose person I etéeme vnworthie th'ad|uenture of my bloud, but for the crowne & dignitie of He taketh vp|on him to de|fend the cha|lenge. the realme, in which manie a good man liueth against thy will, I shall be contented to hazard my life.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 EEBO page image 61 These words were not construed in the worst part, as procéeding from an offended mind of him that was therein estéemed more plaine than wise. There|fore being cherished and much made of, he was fed so woonderfullie (now he came to so large allowance in diet after hard keeping) that the French chalen|ger tooke him for a monster: and fearing to deale with him, priuilie stole awaie into Spaine. It is further reported, that the French king, being desi|rous to sée Curcie, requested king Iohn that he might come before them, and shew of what strength he was by striking a blow at an helmot. Herevp|on foorth he was brought, and presented before the kings, where was an helmet set vpon a blocke. Cur|cie taking a sword in his hand, and with a sterne & srowning countenance cast vpon the kings, gaue such a stroke to the helmet, that cleauing it in sun|der, the sword sticked so fast in the log, that no man there was able to plucke it foorth, except Curcie him|selfe. When he therefore had plucked foorth the sword, the kings asked him what he meant to looke vpon them with such a grim & froward countenance be|fore he gaue the blow to the helmet? He answered, that if he had missed in his stroke, he would haue killed all the whole companie, as well the kings as others. Then was he released of bonds, and crossing the seas towards Ireland whither he was bound, was fiftéene times beaten backe againe to the Eng|lish shore, & going into France to change the coast died there. This Curcie was white of colour, migh|tie Curcie depar|teth this life. The descrip|tion of Cur|cie. of lims, with large bones and strong of sinews, fall & broad in proportion of bodie, so as his strength was thought to excéed, of boldnesse incomparable, and a warrior euen from his youth; the formost in the front of euerie battell where he came, and euer readie to hazard himselfe in place of most danger, so forward in fight, that oftentimes forgetting the of|fice of a capteine, he tooke in hand the part of a soul|dior, pressing foorth with the formost, so that with his ouer rash violence, and desire of victorie, he might seeme to put all in danger. But although he was thus hastie and hit in the field against his enimies, yet he was in conuersation modest and sober, and verie religious, hauing churchmen in greate reuerence, ascribing all to the goodnesse of God, when he had atchiued anie praise-woorthie enterprise, yeelding thankes to his diuine maiestie accordinglie. But as seldome times anie one man is found perfect in all things, so these vertues were spotted with some vices; namelie, too much nigardnesse in sparing, and inconstancie. He maried the daughter of Godred king of Man, and after manie conflicts and battels had against the Irish, he conquered (as before ye haue heard) the countrie of Vlster, and building diuers strong castels therin, he established the same vnder his quiet rule and gouernment, till he and Lacie fell out, as before is expressed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After Curcies decease, because he left no heires, the earledome of Vlster was giuen vnto Hugh Lacie in recompense of his good seruice. There was one of the Curcies remaining in Ireland that was lord of Rathermie and Kilbarrocke, whome (as an espiall of all these practises and informer thereof to the king) Walter and Hugh the sons of Hugh Lacie slue, by reason whereof great trouble and disquietnesse insued: those Lacies bearing themselues (now after the decease of their father) for gouernors out of checke. To set the realme in quiet, king Iohn was faine to passe thither himselfe in person with a maine armie, King Iohn went into Ireland. banished the Lacies, subdued the residue of the countrie yet not conquered, tooke pledges, punished malefactors, established the execution of Sée more [...]ereof in En|gland. English lawes, coined monie of like value currant sterling in both realmes. The two Lacies repenting their misdemeanors, fled into France disguised They fled in|to France. in poore apparell, and serued there in an abbeie as gardeners, till the abbat by their countenance and behauior began to gesse their estates, and opposed them so farre that they disclosed what they were; be|seeching the abbat to keepe their counsels, who com|mending their repentant humblenes, aduised them yet to make sute for their princes fauor, if it might be had, promising to doo what he could in the matter, and so tooke vpon him to be a suter for them vnto the king that was his godcept and well acquainted with him. He trauelled so earnestlie herein, that at length he obteined their pardons: but yet they were fined, They are pardoned, and put to their fines. Walter at foure thousand, and Hugh at fiue and twentie hundred markes: and herevpon Walter was restored vnto the lordship of Meth, and Hugh to the earledome of Ulster.

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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tranſlation of Prebenda|ries to Mõks.This Curcy tranſlated the Church and Pre|bendaries of the Trinitie in Doune, to an Abbey of blacke Monkes brought thither from Cheſter, & cauſed the ſame to be conſecrated vnto S. Pa|trick: for which alteration, taking the name from God to a creature, he deemed himſelfe worthily puniſhed. Not long after (as ſay the Iriſh) certain French knightes came to king Iohns court,A chalenge for a combat [...] made by cer|tayne French Knightes. and one among them required the combate for triall of the right to the Duchie of Normandy. It was not thought expedient to ieoperd the title vpõ one mans lucke, yet the chalenge they determined to anſwer. Some friende put them in minde of the Erle impriſoned, a warriour of notable courage, and in pitch of body like a Giant. K. Iohn demã|ded Curcy,Curcies an|ſwer to king Iohn. whether he could be content to fighte in his quarrel, not for thee ſaid ye Erle, whoſe per|ſon I eſteme vnworthy ye aduẽture of my bloud, but for ye crowne and dignitie of the Realme,He taketh vpon him to defende the chalenge. in which many a good man liueth againſt thy will, I ſhall be content to hazard my life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 43Theſe words were not conſtrued in the worſt part as proceeding from an offended mind of him that was therein eſteemed, more playne thã wiſe. Therefore being cheriſhed and muche made of, he was fedde ſo wõderfully (nowe he came to large allowaunce in dyet after harde keeping) that the Frenche chalenger tooke him for a Monſter, and fearing to deale with him, priuily ſtale away into Spayne. It is further reported, that the French King, being deſirous to ſee Curcy, requeſted K. Iohn that he might come before them, and ſhewe of what ſtrength hee was by ſtriking a blowe at an helmet. Herevpon forth he was broughte, and preſented before the Kings, where was an Hel|met ſet vpon a blocke. Curcy taking a ſwoorde in his hande, and with a ſterne frowning counte|nance caſt vpon the Kings, gaue ſuch a ſtroke to the helmet, that cleauing it in ſunder, the ſwoorde ſticked ſo faſt in the logge, that no mã there was able to plucke it foorthe, excepte Curcy him ſelfe. When he therefore had plucked foorth the ſword, the Kings aſked him what he meant to looke vp|pon them with ſuch a grimme and froward coũ|tenance before he gaue the blowe to the helmet, he aunſwered, that if he had miſſed in his ſtroke, he would haue killed all the whole company, as well the Kings as other. Then was he releaſed of bondes, and croſſing the Seas towards Ire|land whether he was boune,Curcy depar|teth this life. The deſcrip|tion of Curcy. was fifteene times beaten backe agayne to the Engliſhe ſhore: and going into France to change the coaſt dyed there. This Curcy was whyte of colour, mightie of limmes, with large bones and ſtrong of ſynews, tall and broade in proportion of body, ſo as hys ſtrength was thought to exceede, of boldneſſe in|comparable, and a warriour euen from his youth, the formoſt in the front of euery battell where hee came, and euer ready to hazard himſelfe in place of moſt daunger, ſo foreward in fight, that often|times forgetting the office of a Captaine, he toke in hande the part of a Souldiour, preſſing foorthe with the formoſt, ſo that with his ouer raſh vio|lence, and deſire of victory, he might ſeeme to put all in daunger. But although he was thus haſtie and hote in the field againſt his enimies, yet was hee in conuerſation modeſt and ſober, and very religious, hauing Churchmen in great reuerence, aſcribing all to the goodneſſe of God, when he had atchieued any prayſeworthy enterpriſe, yeelding thankes to his diuine Maieſtie accordingly. But as ſeldome times any one man is founde perfecte in all things, ſo theſe vertues were ſpotted with ſome vices, namely too much nigardneſſe in ſpa|ring, and inconſtancie. He maried the daughter of Godred King of Man, and after many conflicts and battayles had againſt the Iriſhe, he conque|red (as before ye haue heard) the countrey of Vl|ſter, and building diuers ſtrong Caſtels therein, he eſtabliſhed the ſame vnder his quiet rule, and gouernement, till he and Lacy fell out as before is expreſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After Curcies deceſſe, bicauſe he left no heires, the Earledome of Vlſter was giuen vnto Hugh Lacie, in recompence of his good ſeruice. There was one of the Curcies remayning in Irelande, that was Lorde of Rathermy and Kilbarrocke, whome (as an eſpiall of all their practiſes, and in|former thereof to the Kyng Walter and Hugh, the ſonnes of Hugh Lacy ſlew, by reaſon wherof, great trouble and diſquietneſſe enſued, thoſe La|cies bearing themſelues (nowe after the deceſſe of their father) for gouernors out of checke. To ſet the Realme in quiet,king Iohn wẽt into Ireland. King Iohn was fayne to paſſe thither himſelfe in perſon with a mayne ar|my, baniſhed the Lacies, ſubdued the reſidue of the countrey, yet not conquered, tooke pledges, pu|niſhed malefactors,See more here of in England. eſtabliſhed the execution of Engliſh lawes, coyned money of like valew cur|rant ſterling in both Realmes.