Compare 1577 edition: 1 By occasion of this murther committed on the person of Hugh Lacie, Iohn Curcie, and Hugh La|cie the yoonger, with their assistants, did streight ex|ecution vpon the rebels; and preuenting euerie mis|chiefe yer it fell, staied the realme from vprores. Curcie and Hugh Lacis the yoonger kéepe the realme in quiet. 1199. King Iohn slaieth his ne| [...]hue Arthur. Thus they knitting themselues togither in friend|ship, continued in wealth and honor vntill the first yeare of king Iohns reigne, who succéeding his bro|ther king Richard, tooke his nephue Arthur, son to his brother Geffreie earle of Britaine, and dispat|ched him (some said) with his owne hands, because he knew what claime he made to the crowne, as des|cended of the elder brother. And therefore not onelie the French king, but also certeine lords of England and Ireland fauored his title: and when they vnder|stood that he was made awaie, they tooke it in mar|uelous euill part. And Curcie either of zeale to the Curcie v [...] reth displea|sant words as gainst [...]ing Iohn. truth, or parcialitie, abhorring such barbarous cru|eltie, whereof all mens eares werefull, spake blon|die words against king Iohn, which his lurking ad|uersaries (that laie readie to vndermine him) caught by the end, and vsed the same as a meane to lift him out of credit: which they did not onelie bring to passe, but also procured a commission to attach his bodie, and to send him ouer into England. Earle Curcie He is accused. mistrusting his part, and belike getting some inke|ling of their drift, kept himselfe aloofe, till Hugh La|cie lord iustice was faine to leuie an armie and to in|uade Ulster, from whense he was oftentimes put backe: wherevpon he proclaimed Curcie traitor, and hired sundrie gentlemen with promise of great He is proc [...] med traitor. recompense, to bring him in either quicke or dead. They fought once at Downe, in which battell there died no small number on both parts; but Curcie got the vpper hand, and so was the lord iustice foiled at Curcies hands: but yet so long he continued in practising to haue him, that at length Curcies owne captains were inueihed to betraie their owne mai|ster: insomuch that vpon Good fridaie, whilest the earle out of his armour visited barefooted certeine religious houses for deuotion sake, they laid for him, tooke him as a rebell, & shipped him ouer into Eng|land the next waie, where he was adiudged to perpe|tuall He is take [...] prison. One Seintleger addeth in his collec|tions (as Campion saith) that Lacie paied the trai|tors their monie, and foorthwith therevpon hanged them.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 This Curcie translated the church and prebenda|ries Translation, of prebenda|ries to monk [...]. of the trinitie in Downe, to an abbeie of blacke moonks brought thither from Chester, and caused the same to be consecrated vnto saint Patrike: for which alteration, taking the name from God to a creature; he déemed himselfe woorthilie punished. Not long after (as saie the Irish) certeine French knights came to king Iohns court, and one among them required the combat for triall of the right to A chalenge for a combat made by certeine French knights. the duchie of Normandie. It was not thought expe|dient to ieopard the title vpon one mans lucke, yet the chalenge they determined to answer. Some friend put them in mind of the earle imprisoned, a warrior of notable courage, and in pitch of bodie like a giant. King Iohn demanded Curcie, whether he Curcies an|swer to king Iohn. could be content to fight in his quarrell? Not for thee said the erle, whose person I etéeme vnworthie th'ad|uenture of my bloud, but for the crowne & dignitie of He taketh vp|on him to de|fend the cha|lenge. the realme, in which manie a good man liueth against thy will, I shall be contented to hazard my life.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 EEBO page image 61 These words were not construed in the worst part, as procéeding from an offended mind of him that was therein estéemed more plaine than wise. There|fore being cherished and much made of, he was fed so woonderfullie (now he came to so large allowance in diet after hard keeping) that the French chalen|ger tooke him for a monster: and fearing to deale with him, priuilie stole awaie into Spaine. It is further reported, that the French king, being desi|rous to sée Curcie, requested king Iohn that he might come before them, and shew of what strength he was by striking a blow at an helmot. Herevp|on foorth he was brought, and presented before the kings, where was an helmet set vpon a blocke. Cur|cie taking a sword in his hand, and with a sterne & srowning countenance cast vpon the kings, gaue such a stroke to the helmet, that cleauing it in sun|der, the sword sticked so fast in the log, that no man there was able to plucke it foorth, except Curcie him|selfe. When he therefore had plucked foorth the sword, the kings asked him what he meant to looke vpon them with such a grim & froward countenance be|fore he gaue the blow to the helmet? He answered, that if he had missed in his stroke, he would haue killed all the whole companie, as well the kings as others. Then was he released of bonds, and crossing the seas towards Ireland whither he was bound, was fiftéene times beaten backe againe to the Eng|lish shore, & going into France to change the coast died there. This Curcie was white of colour, migh|tie Curcie depar|teth this life. The descrip|tion of Cur|cie. of lims, with large bones and strong of sinews, fall & broad in proportion of bodie, so as his strength was thought to excéed, of boldnesse incomparable, and a warrior euen from his youth; the formost in the front of euerie battell where he came, and euer readie to hazard himselfe in place of most danger, so forward in fight, that oftentimes forgetting the of|fice of a capteine, he tooke in hand the part of a soul|dior, pressing foorth with the formost, so that with his ouer rash violence, and desire of victorie, he might seeme to put all in danger. But although he was thus hastie and hit in the field against his enimies, yet he was in conuersation modest and sober, and verie religious, hauing churchmen in greate reuerence, ascribing all to the goodnesse of God, when he had atchiued anie praise-woorthie enterprise, yeelding thankes to his diuine maiestie accordinglie. But as seldome times anie one man is found perfect in all things, so these vertues were spotted with some vices; namelie, too much nigardnesse in sparing, and inconstancie. He maried the daughter of Godred king of Man, and after manie conflicts and battels had against the Irish, he conquered (as before ye haue heard) the countrie of Vlster, and building diuers strong castels therin, he established the same vnder his quiet rule and gouernment, till he and Lacie fell out, as before is expressed.