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6.6. Kinewulfe king of Westsaxons, his con|quest ouer the Britains, his securitie and negligence, he is slaine by conspirators, inquisi|tion for Kineard the principall procurer of that mischiefe, he is slaine in fight; legats from the pope to the kings and archbishops of this land about reformation in the church, a councell holden at Mercia; iudge Bearne burnt to death for crueltie, Alfwold reigneth ouer Northumber|land, his owne subiects murther him; a booke of articles sent by Charles king of France into Britaine quite contra|rie to the christian faith, Albinus writeth a|gainst it; great waste by tempests of wind and rage of fire. The sixt Chapter.

Kinewulfe king of Westsaxons, his con|quest ouer the Britains, his securitie and negligence, he is slaine by conspirators, inquisi|tion for Kineard the principall procurer of that mischiefe, he is slaine in fight; legats from the pope to the kings and archbishops of this land about reformation in the church, a councell holden at Mercia; iudge Bearne burnt to death for crueltie, Alfwold reigneth ouer Northumber|land, his owne subiects murther him; a booke of articles sent by Charles king of France into Britaine quite contra|rie to the christian faith, Albinus writeth a|gainst it; great waste by tempests of wind and rage of fire. The sixt Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _AFter that theWestsax|ons had depriued their vn|profitable king Sigibert, Kinewulf Hon. Hunt. they aduanced Kinewulfe or Cinevulfus, the which be|gan his reigne about the yéere of our Lord 756, which was in the 16 yéere of the emperor Constantinus,756 Simon Dun. saith 755. surnamed Copronimos, in the 6 yéere of the reigne of Pipin king of France, and about the 22 yéere of Ethfine king of Scots. This Kinewulfe prooued a right woorthie and valiant prince, and was descended of the right line of Cerdi|cus.The Bri|tains vanqui|shed. He obteined great victories against the Bri|tains or Welshmen, but at Bensington or Benton he lost a battell against Offa king of Mercia, in the 24 yéere of his reigne: and from that time forward tasting manie displeasures, at length through his owne follie came vnto a shamefull end. For where|as he had reigned a long time neither slouthfullie nor presumptuouslie, yet now as it were aduanced with the glorie of things passed, he either thought that nothing could go against him, or else doubted the su|ertie of their state whom he should leaue behind him, and therefore he confined one Kineard the brother of Sigibert, whose fame he perceiued to increase more than he would haue wished.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This Kineard dissembling the matter, as he that could giue place to time, got him out of the countrie, and after by a secret conspiracie assembled togither a knot of vngratious companie, and returning pri|uilie into the countrie againe, watched his time, till he espied that the king with a small number of his seruants was come vnto the house of a noble wo|man, whome he kept as paramour at Merton, where|vpon the said Kineard vpon the sudden beset the house round about. The king perceiuing himselfe thus besieged of his enimies, at the first caused the doores to be shut, supposing either by curteous woords to appease his enimies, or with his princelie authori|tie to put them in feare.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But when he saw that by neither meane he could doo good, in a great chafe he brake foorth of the house vpon Kineard, and went verie néere to haue killed him: but being compassed about with multitude of enimies, whilest he stood at defense, thinking it a dis|honour for him to flée,Kinewulfe slaine by con|spirators. he was beaten downe and slaine, togither with those few of his seruants which he had there with him, who chose rather to die in sée|king reuenge of their maisters death, than by cowar|dise to yeeld themselues into the murtherers hands. There escaped none except one Welshman or Bri|taine, an hostage, who was neuerthelesse sore woun|ded and hurt.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The brute of such an heinous act was streight|waies blowne ouer all, and brought with speed to the eares of the noble men and peeres of the realme, which were not farre off the place where this slaugh|ter had béene committed Amongst other, one O [...]|rike, for his age and wisedome accounted of [...] au|thoritie, [...]ted the residue that in no wife they should suffor the death of their souereigne lord to passe vnpunished vnto their perpetuall shame and reproofe. Wherevpon in all hast they ran to the place where they knew to find Kineard, who at the first be|gan to plead his cause, to make large promises, to pretend coosenage, and so foorth: but when he percei|ued all that he could say or doo might not preuaile, he incouraged his companie to shew themselues vali|ant, and to resist their enimies to the vttermost of their powers. Heerevpon followed a doubtfull fight, the one part striuing to saue their liues, and the other to atteine honour, and punish the slaughter of their souereigne lord. At length the victorie rested on the side where the right was, so that the wicked murthe|rer after he had fought a while, at length was slaine, togither with fourescore and eight of his mates. The kings bodie was buried at Winchester,Simon Dun. H. Hunt. & the mur|therers at Repingdon. Such was the end of king Kinewulfe, after he had reigned the tearme of 31 yéeres.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the yeere of our Lord 786,Eccle. hist Magd. pope Adrian sent two legats into England, Gregorie, or (as some co|pies haue) George bishop of Ostia, and Theophylac|tus bishop of Tuderto,786 H. Hunt. Legats from the pope. with letters commendatorie vnto Offa king of Mercia, Alfwold king of Nor|thumberland, Ieanbright or Lambert archbishop of Canturburie, and Eaubald archbishop of Yorke. These legats were gladlie receiued, not onlie by the foresaid kings and archbishops, but also of all other the high estates, aswell spirituall as temporall of the land, & namelie of Kinewulfe king of the West|saxons, which repaired vnto king Offa to take coun|sell with him for reformation of such articles as were conteined in the popes letters.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 There were twentie seuerall articles which they had to propone on the popes behalfe,Twentie ar|ticles which the legats had to propone. as touching the receiuing of the faith or articles established by the Nicene councell, and obeieng of the other generall councels, with instructions concerning baptisme and kéeping of synods yéerelie, for the examination of priests and ministers, and reforming of naugthie li|uers. Moreouer touching discretion to be vsed in admitting of gouernors in monasteries, and curats or priests to the ministerie in churches: and further for the behauior of priests in wearing their apparell, namelie that they should not presume to come to the altar bare legged, lest their dishonestlie might be dis|couered. And that in no wise the chalice or paten were made of the horne of an oxe, bicause the same is bloudie of nature: nor the host of a crust, but of pure bread. Also whereas bishops vsed to sit in coun|cels to iudge in secular causes, they were now for|bidden so to doo.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Manie other things were as meanes of reforma|tion articled, both for spirituall causes, and also con|cerning ciuill ordinances, as disabling children to be heirs to the parents, whch by them were not be|got in lawfull matrimonie but on concubines,Nuns con|cubines. whe|ther they were nunnes or secular women. Also of paiment of tithes, performing of vowes, auoiding of vndecent apparell, and abolishing of all maner of heathenish vsages and customes that sounded con|trarie EEBO page image 135 to the order of christianitie,Curtailing of horsses. as curtailing of horsses, and eating of horsses flesh. These things with manie other expressed in 20 principall articles (as we haue said) were first concluded to be receiued by the church of the Northumbers in a councell holden there, and subscribed by Alfwold king of the Nor|thumbers, by Delberike bishop of Hexham, by Eu|bald archbishop of Yorke, Higwald bishop of Lin|disferne, Edelbert bishop of Whiterne, Aldulfe bi|shop of Mieth, Ethelwine also another bishop by his deputies, with a number of other of the clergie; and lords also of the temporaltie, as duke Alrike, duke Segwulfe, abbat Alebericke, and abbat Erhard. Af|ter this confirmation had of the Northumbers, there was also a councell holden in Mercia at Cealtide, in the which these persons subscribed, Iambert or Lambert archbishop of Canturburie, Offa king of Mercia, Hughbright bishop of Lichfield, Edeulfe bi|shop of Faron, with Unwone bishop of Ligor, and nine other bishops, besides abbats; and thrée dukes, as Brorda, Farwald, and Bercoald, with earle Oth|bald.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 But now to returne backe to speake of other doo|ings, as in other parts of this land they fell out. A|bout the yéere of our Lord 764,764 the sée of Canturbu|rie being void, one Iambert or Lambert was elec|ted archbishop there,Sim. Dum. saith 780. and the yéere 766, the archbi|shop of Yorke Egbert departed this life, in whose place one Adelbert succéeded. About the 25 yéere of Kenwulf king of Westsaxons, the Northumbers hauing to their capteine two noble men,Simon Dun. Osbald and Ethelherard, burned one of their iudges named Bearne, bicause he was more cruell in iudgement (as they tooke the matter) than reason required. In which vengeance executed vpon the cruell iudge (if he were so seuere as this attempt of the two noble men dooth offer the readers to suspect) all such of his liuerie & calling are taught lenitie & mildnes, wher|with they should leuen the rigor of the lawe. For

—capit indulgentia mentes,Ouid. lib. 2. de artam.
Asperitas odium saeuáeque bella mouet.
Odimus accipitrem, quia viuit semper in armis,
Et pauidum solitos in pecus ire lupos.
At caret insidijs hominum, quia mitis hirundo est,
Quásque colat turres Chaonîs ales habet.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 At the same time, one Aswald or Alfewald reigned ouer the Northumbers, being admitted K. after that Ethelbert was expelled, and when the same Alfwald had reigned 10, or (as some say) 11 yéeres, he was traitorouslie and without all guilt made away;He began his reigne Anno. 779, as saith Simon Dun. and reigned [...]at ten yéeres. the chéefe conspirator was named Siga. The same Alfwald was a iust prince, and woorthilie gouerned the Northumbers to his high praise and commen|dation. He was murthered by his owne people (as before ye haue heard) the 23 of September, in the yéere of our Lord 788, and was buried at Hexham.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the yéere 792,788 Matth. West. Simon Dun. 792 Charles king of France sent a booke into Britaine, which was sent vnto him from Constantinople, conteining certeine articles agreed vpon in a synod (wherein were present aboue the number of thrée hundred bishops) quite contrarie and disagréeing from the true faith, namelie in this, that images ought to be worshipped, which the church of God vtterlie abhorreth. Against this booke Albi|nus that famous clearke wrote a treatise confirmed with places taken out of holie scripture, which trea|tise, with the booke in name of all the bishops and princes of Britaine, he presented vnto the king of France. ¶In the yéere 800,Sim. Dunel. 800 on Christmasse éeuen chanced a maruellous tempest of wind, which ouer|threw whole cities and townes in diuerse places, and trees in great number, beside other harmes which it did, as by death of cattell, &c. Int the yeere following a great part of London was consumed by fire.

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5.86. Kinewulfe.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 Kine|wulfe. Hen. Hunt. [figure appears here on page 197] AFter that the Weſt Sax|ons had depriued theyr vnprofita|ble King Sigi|bert, they aduan|ced one Kine|wulfe or Cine|vulfus, yt which began his raigne aboute the yeare of our Lorde .756. which was in the .xvj. 756 Simon Dun. hath. 755. yeare of the Emperour Conſtantinus, ſurnamed Co|pronimos, in the .vj. yeare of the raigne of Pipin| [...]ing of France, and about the .xxij. yeare of Eth|fine king of Scottes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Kinewulfe proued a right worthee and valiant Prince, and was deſcended of the [...]ght line of Cerdicius.The Brytayns vanquiſhed. Hee obteyned great victories agaynſt the Brytaynes or Welchmen, but at Benſington or Benton; he loſt a battaile again [...] Offa King of Mercia, in the .xxiiij. yeare of hys raigne: and from that time forwarde [...] ma|ny diſpleaſures, at length through his owne fol|ly hee came vnto a ſhamefull ende: for where as he had raigned a long time neyther ſlouthful|ly nor preſumptuouſly, yet nowe as it were ad|uaunced with the glorie of things paſſed, hee ey|ther thought that nothing coulde go againſt him; or elſe doubted the ſuretie of their ſtate whom he ſhould leaue behind him, and therefore he confined one Kineard the brother of Sigibert, whoſe fame hee perceyued to encreaſe more than hee woulde haue wiſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 198This Kinearde diſſembling the matter, as hee that coulde giue place to tyme, gotte him out of the Countrey, and after by a ſecrete con|ſpiracie aſſembled togyther a knotte of vngra|cious companie, and returning priuily into the Countrey againe, watched his tyme, till he eſpied that the King wyth a ſmall number of his ſer|uauntes was come vnto the houſe of a Noble woman whome hee kept as Paramour at Mer|ton, whervpon the ſayd Kineard vpon the ſodain beſet the houſe-round about.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The King perceyuing himſelfe thus beſie|ged of his enimies, at the firſt cauſed the doores to be ſhutte, ſuppoſing eyther by curteous wordes to appeaſe his enimies, or wyth his Princely au|thoritie to put them in feare. But when he ſawe that by neyther meane hee coulde doe good, in a great chaufe he brake forth of the houſe vpon Ki|neard, and went verie neare to haue killed him: but beeing compaſſed aboute with multitude of enimies, whyleſt hee ſtoode at defence, thin|kyng it a diſhonour for hym to flie,K [...]newuif ſlain by conſpi|rators. hee was bea|ten downe and ſlaine, togyther with thoſe fewe of his ſeruauntes which hee had there with hym, who choſe rather to die in ſeeking reuenge of their maiſters death, than by cowardice to yeeld them|ſelues into the murtherers handes. There eſca|ped none excepte one Welchman or Bry|tayne, an Hoſtage who was neuertheleſſe ſore wounded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The bruyte of ſuche an heynous acte was ſtreyght wayes blowen ouer all, and brought with ſpeede to the eares of the Noble men and Peeres of the Realme, whiche were not farre off the place where this ſlaughter had beene commit|ted. Amongeſt other, one Oſrike, for his age and wiſedome accounted of moſt authoritie, exhor|ted the reſidue that in no wyſe they ſhoulde ſuf|fer the death of their ſoueraigne Lorde to paſſe vnpuniſhed vnto theyr perpetuall ſhame and re|proufe. Wherevpon in all haſte they ranne to the place where they knew to finde Kineard, who at the fyrſt beganne to pleade hys cauſe, to make large promiſes, to pretende couſynage, and ſo forth: but when he perceyued all that hee coulde ſay or doe might not preuaile, hee encouraged his companie to ſhewe themſelues valyaunt, and to reſyſt theyr enimyes to the vttermoſte of theyr powers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon followed a doubtfull fight, the one part ſtryuing to ſaue theyr lyues, and the other to attaine honour, and puniſh the ſlaughter of theyr ſoueraigne Lorde. At length the victorie reſted on the ſide where the right was, ſo that the wic|ked murtherer after hee had fought a while, at length was ſlaine, togyther w [...]th foureſcore and eight of his Mates.Sim. Dunel. H. Hunt. The Kings bodie was bu|ried at Wincheſter, and the murtherers at Re|pingdon. Suche was the ende of King Kine|wulfe, after hee had raigned the tearme of .xxxi. yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare of our Lorde .786. Bede. [...] Magd. 785. H. [...] Lega [...] [...] the Pope. or as Hariſon hath .787. Pope Adrian ſent two Lega [...] [...] Englande, Gregorie (or as ſome C [...]pi [...] haue George) Biſhop of Oſtia, and Theophilactus bi|ſhop of Tuderto, with letters commendatory vn|to Offa king of Mercia, and vnto Alfwolde king of Northumberlande, and likewiſe to Ieanbright or Lambert Archbiſhop of Canterburie, and to Eaubald Archbiſhop of Yorke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Legates were gladly receyued, not only by the foreſayde Kings & Archbiſhops, but alſo of all other the high eſtares, aſwel ſpiritual and tem|poral of the lande, and namely of Kinewulfe king of the Weſt Saxons, which repayred vnto king Offa to take counſaile with him for reformation of ſuche articles as were conteyned in the Popes letters.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were .xx. ſeuerall articles whiche they had to propone on the Popes behalfe,Twentie a [...]ti|cles which the Legates had to propone. as touching the receyuing of the faith or articles eſtabliſhed by the Nicene Coũcel, & obeying of the other general Councels with inſtructions concerning baptiſme and keeping of Synodes yearely, for the exami|nation of Prieſtes and Miniſters, and reforming of naughtie liuers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer touching diſcretion to be vſed in the admitting of gouernors in Monaſteries, and Cu|rates or prieſts to the miniſterie in Churches: and further for the behauior of prieſts in wearing their apparell, namely that they ſhould not preſume to come to the aulter bare legged, leaſt their diſho|neſtie might be diſcouered. And that in no wiſ [...] the Chalice or Paten were made of the borne of an Oxe, bycauſe the ſame is bloudie of nature, nor the hoſt of a cruſt, but of pure bread.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo whereas Biſhops vſed to ſitte in Coun|cels to iudge in ſecular cauſes, they were nowe forbidden ſo to doe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many other things were for meane of refor|mation artycled both for ſpirituall cauſes, and al|ſo concerning ciuill ordinaunces, as diſſenabling children to be heyres to the parentes, whiche by them were not begotte in lawfull matrimonie, but on cõcubines,Nunnes con|cubines. whether they were Nunnes or ſecular women.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo of paymẽt of tithes, performing of vowes, auoyding of vndecent apparell, and aboliſhing of all maner of Ethniſh vſages and cuſtomes that ſounded contrarie to the order of Chriſtianitie,Curtayling horſes. as curtayling Horſes, and eating of Horſes fleſh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe things with many other expreſſed in .xx. principal articles (as we haue ſayd) were firſt con|cluded to be receyued by the Church of the Nor|thumbers, in a Councell holden there, & ſubſcribed by Alfwold king of the Northũbers by Delberke EEBO page image 199 Biſhop of Hexham by Eaubalde Archbiſhop of Yorke, Hygwalde Byſhop of Lyndiſferne, Edel|bert Biſhop of Whiterne, Aldulfe Byſhoppe of Myeth. Ethelwyne alſo an other Byſhop by his deputies, with a number of other of the Clergie, and Lordes alſo of the temporaltie, as Duke Al|rike, Duke Segwulfe, Abbot Aldberi [...]ke, and Ab|bot Erhard.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this confirmation had of the Northum|bers, there was alſo a counſell holden in Mercia, at Cealtide in the which theſe perſons ſubſcribed, Iambert or Lambert Archbiſhop of Canterbu|rie, Offa King of Mercia, Hughbright Biſhop of Lichfield, Edeulfe Biſhoppe of Faron, with Vn|wone Biſhop of Ligor, and nine other Biſhops beſide Abbots, and three Dukes, as Brorda, Far|walde, and Bercoald, with Earle Othbalde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to returne backe to ſpeake of other doings, as in other parties of this lande they fell out.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 764Aboute the yeare of our Lorde .764. the Sea of Canterburie beeing voyde, one Iambert or Lambert was elected Archbiſhop there, and in the yeare .766. the Archbiſhop of Yorke Egbert de|parted this lyfe,Simon Dun. hath .780. in whoſe place one Adelbert ſuc|ceeded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the .xxv. yeare of Kynwulfe king of Weſt Saxons,Simon Dun. the Northumbers hauing to their captaynes two noble men, Oſbalde and Ethel|herard, burned one of their Iudges named Bearn, [figure appears here on page 199] bycauſe hee was more cruell in iudgement (as they tooke the matter) than reaſon requyred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame tyme, one Aſwalde or Alfewolde, raigned ouer the Northumbers, beeing admit|ted King, after that Ethelbert was expulſed, and when the ſame Alfwolde had raigned tenne, (or as other haue .xj.) yeares, he was trayterouſ|ly,He begin his raigne Anno 779 as hath Simon Dunel. and raigned but ten yeares. and without all guilt made away, and mur|thered by his owne people. The chiefe conſpi|ratour was named Siga, and his bodie was bu|ried at Hexam.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame Alfwolde was a iuſt Prince, and worthilye gouerned the Northumbers to hys highe prayſe and commendation. He was mur|thered (as before yee haue hearde,) the .xxiij. of September, in the yeare of our Lorde .788.


Mat. VVeſt. Simon Dun.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare .792. Charles king of Fraunce ſent into Brytaine a booke which had beene ſent vnto him from Conſtantinople, conteyning cer|taine articles agreed vpon in a Synode (wherein were preſent aboue the number of three hundred Biſhops) quite contrarie and diſagreeing from the true fayth, namely in thys, that Images ought to be worſhipped, which the Church of god vtterly abhorreth. Agaynſt this booke Albinus that famous Clearke wrote a treatiſe confirmed with places taken out of holy Scripture, whiche treatiſe with the booke in name of all the Biſhops and Princes of Brytayne, he preſented vnto the king of Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare .800. on Chriſtmaſſe euen chan|ced, a marueylous tempeſt of winde,Simon Dun. 800 which ouer|threw whole Cities and townes in diuers places, and trees in greate number, beſide other harmes which it did, as by death of Cattell. &c. In the yeare following a great part of the Citie of Lon|don was conſumed by fire.