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3.2. Of the number of bishoprikes and their seuerall circuits. Chap. 2.

Of the number of bishoprikes and their seuerall circuits. Chap. 2.

_HAuing alreadie spoken gene|rally of the state of our church, now will I touch the sées se|uerallie, saieng so much of ech of them as shall be conueni|ent for the time, and not one|lie out of the ancient, but also the later writers, and some|what of mine owne experience, beginning first with the sée of Canturburie, as the most notable, whose archbishop is the primat of all this land for ecclesia|sticall iurisdiction, and most accompted of common|lie, bicause he is néerer to the prince, and readie at e|uerie call.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The iurisdiction of Canturburie therefore, exec|ted first by Augustine the moonke,Canturburie. in the time of Ethelbert king of Kent, if you haue respect to hir prouinciall regiment, extendeth it selfe ouer all the south and west parts of this Iland, and Ireland, as I haue noted in the chapter precedent, and few shires there are wherein the archbishop hath not some pecu|liars. But if you regard the same onelie that was and is proper vnto his see, from the beginning, it rea|cheth but ouer one parcell of Kent, which Rudburne calleth Cantwarland, the iurisdiction of Rochester including the rest: so that in this one countie the greatest archbishoprike and the least bishoprike of all are linked in togither. That of Canturburie hath vnder it one archdeaconrie, who hath iurisdiction ouer eleauen deanries or a hundred sixtie one parish chur|ches; & in the popish time in sted of the 3093 pounds, eighteene shillings, halfepenie, farthing, which it now paieth vnto hir maiestie, vnder the name of first frutes, there went out of this see to Rome, at euerie alienation 10000 ducates or florens, beside 5000 that the ne [...]h elect did vsuallie paie for his pall, each ducat being then worth an English crowne or there|about, as I haue béene informed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The sée of Rochester is also included within the li|mits of Kent,Rochester. being erected by Augustine in the 604 of Grace, and reigne of Ceolrijc ouer the west-Saxons. The bishop of this sée hath one archdeacon, vnder whose gouernment in causes ecclesiasticall are thrée deanries, or 132 parish churches: so that hereby it is to be gathered, that there are 393 parish churches in Kent, ouer which the said two archdea|cons haue especiall cure & charge. He was woont to paie also vnto the court of Rome at his admission to that see 1300 ducats or florens, as I read, which was an hard valuation, considering the smalnesse of circuit belonging to his sée. Howbeit, in my time it is so farre from ease by diminution, that it is raised to 1432 crownes, &c: or as we resolue them into our pounds, 358 pounds, thrée shillings, six pence, halfe-pennie, farthing, a reckoning a great deale more preciselie made than anie bishop of that sée dooth take any great delight in. He was crosse-bearer in times past vnto the archbishop of Canturburie. And there are and haue béene few sées in England, which at one time or other haue not fetched their bishops for the most part from this see: for as it is of it selfe but a small thing in déed, so it is commonlie a preparatiue to an higher place. But of all that euer possessed it, Thomas Kempe had the best lucke, who being but a poore mans sonne of Wie (vnto which towne he was a great benefactor) grew first to be doctor of both lawes, then of diuinitie; and afterward being promo|ted to this sée, he was translated from thence to Chi|chester, thirdlie to London, next of all to Yorke, and finallie after seauen and twentie yeares to Cantur|burie, where he became also cardinall, deacon, and then preest in the court of Rome, according to this verse, Bis primas, ter praeses, bis cardine functus. Certes I note this man, bicause he bare some fauour to the furtherance of the gospell, and to that end he either builded or repared the pulpit in Paules churchyard, and tooke order for the continuall maintenance of a sermon there vpon the sabaoth, which dooth continue vnto my time, as a place from whence the soundest doctrine is alwaies to be looked for, and for such stran|gers to resort vnto as haue no habitation in anie pa|rish within the citie where it standeth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The sée of London was erected at the first by Lucius,London. who made it of an archeflamine and temple of Iupiter an archbishops sée, and temple vnto the liuing God, and so it continued, vntill Augustine translated the title thereof to Canturburie. The names of the archbishops of London are these; The|on, Eluan, Cadoc, Owen, Conan, Palladius, Stephan, Iltutus restitutus, anno 350, Theodromus, Theodre|dus, Hilarius, Fastidius, anno 420, Guittelinus, Vodi|nus slaine by the Saxons, and Theonus Iunior. But EEBO page image 141 for their iust order of succession as yet I am not re|solued, neuerthelesse the first bishop there was ordei|ned by Augustine the moonke, in the yeare of Christ 604, in the time of Ceolrijc, after he had remooued his see further off into Kent: I woote not vpon what secret occasion, if not the spéedie hearing of newes from Rome, and readinesse to flee out of the land, if any trouble should betide him. For iurisdiction it in|cludeth Essex, Middlesex, and part of Herefordshire, which is neither more nor lesse in quantitie than the ancient kingdome of the east Angles, before it was vnited to the west Saxons. The cathedrall church be|longing to this sée, was first begun by Ethelbert of Kent, Indic. 1. 598 of Inuber as I find, whilest he held that part of the said kingdome vnder his go|uernement. Afterward when the Danes had sundrie times defaced it, it was repared and made vp with hard stone, but in the end it was taken downe, and wholie reedified by Mawrice bishop of that sée, and sometimes chapleine to the bastar [...] Henrie the first, allowing him stone and stuffe from Bainards ca|stell néere vnto Ludgate, then ruinous for the furthe|rance of his works. Howbeit the moold of the quire was not statelie inough in the eies of some of his successors; wherefore in the yeare of Grace 1256, it was taken downe and brought into another forme, and called the new worke, at which time also the bo|dies of diuerse kings and bishops were taken vp and bestowed in the walles, to the end their memories should be of longer continuance. The iurisdiction of this sée also vnder the bishop, is committed to foure archdeacons, to wit, of London, Essex, Middlesex, and Colchester, who haue amongst them to the num|ber of 363 parish churches, or thereabouts, beside the peculiars belonging to the archbishop and chapiter of that house, and at euerie alienation the bishop paieth for his owne part 1119 pounds, eight shillings and foure pence (but in old time 3000 florens) which diuerse suppose to be more, than (as it now standeth) the bishop is able to make of it. Of the archdeconrie, of S. Albons added therevnto by king Henrie the eight (whereby the bishop hath fiue eies) I speake not, for although it be vnder the bishop of London for vi|sitations and synods, yet is it otherwise reputed as member of the sée of Lincolne, and therefore worthi|lie called an exempt, it hath also fiue and twentie pa|rishes, of which foure are in Buckingham, the rest in Herefordshire.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The first beginning of the sée of Chichester was inChichester the Ile of Seales or Seolseie, and from thence tran|slated to Chichester, in the time of William the ba|stard, and generall remoouing of sées from small vil|lages vnto the greater townes. It conteineth Sus|sex onelie vnder hir iurisdiction, wherein are sixtéene deanries, and 551 parish churches, it paid at euerie alienation to the sée of Rome 333 ducats: and after Edbert the first bishop, one Cella succéeded, after whome the pontificall chaire (not then worth 677 pounds by the yéere as now it is) was void by many yeares. It was erected in Seoleseie also 711, by the decrée of a synod holden in Sussex, which borowed it from the iurisdiction of Winchester, whereof before it was reputed a parcell. Of all the bishops that haue béene in this sée, Thomas Kempe alwaies excepted, I read not of anie one that hath béene of more esti|mation than William Read, sometime fellow of Merteine college in Oxford, doctor of diuinitie, and the most profound astronomer that liued in his time, as appeareth by his collection which sometime I did possesse; his image is yet in the librarie there, and manie instruments of astronomie reserued in that house (a college crected sometime by Walter Mer|ton bishop of Rochester, and lord chancellor of Eng|land) he builded also the castell of Amberleie from the verie foundation, as Edward Scorie or Storie his successor did the new crosse in the market place of Chichester.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The bishop of Winchester was sometime calledWinchester bishop of the west Saxons, and of Dorchester, which towne was giuen to Birinus and his successors, by Kinigils and Oswald of the Northumbers, in whose time it was erected by Birinus and his fellowes. In my time it hath iurisdiction onelie ouer Hamshire, Surrie, Iardeseie, Gardeseie, and the Wight, con|teining eight deaneries, two hundred seuentie and six parish churches, and beside all this he is perpetuall prelate to the honorable order of the Garter, deuised by Edward the third: he paid in old time to Rome 12000 ducates or florens, but now his first fruits are 2491 pounds nine shillings eight pence halfe penie. Canturburie was said to be the higher racke, but Winchester hath borne the name to be the bet|ter mangier. There are also which make Lucius to be the first founder of an house of praier in Winche|ster, as Kinigils did build the second, and Kinwal|dus his sonne the third; but you shall sée the truth her|of in the chronologie insuing. And herevnto if the old catalog of the bishops of this sée be well consi|dered of, and the acts of the greatest part of them in|differentlie weighed, as they are to be read in our histories, you shall find the most egregious hypo|crites, the stoutest warriours, the cruellest tyrants, the richest monimoongers, and politike counsellors in temporall affaires to haue, I wote not by what se|cret working of the diuine prouidence, beene placed herein Winchester, since the foundation of that sée, which was erected by Birinus 639 (whome pope Ho|norius sent hither out of Italie) and first planted at Dorchester, in the time of Kinigils, then translated to Winchester, where it dooth yet continue.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Salisburie was made the chéefe sée of Shirburne by bishop Harman (predecessor to Osmond)Salisburie. who brought it from Shirburne to that citie; it hath now Barkeshire, Wilshire, and Dorsetshire vnder hir iurisdiction. For after the death of Hedda, which was 704, Winchester was diuided in two, so that onelie Hamshire and Surrie were left vnto it, and Wilton, Dorset, Barkeshire, Summerset, Deuon & Corne|will assigned vnto Shirburne till other order was ta|ken. Bishop Adelme did first sit in that bishoprike (704 as I said) and placed his chaire at Shirburne vpon the said diuision. And as manie lerned bishops did succéed him in that roome, before and after it was remooued to Sarum; so there was neuer a more no|ble ornament to that sée than bishop Iuell, of whose great learning and iudgement the world it selfe beareth witnesse, notwithstanding that the papists prefer S. Osmond (as they call him) because he buil|ded the minster there, and made the portesse called Ordinale ecclesiastici officij, which old préests were woont to vse. The bishops also of this sée were sometimes called bishops of Sunning, of their old mansion house neere vnto Reading (as it should seeme) and a|mong those that liued before the said Iuell, one Ro|ger builded the castell of the Uies in the time of Henrie the first, taken in those daies for the strong|est hold in England, as vnto whose gate there were regals and gripes for six or seuen port cullises. Fi|nallie this sée paid vnto Rome 4000 florens, but vnto hir maiestie in my time 1367 pounds twelue shillings eight pence, as I did find of late.

Excester hath, Deuonshire and Cornewall,Excester. some|time two seuerall bishopriks, but in the end brought into one of Cornewall, and from thence to Excester in the time of the Bastard or soone after. It began vp|on this occasion, Anno Gratiae 905, in a prouinciall councell holden by the elder Edward & Plegimond archbishop of Canturburie, among the Gewises, EEBO page image 142 wherein it was found, that the see of Winchester had not onelie béene without hir pastor by the space of se|uen yéeres, but also that hir iurisdiction was farre greater than two men were able well to gouerne; therefore from the former two, to wit, Winchester and Shirburne, three other were taken, whereby that see was now diuided into fiue parts; the latter thrée being Welles, Kirton, and Cornwall: this of Corn|wall hauing hir sée then at saint Patroks, not farre from north-Wales vpon the riuer Helmouth: he of Deuon holding his iurisdiction in Deuonshire, Kirton, or Cridioc: and the bishop of Welles be|ing allowed Dorset and Barkshires for his part, to gouerne and looke vnto according to his charge. Fi|nallie, these two of Deuon and Cornwall being vni|ted, the valuation thereof was taxed by the sée of Rome at six thousand ducats or florens, which were trulie paid at euerie alienation; but verie hardlie (as I gesse) sith that in my time, wherein all things are racked to the verie vttermost, I find that it is litle worth aboue fiue hundred pounds by the yéere, bicause hir tenths are but fiftie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Bath,Bath. whose see was sometime at Welles, before Iohn the bishop there annexed the church of Bath vn|to it, which was 1094, hath Summersetshire onlie, and the valuation thereof in the court of Rome was foure hundred & thirtie florens: but in hir maiesties books I find it fiue hundred thirtie and three pounds, and about one od shilling: which declareth a precise examination of the estate of that sée. Of the erecti|on of this bishoprike, mentioned in the discourse of Excester, I find the former assertion confirmed by another author, and in somewhat more large maher, which I will also remember, onelie because it plea|seth me somewhat better than the words before alle|ged out of the former writer. This bishoprike (saith he) was erected 905, in a councell holden among the Gewises, whereat king Edward of the west-Sax|ons, and Plegimond archbishop of Canturburie were present. For that part of the countrie had béene seuen yéeres without anie pastorall cure. And ther|fore in this councell it was agréed, that for the two bishoprikes (whereof one was at Winchester, ano|ther at Shireburne) there should be fiue ordeined, whereby the people there might be the better instruc|ted.The bishop|rike of Shir|burne diuided into thrée. By this meanes Frithstan was placed at Win|chester, and Ethelme at Shireburne, both of them being then void. Shireburne also susteined the sub|diuision; so that Werstane was made bishop of Cridioc or Deuonshire (whose sée was at Kirton) Herstan of Cornwall, and Eadulfe of Welles, vn|to whome Barkshire and Dorsetshire were appoin|ted. But now you sée what alteration is made, by consideration of the limits of their present iurisdic|tions.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Worcester sometime called Episcopatus Wicciorum (that is,Worcester. the bishoprike of the Wiccies or Huiccies) hath Worcester, & part of Warwikeshires. And be|fore the bishoprike of Glocester was taken out of the same, it paid to the pope two thousand ducats of gold at euerie change of prelat: but now the valuation thereof is one thousand fortie nine pounds, seauen pence halfe penie farthing (except my remembrance doo deceiue me.) This sée was begunne either in, or not long before the time of Offa king of the east-Angles, and Boselus was the first bishop there; after whome succéeded Ostfort, then Egwine who went in pilgrimage to Rome, with Kinredus of Mercia and the said Offa, and there gat a monaste|rie (which he builded in Worcester) confirmed by Constantine the pope. In this sée was one of your lordships ancestors sometime bishop, whose name was Cobham, and doctor both of diuinitie and of the canon law, who, during the time of his pontifica|litie there, builded the vault of the north side of the bodie of the church, and there lieth buried in the same (as I haue béene informed.) Certes this man was once elected, and should haue béene archbishop of Canturburie in the roome of Reginald that died 1313 vnder Edward the second: but the pope frus|trated his election, fearing least he would haue she|wed himselfe more affectionate towards his prince than to his court of Rome; wherefore he gaue Can|turburie to the bishop of Worcester then being. And furthermore, least he should seeme altogither to re|iect the said Thomas and displease the king, he gaue him in the end the bishoprike of Worcester, where|into he entred 1317, Martij 31, being thursdaie (as appeereth by the register of that house) after long plée holden for the aforesaid sée of Canturburie in the court of Rome, wherein most monie did oftenest preuaile. This is also notable of that sée, that fiue I|talians succéeded ech other in the same, by the popes prouision; as Egidius, Syluester, Egidius his nephue (for nephues might say in those daies; Father shall I call you vncle? And vncles also; Son I must call thée nephue) Iulius de Medices, afterward pope Cle|ment, and Hieronymus de Nugutijs, men verie like|lie, no doubt, to benefit the common people by their doctrine. Some of these being at the first but poore men in Rome, and yet able by selling all they had to make a round summe against a rainie daie, came first into fauor with the pope, then into familiaritie, finallie into orders; and from thence into the best liuings of the church, farre off where their parentage could not easilie be heard of, nor made knowne vnto their neighbours.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Glocester hath Glocestershire onelie,Glocester. wherein are nine deanries, and to the number of 294 parish churches, as I find by good record. But it neuer paid anie thing to Rome, bicause it was erected by king Henrie the eight, after he had abolished the vsurped authoritie of the pope, except in quéene Maries, if a|nie such thing were demanded, as I doubt not but it was: yet is it woorth yeerelie 315 pounds, seauen shillings thrée pence, as the booke of first fruits de|clareth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Hereford hath Herefordshire and part of Shrop|shire,Hereford. and it paid to Rome at euerie alienation 1800 ducats at the least, but in my time it paieth vnto hir maiesties cofers 768 pounds, ten shillings, ten pence, halfe penie, farthing. In this sée there was a bishop sometime called Iohn Bruton, vpon whome the king then reigning, by likelihood for want of competent maintenance, bestowed the keeping of his wardrobe, which he held long time with great ho|nour, as his register saith. A woonderfull preferment that bishops should be preferred from the pulpit, to the custodie of wardrobes: but such was the time. Neuerthelesse his honorable custodie of that charge is more solemnlie remembred, than anie good ser|mon that euer he made, which function peraduen|ture he committed to his suffragane, sith bishops in those daies had so much businesse in the court, that they could not attend to doctrine and exhortation.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Lichefield, wherevnto Couentrie was added,Lichfield. in the time of Henrie the first, at the earnest sute of Robert bishop of that see, hath Staffordshire, Darbi|shire, part of Shropshire, and the rest of Warwike|shire, that is void of subiection to the sée of Worces|tershire. It was erected in the time of Peada king of the south Mercians, which laie on this side the Trent, and therein one Dinas was installed, about the yeare of Grace 656, after whom Kellac first, then Tunher an Englishman succéeded, this later being well learned, and consecrated by the Scots. In the time of the bastard, I wot not vpon what occasi|on, one Peter bishop of this sée translated his chaire EEBO page image 143 to Chester, and there held it for a season, whereby it came to passe that the bishops of Lichfield were for a while called bishops of Chester. But Robert his suc|cessor not likeing of this president, remooued his chaire from Chester to Couentrie, and there held it whilest he liued, whereby the originall diuision of the bishoprike of Lichfield into Lichefield, Chester, and Couentrie, dooth easilie appeare, although in my time Lichfield and Couentrie be vnited, and Chester re|maineth a bishoprike by it selfe. It paid the pope at euerie alienation 1733 florens, or (as some old bookes haue) 3000, a good round summe, but not without a iust punishment, as one saith, sith that anno 765, E|dulfe bishop there vnder Offa king of Mercia, would by his helpe haue bereaued the archbishop of Cantur|burie of his pall, & so did in déed vnder pope Hadrian, holding the same vntill things were reduced vnto their ancient forme. Before the time also of bishop Langton, the prebends of this see laie here and there abroad in the citie, where the vicars also had an house, of which this honest bishop misliked not a little for sundrie causes; wherefore he began their close, and be|stowed so much in building the same, and pauing the stréets, that his hungrie kinsmen did not a little grudge at his expenses, thinking that his emptie cofers would neuer make them gentlemen, for which preferment the freends of most bishops gaped ear|nestlie in those daies. King Iohn was the greatest benefactor vnto this sée, next vnto Offa; and it is cal|led Lichfield, Quasi mortuorum campus, bicause of the great slaughter of christians made there (as some write) vnder Dioclesian. Howbeit in my time the va|luation thereof is 703 pounds, fiue shillings two pence, halfepenie, farthing, a summe verie narrow|lie cast by that auditor which tooke it first in hand.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Oxford hath Oxfordshire onelie, a verie yoong iu|risdiction, erected by king Henrie the eight, & where in the time of quéene Marie, one Goldwell was bi|shop, who (as I remember) was a Iesuit, dwelling in Rome, and more conuersant (as the constant fame went) in the blacke art, than skilfull in the scriptures, and yet he was of great countenance amongst the Romane monarchs. It is said that obseruing the canons of his order, he regarded not the temporali|ties of that sée: but I haue heard since that he wist well inough what became of those commodities, for by one meane and other he found the swéetnesse of 354 pounds sixtéene shillings thrée pence halfe penie, yearelie growing to him, which was euen inough (if not too much) for the maintenance of a frier toward the drawing out of circles, characters, & lineaments of imagerie, wherein he was passing skilfull, as the fame then went in Rome, and not vnheard of in Oxford.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Elie hath Cambridgshire, and the Ile of Elie.Elie. It was erected 1109 by Henrie the first, being before a rich and wealthie abbeie. One Heruie also was made bishop there, as I haue found in a register, be|longing sometime to that house being translated from Bangor. Finallie it paid to the pope at euerie alienation 7000 ducats, as the registers there do te|stifie at large. Albeit that in my time I find a note of 2134 pounds sixteene shillings thrée pence halfe pe|nie farthing, whose disme ioined to those of all the bi|shopriks in England, doo yéeld yearelie to hir maie|sties coffers 23370 pounds sixtéene shillings thrée pence halfe penie farthing: whereby also the huge sums of monie going out of this land to the court of Rome dooth in some measure appéere. Ethelwold af|terward bishop of Winchester builded the first mo|nasterie of Elie vpon the ruines of a nunrie then in the kings hands, howbeit the same house, whereof he himselfe was abbat, was yer long destroied by eni|mies, and he in lieu of his old preferment rewarded by king Edgar, with the aforesaid bishoprike, from whence with more than lionlike boldnesse he expel|led the secular préests, and stored with moonkes pro|uided from Abandune néere Oxford, by the helpe of Edgar and Dunstane then metropolitane of Eng|land. There was sometime a greeuous contention betwéene Thomas Lild bishop of this see, and the king of England, about the yeare of Grace 1355, which I will here deliuer out of an old record, because the matter is so parciallie penned by some of the bre|thren of that house, in fauour of the bishop; & for that I was also abused with the same in the entrance thereof at the first into my chronologie. The blacke prince fauoring one Robert Stretton his chapleine, a man vnlearned and not worthie the name of a clearke, the matter went on so farre, that what for loue, and somewhat else, of a canon of Lichfield he was chosen bishop of that see. Herevpon the pope vn|derstanding what he was by his Nuncio here in En|gland, staied his consecration by his letters for a time, and in the meane season committed his exami|nation to the archbishop of Canturburie, and the bi|shop of Rochester, who felt and dealt so fauourablie with him in golden reasoning, that his worthinesse was commended to the popes holinesse, & to Rome he goeth. Being come to Rome the pope himselfe ap|posed him, and after secret conference vtterlie disa|bleth his election, till he had prooued by substantiall argument and of great weight before him also, that he was not so lightlie to be reiected. Which kind of reasoning so well pleased his holinesse, that Ex mera plenitudine potestatis, he was made capable of the be|nefice and so returneth into England; when he came home, this bishop being in the kings presence told him how he had doone he wist not what in preferring so vnméet a man vnto so high a calling. With which speach the king was so offended, that he commanded him out of hand to auoid out of his presence. In like sort the ladie Wake then duchesse of Lancaster, stan|ding by, and hearing the king hir cousine to gather vp the bishop so roundlie, and thereto an old grudge against him for some other matter, dooth presentlie picke a quarrell against him about certeine lands then in his possession, which he defended & in the end obteined against hir by plée and course of law yer long also afore hapned in a part of hir house, for which she accused the bishop, and in the end by verdict of twelue men found that he was priuie vnto the fact of his men in the said fact, wherfore he was con|demned in nine hundred pounds damages, which he paid euerie penie.

Neuerthelesse, being sore grieued, that she had (as he said) wrested out such a verdict against him, and therein packed vp a quest at hir owne choise: he taketh his horsse, goeth to the court, and there com|plaineth to the king of his great iniurie receiued at hir hands. But in the deliuerie of his tale, his speech was so blockish, & termes so euill fauoredlie (though maliciouslie) placed, that the king tooke yet more of|fense with him than before; insomuch that he led him with him into the parlement house, for then was that court holden, and there before the lords accused him of no small misdemeanor toward his person by his rude and threatening speeches. But the bishop egerlie denieth the kings obiections, which he still a|uoucheth vpon his honor; and in the end confirmeth his allegations by witnesse: wherevpon he is bani|shed from the kings presence during his naturall life by verdict of that house. In the meane time the duchesse hearing what was doone, she beginneth a new to be dealing with him: and in a brabling fraie betweene their seruants one of hir men was slaine: for which he was called before the magistrat, as chiefe accessarie vnto the fact. But he fearing the sequele EEBO page image 144 of his third cause by his successe had in the two first, hideth himselfe after he had sold all his moouables, and committed the monie vnto his trustie friends. And being found giltie by the inquest, the king sei|zeth vpon his possessions, and calleth vp the bishop to answer vnto the trespasse. To be short, vpon safe|conduct the bishop commeth to the kings presence, where he denieth that he was accessarie to the fact, ei|ther before, at, or after the deed committed, and there|vpon craueth to be tried by his péeres. But this pe|tition was in vaine: for sentence passeth against him also by the kings owne mouth. Wherevpon he cra|ueth helpe of the archbishop of Canturburie and pri|uileges of the church, hoping by such meanes to be solemnlie rescued. But they fearing the kings dis|pleasure, who bare small fauour to the clergie of his time, gaue ouer to vse anie such meanes; but rather willed him to submit himselfe vnto the kings mer|cie, which he refused, standing vpon his innocencie from the first vnto the last. Finallie, growing into choler, that the malice of a woman should so preuaile against him, he writeth to Rome, requiring that his case might be heard there, as a place wherein greater iustice (saith he) is to be looked for than to be found in England. Upon the perusall of these his letters also, his accusers were called thither. But for so much as they appéered not at their perempto|rie times, they were excommunicated. Such of them also as died before their reconciliations were taken out of the churchyards, and buried in the fields and doong-hilles, Vnde timor & turba (saith my note) in Anglia. For the king inhibited the bringing in and receipt of all processes, billes, and whatsoeuer instru|ments should come from Rome: such also as aduen|tured contrarie to this prohibition to bring them in, were either dismembred of some ioint, or hanged by the necks. Which rage so incensed the pope, that he wrote in verie vehement maner to the king of En|gland, threatening far greater cursses, except he did the sooner staie the furie of the lady, reconcile himself vnto the bishop, and finallie, making him amends for all his losses susteined in these broiles. Long it was yer the king would be brought to peace. Ne|uerthelesse, in the end he wrote to Rome about a re|conciliation to be had betwéene them: but yer all things were concluded, God himselfe did end the quarrell, by taking awaie the bishop. And thus much out of an old pamphlet in effect word for word: but I haue somewhat framed the forme of the report after the order that Stephan Birchington dooth deliuer it, who also hath the same in manner as I deliuer it.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The see of Norwich called in old time Episcopatus Donnicensis, Dononiae, Norwich. or Eastanglorum, was erected at Felstow or Felixstow, where Felix of Burgundie (sometime schoolemaster to Sigebert of the east-Angles, by whose persuasion also the said Sigebert erected the vniuersitie at Cambridge) being made bi|shop of the east-Angles first placed his sée, afterward it was remooued from thence to Donwich, & thence to Helmham, Anno 870, about the death of Celno|thus of Canturburie; thirdlie, to Theodford, or Thet|ford; & finallie, after the time of the Bastard, to Nor|wich. For iurisdiction it conteineth in our daies Norffolke and Suffolke onelie, whereas at the first it included Cambridgeshire also, and so much as laie within the kingdome of the east-Angles. It began about the yéere 632, vnder Cerpenwald king of the east-Saxons, who bestowed it vpon Felix, whome pope Honorius also confirmed, and after which he held it by the space of seauenteene yéeres. It paid sometimes at euerie alienation 5000 ducats to Rome. But in my time hir maiestie hath 899 pounds, 8 shillings 7 pence farthing, as I haue been informed. In the same iurisdiction also there were once 1563 parish churches, and 88 religious houses: but in our daies I can not heare of more churches than 1200: and yet of these I know one conuerted into a barne, whilest the people heare seruice further off vpon a greene: their bell also when I heard a ser|mon there preached in the gréene, hanged in an oke for want of a stéeple. But now I vnderstand that the oke likewise is gone. There is neuerthelesse a litle chappellet hard by on that common, but nothing capable of the multitude of Ashlie towne that should come to the same in such wise, if they did repaire thi|ther as they ought.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Peterborow,Peterborow. sometimes a notable monasterie, hath Northampton and Rutland shires vnder hir iurisdiction, a diocesse erected also by king Henrie the eight. It neuer paid first fruits to the pope before queene maries daies (if it were then deliuered) wher|of I doubt, because it was not recorded in his anci|ent register of tenths and fruits, although peraduen|ture the collectors left it not vngathered, I wot not for what purpose; it yéeldeth now foure hundred and fiftie pounds, one penie abated. I haue seene and had an ancient iarror of the lands of this monasterie, which agréeth verie well with the historie of Hugo le Blanc monke of that house. In the charter also of do|nation annexed to the same, I saw one of Wulfhere king of Mercia, signed with his owne, & the marks of Sigher king of Sussex, Sebbie of Essex, with the additions of their names: the rest of the witnesses also insued in this order:

  • Ethelred brother to Wulfehere,
  • Kindburg and Kindswith sisters to Wulfhere,
  • Deusdedit archbishop,
  • Ithamar bishop of Rochester,
  • Wina bishop of London,
  • Iarnman bishop of Mearc,
  • Wilfride and Eoppa préests,
  • Saxulfe the abbat.

Then all the earles and eldermen of England in order; and after all these, the name of pope Agatho, who confirmed the instrument at the sute of Wil|fride archbishop of Yorke, in a councell holden at Rome 680, of a hundred & fiue and twentie bishops, wherein also these churches were appropriated to the said monasterie, to wit, Breding, Reping, Ce|denac, Swinesheued, Lusgerd, Edelminglond, and Barchaing: whereby we haue in part an euident te|stimonie how long the practise of appropriation of be|nefices hath béene vsed to the hinderance of the gos|pell, and maintenance of idle moonks, an humane inuention grounded vpon hypocrisie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Bristow hath Dorsetshire sometime belonging to Salisburie,Bristow. a sée also latelie erected by king Hen|rie the eight, who tooke no small care for the church of Christ, and therefore eased a number of ancient sées of some part of their huge and ouer-large circuits, and bestowed those portions deducted, vpon such o|ther erections as he had appointed for the better re|giment and féeding of the flocke: the value thereof is thrée hundred foure score and thrée pounds, eight shillings, and foure pence (as I haue béene infor|med.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Lincolne of all other of late times was the grea|test;Lincolne. and albeit that out of it were taken the sees of Oxford and Peterborow, yet it still reteineth Lin|colne, Leicester, Huntingdon, Bedford, Bucking|ham shires, and the rest of Hertford; so that it exten|deth from the Thames vnto the Humber, and paid vnto the pope fiue thousand ducats (as appeereth by his note) at euerie alienation. In my time, and by reason of hir diminution it yéeldeth a tribute to whom tribute belongeth, of the valuation of eight hundred ninetie and nine pounds, eight shillings, seauen pence farthing. It began since the conquest, EEBO page image 145 about the beginning of William Rufus, by one Re|migius, who remooued his sée from Dorchester to Lincolne (not without licence well paid for vnto the king.) And thus much of the bishopriks which lie within Lhoegres or England, as it was left vnto Locrinus. Now it followeth that I procéed with Wales.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Landaffe,Landaffe. or the church of Taw hath ecclesiasticall iurisdiction in Glamorgan, Monmouth, Brechnoch, and Radnor shires. And although it paid seuen hun|dred ducats at euerie exchange of prelat; yet is it scarselie worth one hundred fiftie and fiue pounds by the yeare (as I haue heard reported.) Certes it is a poore bishoprike, & (as I haue heard) the late incum|bent thereof being called for not long since by the lord president in open court made answer. The daffe is here, but the land is gone. What he meant by it I can not well tell; but I hope, that in the séed time and the frée planting of the gospell, the meate of the labourer shall not be diminished and withdrawen.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 S. Dauids hath Penbroke and Caermardine shires,S. Dauids. whose liuerie or first fruits to the sée of Rome was one thousand and fiue hundred ducats, at the hardest (as I thinke.) For if record be of anie suffici|ent credit, it is little aboue the value of foure hun|dred fiftie and seauen pounds, one shilling, and ten pence farthing, in our time, and so it paieth vnto hir maiesties coffers; but in time past I thinke it was farre better. The present bishop misliketh verie much of the cold situation of his cathedrall church; and ther|fore he would gladlie pull it downe, and set it in a warmer place: but it would first be learned what suertie he would put in to sée it well performed: of the rest I speake not.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Bangor is in north-Wales,Bangor. and hath Caernar|uon, Angleseie, and Merioneth shires vnder hir iu|risdiction. It paid to Rome 126 ducats, which is verie much. For of all the bishoprikes in Eng|land it is now the least for reuenues, and not woorth aboue one hundred and one and thirtie pounds, and sixtéene pence to hir maiesties coffers at euerie alie|nation (as appéereth by the tenths, which amount to much lesse thair of some good benefice) for it yeeldeth not yéerelie aboue thirtéene pounds, thrée shillings, and seauen pence halfe penie, as by that court is manifest.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 S. Asaphes hath Prestholme and part of Den|bighS. Asaphes. and Flintshires vnder hir iurisdiction in causes ecclesiasticall, which being laid togither doo amount to little more than one good countie, and therefore in respect of circuit the least that is to be found in Wales, neuerthelesse it paid to Rome 470 ducates at euerie alienation. In my time the first fruits of this bishoprike came vnto 187 pounds eleuen shil|lings six pence, wherby it séemeth to be somewhat bet|ter than La [...]daffe or Bangor last remembred. There is one Howell a gentleman of Flintshire in the compasse of this iurisdiction, who is bound to giue an harpe of siluer yearelie to the best harper in Wales, but did anie bishop thinke you deserue that in the popish time? Howell or Aphowell in English is all one (as I haue heard) and signifie so much as Hugo or Hugh. Hitherto of the prouince of Can|turburie, for so much therof as now lieth within the compasse of this Iland. Now it resteth that I procéed with the curtailed archbishoprike of Yorke, I saie curtailed because all Scotland is cut from his iuris|diction and obedience.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The see of Yorke was restored about the yeare ofYorke. Grace 625, which after the comming of the Saxons laie desolate and neglected, howbeit at the said time Iustus archbishop of Canturburie ordeined Pauli|nus to be first bishop there, in the time of Eadw [...]jn king of Northumberland. This Paulinus sate six yeares yer he was driuen from thence, & after whose expulsion that seat was void long time, wherby Lin|deffarne grew into credit, and so remained vntill the daies of Oswie of Northumberland, who sent Wil|fred the priest ouer into France, there to be consecra|ted archbishop of Yorke: but whilest he taried ouer long in those parts, Oswie impatient of delaie pre|ferred Ceadda or Chad to that roome, who held it three yeares, which being expired Wilfred recouered his roome, and held it as he might, vntill it was seuered in two, to wit, Yorke, Hagulstade, or Lind [...]ffarne, where Eata was placed, at which time also Egfride was made bishop of Lincolne or Lindsie in that part of Mercia which he had goten from Woolfhere. Of it selfe it hath now iurisdiction ouer Yorkeshire, No|tinghamshire (whose shire towne I meane the new part thereof with the bridge was builded by king Edward the first surnamed the elder before the con|quest) and the rest of Lancastershire onelie not sub|iect to the sée of Chester; and when the pope bare au|thoritie in this realme, it paid vnto his see 1000 du|cates, beside 5000 for the pall of the new elect, which was more than he could well spare of late, conside|ring the curtailing & diminution of his sée, thorough the erection of a new metropolitane in Scotland, but in my time it yéeldeth 1609 pounds ninetéene shillings two pence to hir maiestie, whom God long preserue vnto vs to his glorie, hir comfort, and our welfares.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Chester vpon Dee, otherwise called Westchester,Chester. hath vnder hir iurisdiction in causes ecclesiasticall, Chestershire, Darbishire, the most part of Lanca|stershire (to wit vnto the Ribell) Richmond and a part of Flint and Denbigh shires in Wales, was made a bishoprike by king H. 8. anno regni 33. Iulij 16, and so hath continued since that time, being valued 420 pounds by the yeare beside od twentie pence (a streict reckoning) as the record declareth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Durham hath the countie of Durham and Nor|thumberlandDurham. with the Dales onelie vnder hir iuris|diction, and hereof the bishops haue sometimes béene earles palantines & ruled the rost vnder the name of the bishoprike and succession of S. Cuthbert. It was a sée (in mine opinion) more profitable of late vnto hir maiesties coffers by 221 pounds eighteene shillings ten pence sarthing, and yet of lesse coun|tenance than hir prouinciall, neuertheles the sunne|shine thereof (as I heare) is now somewhat eclipsed and not likelie to recouer the light, for this is not a time wherein the c [...]rch may looke to increase in hir estate. I heare also that some other flitches haue for|gone the like collops, but let such maters be scanned by men of more discretion. Capgraue saith how that the first bishop of this sée was called bishop of Lind|seie (or Lincolne) & that Ceadda laie in Liechfield of the Mercians in a mansion house néere the church. But this is more worthie to be remembred, that Cu|thred of the Northumbers, and Alfred of the West|saxons bestowed all the land betwéene the These & the Tine now called the bishoprike vpon S. Cuth|bert, beside whatsoeuer belonged to the sée of Hagul|stade. Edgar of Scotland also in the time of the Bastard gaue Coldingham and Berwike withall their appurtenances to that house; but whether these donations be extant or no as yet I cannot tell. Yet I thinke not but that Leland had a sight of them, from whome I had this ground. But whatsoeuer this bi|shoprike be now, in externall & outward apparance, sure it is that it paid in old time 9000 ducates at e|uerie alienation to Rome, as the record expresseth. Aidan a Scot or Irishman was the first bishop of this sée, who held himselfe (as did manie of his succes|sors) at Colchester and in Lindeffarne Ile, till one came that remooued it to Durham. And now iudge EEBO page image 146 you whether the allegatlon of Capgraue be of anie accompt or not.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Caerleill was erected 1132 by Henrie the first,Caerleill. and hereof one Ethelwoolfe confessor to Osmond bi|shop of Sarum was made the first bishop, hauing Cumberland & Westmerland assigned to his share; of the deaneries and number of parish churches con|teined in the same as yet I haue no knowledge, more than of manie other. Howbeit hereof I am sure, that notwithstanding the present valuation be risen to 531 pounds foureteene shilings eleuen pence halfe penie, the pope receiued out of it but 1000 florens, and might haue spared much more, as an aduersarie thereto confessed sometime euen be|fore the pope himselfe, supposing no lesse than to haue gained by his tale, and so peraduenture should haue doone, if his platforme had taken place. But as wise men oft espie the practises of flatteries, so the pope saw to what end this profitable speach was vttered. As touching Caerleill it selfe it was sometime sac|ked by the Danes, and eftsoones repared by Wil|liam Rufus, & planted with a colonie of southerne men. I suppose that in old time it was called Cair|doill. For in an ancient booke which I haue séene, and yet haue, intituled, Liber formularum literarum curiae Romanae, octo capitulorum, episcopatus Cardocensis. And thus much generallie of the names and numbers of our bishoprikes of England, whose tenths in old time yearelie amounting vnto 21111 pounds, twelue shillings one penie halfe penie farthing, of currant monie in those daies, doo euidentlie declare, what store of coine was transported out of the land vnto the papall vses, in that behalfe onelie.

Certes I take this not to be one quarter of his gaines gotten by England in those daies, for such commodities were raised by his courts holden here, so plentifullie gat he by his perquisits, as elections, procurations, appeales, preuentions, pluralities, tot quots, trialities, tollerations, legitimations, bulles, seales, préests, concubines, eating of flesh and white meats, dispensations for mariages, & times of cele|bration, Peter pence, and such like faculties, that not so little as 1200000 pounds went yearelie from hence to Rome. And therefore no maruell though he séeke much in these daies to reduce vs to his obedi|ence. But what are the tenths of England (you will saie) in comparison of all those of Europe. For not|withstanding that manie good bishoprikes latelie e|rected be left out of his old bookes of record, which I also haue séene, yet I find neuertheles that the whole sum of them amounted to not aboue 61521 pounds as monie went 200 yeares before my time, of which portion poore saint Peter did neuer heare, of so much as one graie grote. Marke therfore I praie you whether England were not fullie answerable to a third part of the rest of his tenths ouer all Europe, and therevpon tell me whether our Iland was one of the best paire of bestowes or not, that blue the fire in his kitchen, wherewith to make his pot seeth, beside all other commodities.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Beside all these, we haue another bishoprike yet in England almost slipped out of my remembrance,Man. because it is verie obscure, for that the bishop thereof hath not wherewith to mainteine his countenance sufficientlie, and that is the see of Mona or Man, som|time named Episcopatus Sodorensis, whereof one Wi|mundus was ordeined the first bishop, and Iohn the second, in the troublesome time of king Stephan. The gift of this prelacie resteth in the earles of Dar|bie, who nominate such a one from time to time ther|to as to them dooth séeme conuenient. Howbeit if that sée did know and might reape hir owne commo|dities, and discerne them from other mens possessi|ons (for it is supposed that the mother hath deuoured the daughter) I doubt not but the state of hir bishop would quicklie be amended. Hauing therefore cal|led this later sée after this maner vnto mind, I sup|pose that I haue sufficientlie discharged my dutie concerning the state of our bishoprike, and maner how the ecclesiasticall iurisdiction of the church of England is diuided among the shires and counties of this realme. Whose bishops as they haue béene heretofore of lesse learning, and yet of greater port & dooings in the common-wealth, than at this present, so are they now for the most part the best learned that are to be found in anie countrie of Europe, sith neither high parentage, nor great riches (as in other countries) but onelie learning and vertue, commen|ded somewhat by fréendship, doo bring them to this honour.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 I might here haue spoken more at large of di|uerse other bishopriks, sometime in this part of the Iland, as of that of Caerlheon tofore ouerthrowen by Edelfred in the behalfe of Augustine the moonke (as Malmesburie saith) where Dubritius gouerned, which was afterward translated to S. Dauids, and taken for an archbishoprike: secondlie of the bishop|rike of Leircester called Legerensis, whose fourth bi|shop (Unwon) went to Rome with Offa king of Mercia: thirdlie of Ramsbirie or Wiltun, and of Glocester (of which you shall read in Matth. Westm. Glocester a verie ancient bishoprike. 489) where the bishop was called Eldad: also of Ha|gulstade, one of the members whereinto the see of Yorke was diuided after the expulsion of Wilfrid. For (as I read) when Egfrid the king had driuen him awaie, he diuided his see into two parts, making Bosa ouer the Deiranes that held his sée at Hagul|stade or Lindfarne: and Eatta ouer the Bernici|ans, who sate at Yorke: and thereto placing Edhe|dus ouer Lindseie (as is afore noted) whose successors were Ethelwine, Edgar, and Kinibert, notwithstan|ding that one Se [...]ulfus was ouer Lindseie before Edhedus, who was bishop of the Mercians and mid|dle England, till he was banished from Lindseie, and came into those quarters to séeke his refuge and succour.

I could likewise intreat of the bishops of White|herne, or Ad Candidam Casam, an house with the countrie wherein it stood belonging to the prouince of Northumberland, but now a parcell of Scotland, also of the erection of the late sée at Westminster by Henrie the eight. But as the one so the other is ceased, and the lands of this later either so diuided or exchanged for worse tenures, that except a man should sée it with his eies, & point out with his finger where euerie parcell of them is bestowed, but a few men would beléeue what is become of the same. I might likewise and with like ease also haue added the successors of the bishops of euerie sée to this dis|course of their cathedrall churches and places of a|bode, but it would haue extended this treatise to an vnprofitable length. Neuerthelesse I will remem|ber the same of London my natiue citie, after I haue added one word more of the house called Ad Candidam Casam, in English Whiteherne, which taketh denomination of the white stone wherwith it was builded, and was séene far off as standing vp|on an hill to such as did behold it.

3.2.1. The names and successions of so manie archbishops and bishops of London, as are extant, and to be had, from the faith first receiued.

EEBO page image 147
The names and successions of so manie archbishops and bishops of London, as are extant, and to be had, from the faith first receiued.


    Compare 1577 edition: 1
  • Theon.
  • Eluanus.
  • Cadocus.
  • Ouinus.
  • Conanus.
  • Palladius.
  • Stephanus.
  • Iltutus.
  • Restitutus, who li|ued 350 of grace.
  • Tadwinus aliàs Theodwi|nus, some doo write him Tacwinus & Tatwinus.
  • Tidredus aliàs Theodred.
  • Hilarius.
  • Fastidius liued Anno Dom. 430.
  • Vodinus, slaine by the Sa|xons.
  • Theonus.

The see void manie yeares.

    Compare 1577 edition: 1 2
  • Augustine the moonke, sent ouer by Gregorie the great, till he remooued his sée to Canturburie, to the intent he might the sooner flée, if persecution should be raised by the infidels, or heare from, or send more spéedilie vnto Rome, without anie great feare of the interception of his letters.


    Compare 1577 edition: 1
  • Melitus.

The see void for a season.

    Compare 1577 edition: 1 2
  • Wina.
  • Erkenwaldus.
  • Waldherus.
  • Ingaldus.
  • Egulphus.
  • Wigotus.
  • Eadbricus.
  • Edgarus.
  • Kiniwalchus.
  • Eadbaldus.
  • Eadbertus.
  • Oswinus.
  • Ethelnothus.
  • Cedbertus.
  • Cernulphus.
  • Suiduiphus.
  • Eadstanus.
  • Wulfsinus
  • Ethelwaldus.
  • Elstanus.
  • Brithelmus
  • Dunstanus.
  • Tidricus.
  • Alwijnus.
  • Elswoldus.
  • Robertus a Norman.
  • Wilhelmus a Norman.
  • Hugo a Norman.

I read also of a bishop of London called Elsward, or Ailward, who was abbat of Eouesham, and bishop of London at one time, and buried at length in Ramseie, howbeit in what order of succession he li|ued I can not tell, more than of diuerse other aboue remembred, but in this order doo I find them.

The see void twelue yeares.

    Compare 1577 edition: 1 2
  • 1 Mauricius.
  • 2 Richardus Beaumis.
  • 3 Gilbertus vniuersalis a notable man for thrée things, auarice, riches, and learning.
  • 4 Robertus de Sigillo.
  • 5 Richardus Beaumis.
  • 6 Gilbertus Folioth.
  • 7 Richardus.
  • 8 Wilhelmus de sancta Maria.
  • 9 Eustathius Falcon|berg.
  • 10 Rogerus Niger.
  • 11 Fulco Bascet.
  • 12 Henricus Wingham. Richardus Talbot electus.
  • 15 Richard. Grauesend.
  • 16 Radulfus Ganda|censis.
  • 17 Gilbertus Segraue.
  • 18 Richardus de New|port.
  • 19 Stephanus Graue|send.
  • 20 Richard. Bintworth.
  • 21 Radulfus Baldoc who made the tables hang|ing in the vesterie of Paules.
  • 22 Michael.
  • 23 Simon.
  • 24 Robertus.
  • 25 Thomas.
  • 26 Richardus.
  • 27 Thomas Sauagius.
  • 28 Wilhelmus.
  • 29 Wilhelm. Warham.
  • 30 Wilhelmus Barnes.
  • 31 Cuthbertus Tunstall.
  • 32 Iohannes Stokesleie.
  • 33 Richardus fitz Iames.
  • 34 Edmundus Boner, re|mooued, imprisoned.
  • 35 Nicholas Ridleie re|mooued and burned.
  • Edm. Boner, restored, re|mooued, & imprisoned.
  • 36 Edmundus Grindall.
  • 37 Edwinus Sandes.
  • 38 Iohannes Elmer.

Hauing gotten and set downe thus much of the bi|shops, I will deliuer in like sort the names of the deanes, vntill I come to the time of mine old ma|ster now liuing in this present yeare 1586, who is none of the least ornaments that haue beene in that seat.


  • 1 Wulmannus, who made a distribution of the psalmes conteined in the whole psalter, and apointed the same dai|lie to be read amongst the prebendaries.
  • 2 Radulfus de Diceto, whose noble historie is yet extant in their li|brarie.
  • 3 Alardus Bucham.
  • 4 Robertus Watford.
  • 5 Martinus Patteshull.
  • 6 Hugo de Marinis.
  • 7 Radulfus Langfort.
  • 8 Galfridus de Berie.
  • 9 Wilhelmus Stãman.
  • 10 Henricus Cornell.
  • 11 Walterus de Salerne.
  • 12 Robertus Barton.
  • 13 Petrus de Newport.
  • 14 Richardus Talbot.
  • 15 Galfredus de Fering.
  • 16 Iohannes Chishull.
  • 17 Herueus de Boreham.
  • 18 Thomas Eglesthorpe.
  • 19 Rogerus de Lalleie.
  • 20 Wilhelmns de Mont|fort.
  • 21 Radulfus de Baldoc postea episcopus.
  • 22 Alanus de Cantilup postea cardinalis.
  • Iohan. Sandulfe electus.
  • Richardus de Newport e|lectus.
  • 23 Magister Vitalis.
  • 24 Iohannes Euerisdon.
  • 25 Wilhelmus Brewer.
  • 26 Richardus Kilming|don.
  • 27 Thomas Trullocke.
  • 28 Iohannes Appulbie.
  • 29 Thomas Euer.
  • 30 Thomas Stow.
  • 31 Thomas More.
  • 32 Reginaldus Kenton.
  • 33 Thomas Lisieux aliàs Leseux.
  • 34 Leonardus de Bath.
  • 35 Wilhelmus Saie.
  • 36 Rogerus Ratcliffe.
  • 37 Thom. Winterburne.
  • 38 Wilhelmus Wolseie.
  • 39 Robert Sherebroke.
  • 40 Iohãnes Collet, foun|der of Paules schoole.
  • Richardus Paceus.
  • Richardus Sampson.
  • Iohannes Incent.
  • Wilhelmus Maius resig|nauit.
  • Iohannes Fakenham aliàs Howman resignauit.
  • Henricus Colus, remoo|ued, imprisoned.
  • Wilhelmus Maius, resto|red.
  • Alexander Nouellus.

And thus much of the archbishops, bishops, and deanes of that honorable sée. I call it honorable, be|cause it hath had a succession for the most part of learned and wise men, albeit that otherwise it be the most troublesome seat in England, not onelie for that it is néere vnto checke, but also the prelats thereof are much troubled with sutors, and no lesse subiect to the reproches of the common sort, whose mouthes are alwaies wide open vnto reprehension, and eies readie to espie anie thing that they may re|prooue and carpe at. I would haue doone so much for euerie see in England, if I had not had consideration of the greatnesse of the volume, and small benefit ri|sing by the same, vnto the commoditie of the rea|ders: neuerthelesse I haue reserued them vnto the publication of my great chronologie, if (while I liue) it happen to come abrode.

Previous | Next

3.25. Of the drie meaſures of Englande, and their compariſon with others. Cap. 25.

Of the drie meaſures of Englande, and their compariſon with others. Cap. 25.

AS before we ſée in the moyſt, ſo doe all our drie meaſures fetch their originall from the ſponefull &c. vntill they come al the gallon: beyonde the which wée haue [...] Pecke or farthendeale of a buſhell (for that is our Engliſhe worde for a fourth part) [...] twoo gallons.

Halfe buſhell of foure gallons.

Buſhell of eyght gallons, or 64. pounde, Troye.

Strike of two Buſhelles or 128. pounded by 16. gallons.

Coome raſor or corn [...]cke of foure burſhell or 256. pounde or 32. gallons.

Quarter or ſeame of 8. Buſhelles or 512. pounde or 64. gallons.

Way, or 6. quarters of 5702. pounde or 384. gallons as by the rule of proportion is eaſie to be founde.

By theſe meaſures alſo we meaſure our Muſtard ſéede, Rape ſéede, Carot rootes, ſalt, and fruite, notwithſtanding that the filling of the Buſhell be diuers, ſith in Corne, ſalte, and ſéedes we ſtrike with a rule, but in Ap|ples & Rootes we poure them on by heape [...] This is furthermore to be conſidered, that although one wheate or barly be heauyer then an other, as the ſoyle is wette or drie, Barly cõmonly then Otes, Rye then [...]arly, wheate then Rye. &c. alſo in liquide wares, Oyle compared with wine, and both wyth hony, yet ye meaſure framed after the afore|ſayde weightes doth meate them all indiffe|rently ſo that the quantitie of the ſtandarde and not the qualitie of ware meaſured, is al|wayes to be looked on. In déede it is founde by experience that a lyke meaſure of wyne Oyle and hony being weighed togither, the Oyle ſhalbe lighter by a ninth part then the EEBO page image 123 wine, and the hony heauyer then the Wine almoſt by a thirde. Certes there is nothing that cõmeth néerer the weight of wine then the pureſt water, and yet one Wine is hea|uyer then an other as waters alſo are, of which the moſt groſſe is euer more ye weigh|tieſt. And theſe thinges haue not béene vn|knowne in tymes paſt alſo vnto the Gre|cians: for weyghing theyr Culeus of Oyle, it peyſed but 1333. pound, 4 oũces, wheras that of Wine came vnto 1481. li. fiue oun|ces ſixe Drachmes and foure Silquas. But of hony vnto 2222. pounde, twoo ounces, 9. Drachmes, one Scriptula. &c. whereof this maye ſuffice for an admonition to the rea|der. Nowe let vs ſee thoſe of the Grecians for my former purpoſe, whoſe

Cyathus hath tenne ſpoonfulles, or an ounce and one Drachme.

Oxybaphon 15. ſpoonfulles or two ounces and two Drachmes.

Cotyle foure Oxybapha or nine ounces.

Sextarius 2. Cotylas or 18. ounces.

Chenix. 3 Cotylas or 27. ounces, so called bycause that quantitie suffised to finde a man breade for an whole daye. [...]er [...]enice ne [...]eas, [...], is ſtay [...] vpon [...] dayes [...]iſion, [...]ouerbe [...]ſed by [...]hagoras

Medimnus or Metretes: 48. Chenices or 108. pounde.

¶ In lyke ſort in Rurall meaſures their Myſtrum hath 2. ſpoonfulles and an halfe.

Cyathus 4. Myſtra, or ſixe ſpoonfulles.

Oxybaphon 4. Myſtra 2. ounces 2. Drach|mes.

Cotyle foure Oxybapha, nyne ounces.

Chenicx 3. Cotylas 27. ounces.

Semiduodecima Medymni 2. Chenicas 4. pounde 6. ounces.

Semiſextarius 9. pounde.

Sextarius 18. pounde.

Tertiarius 16. Chenicas 36. pounde.

Semimedymnu(m) 24. Chenicas or 54. pound.

[...]you [...]de of a [...]dymnus [...]. Modi| [...] [...] you [...]ſt ac| [...]ept it as [...]ewe [...]cilian [...]aſure, ye [...]erwiſe Rome or [...]hens [...]teined [...]nd the [...] Sici| [...] mea| [...] 4. and [...]alfe. Medymnus 28. Chenicas or 108. pound and these of the Greekes.

Now ſhall thoſe of the Romaines followe in ſuch order as in ſueth.

Cloclearium a ſpoonefull 3. Drachmes and one Scriptula.

Cyathus 4. ſpoonefuls one ounce & an halfe, one Drachme one Scriptula.

Acetabulum a Cyathus & an halfe 2. oun|ces and foure Drachmes.

Hemina or Cotula foure Acetabula or tenne ounces.

Sextarius two Heminas or 20. ounces.

Semodius eyght Sextarios 13. pounde foure ounces.

Modius 16. Sextarios [...]6. pounde 8. ounces.

Theſe aforeſayde meaſures compared al|ſo with our Engliſh haue ſuch proportion.

Cyathus as aforeſayde, one ounce & eight graines, Engliſhe.

Cotyle, 6. ounces 48. graines Engliſh.

Chenix one pounde 6. ounces, one Drach|me 64. graines Engliſh.

Medymnus 72. pounde, 10. ounces, 32. grains Engliſh.

3.25.1. Their Rurall meaſures conferred with ours.

Their Rurall meaſures conferred with ours.

Chenix a quarte.

Semiduodecima a Pottle & 4. Drachm.

Semiſextarius, a gallon and an ounce.

Sextarius, two gallons and two ounces.

Tertiari, foure gallons & foure ounces.

Semimedimnus 6. gallons & halfe a pint.

Medymnus exactly 13. gallons.

Whereby we ſée that their lyquide mea|ſure is ſomewhat greater then the drye by two ounces and thrée Drachmes. Nowe it reſteth yt I do the like wt the weightes of the Romaine dry meaſures, after which I will gyue out the weightes of Venice as Au|guſtinus Pantheus in his de rebus Voarcha|dumicis and other doe ſet them downe.

Cyathus one ounce and an halfe.

Semodius, 12. pounde Troy, that is, a gallon and an halfe.

Modius 24. pound, that is, thrée gallons,

And more I remember not at this pre|ſent of their drye meaſure,

I might here adde other meaſures of the Hebrues alſo. But I find ſuch variety in thẽ as maketh me rather to omit then publiſhe them in this treatize. And fyrſt of all theyr Chor, which ſignifieth an heape of graine,Chor. & is not onely the iuſt loade of a Camell, but alſo containeth 30. Modios as Epiphanius doth ſet downe, notwithſtanding that Bude hath 41. Medimmos. Lethec. The Lethec alſo (wherof Oſee ſpeaketh, ſaying, Morcede conduxi mihi Lethec hordei. &c.) is al one with the Gomor or halfe Cor, and called Lethec of lifting vp,Gomor. becauſe a yong man might eaſely lift it vp to laye it vpon his aſſe. Their Batos of Oyle,Batos. with Epiphanius hath, 50. Sextarios, with Budee 27. The Modius of ye Iues, 22. Sextarios in the firſt, but in the treatize of this later, only 16. In lyke ſorte there is difference in the Cab. as fourth part of the Modius. Modius. Cab. Mnaſis. Alſo in ye Manſis, or Medimnus, which after Epipha|nis hath 10. Modios, ye Salanien or Conſtan|tinuan 5. Modios and that of Paphos and Si|cilia, onely 4¼ all which diſcordances I am not able to reconcile, eſpecially being things of ſuch antiquitie, and therfore I giue vppe to ſpeake any longer of them. Furthermore in turning ouer ſuch old bookes as came vn|to EEBO page image 133 my handes I finde alſo this note inſuyng 6. which

Charette hath 4. graines.

Peny 8 Carettes.

Euery graine of Batement a Peny in Gold, but after Fraunce, Venice, and ſome other places, they haue but ſixe Carettes in the peny, and 4. graines in the Carette, which oddes groweth by the difference of weightes, for beyonde the ſea they haue 24. pence in the ounce, which is 4. pence more in value, then the ounce Engliſh, after the olde occount of pence. By theſe Carettes pearles and ſtones are valued and ſolde, but not gold, which hath neuertheleſſe the name of Carettes in his Pois, but after an other proportion.

Of Weightes of Venice, alſo Auguſtinus Pantheus, ſaith thus.

  • Eximo is the 156. parte of a graine.
  • A graine conteineth 156. Eximos.
  • Charattus or Siliqua 4 graines.
  • Quartus 36. Carattes, or the olde guilden,
  • Ounce 4. quartes. 144. Carattes.
  • Marca or Bes 8. ounces or 1152. Carattes.
  • Marchus 16. ounces, or 2304. Carattes.
  • Rubus 20. Marcas.
  • Poſta 40. Marchas, whereof let this ſuffice, & for the ſettyng forth of the iuſt proportion of weights and meaſures, I hope that which is already ſpoken ſhall be ynough.


¶I haue thought good to deliuer the names of the Archbyſhops and Byſhops of London, as they ſucceded ſince the Brytons were firſt con|uerted into the faith.


    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Theon.
  • Eluanus.
  • Cadocus.
  • Ouinus.
  • Conanus.
  • Palladius.
  • Stephanus.
  • Iltutus.
  • Theodwinus.
  • Theodredus.
  • Hillarius.
  • Guittelinus.
  • Vodinus, ſlaine by the Saxons.
  • *Theonus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Sie voide many yeares.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Auguſtus Monachus.

¶ The Archebiſhop remouing his Sie to Cantorbury theſe Byſhops ſucceeded.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Mellitus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Sie voyde a ſeaſon.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Wina.
  • Erkenwaldus.
  • Waldherus.
  • Iugaldus.
  • Egulphus.
  • Wigotus.
  • Eadbricus.
  • Edgarus.
  • Kiniwalchus.
  • Eadbaldus.
  • Eadbertus.
  • Oſwinus.
  • Ethelmothus.
  • Ceadbertus.
  • Cernulphus.
  • Suithulphus.
  • Eadſtanus.
  • Wulfinus.
  • Ethelwaldus.
  • Elſtanus.
  • Brithelmus.
  • Dunſtanus.
  • Theodoricus.
  • Alwijnus.
  • Elſwoldus.
  • Robertus.
  • Wilhelmus.
  • Hugo.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Sie voide 11. yeares.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Mauricius.
  • Richardus Beaumiſh.
  • Gilbertus.
  • Robertus.
  • Richardus.
  • Gilbertus.
  • Richardus.
  • Wilhelmus.
  • Euſtathius.
  • Rogerus.
  • Fulco.
  • Henricus.
  • Richardus.
  • Radulphus.
  • Gilbertus.
  • Richardus Biutworth.
  • Stephanus.
  • Richardus.
  • Radulphus Baldoc.
  • Michaell.
  • Simon.
  • Robertus.
  • Thomas.
  • Richardus.
  • Thomas Sauagius.
  • Wilhelmus.
  • Wilhelmus warham.
  • Wilhelmus Barnes.
  • Richardus fitz Iames.
  • Cuthbertus Tunſtall.
  • Iohanes Stokeſley.
  • Edmundus Boner.
  • Nicholas Ridley.
  • Edmonde Boner a|gaine.
  • Edmond Grindall.
  • Eadwijn Serides.
  • Elmer.

3.25.3. ¶Here followeth the principall Fair [...] kept in Englande.

¶Here followeth the principall Fair [...] kept in Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Faires in Ianuary. THe ſixt day being Twelfe day, at S [...]|bury. The 25. being S. Paules day, [...] Briſtowe, at Graueſende, at Churching [...] at Northalertõ in Yorkeſhire, where is kept a faire euery wedneſday from Chriſt made vntill Iune.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 124 Fayres in February. THe firſt day at Bromley. The ſecond at Linne, at Bath, at Maidſtone, at Bic|kelſworth, at Budworth. The 14. at Feuer|ſham. On Aſhwedneſday at Lichfielde, at Tamworth, at Royſton, at Exceſtet at, A|bington, at Ciceter. The 24. at Henley vpon Thames, at Tewkeſbury.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fayres in March. ON ſ. Georges daye, at Stamforde, and at Sudbury. The 13. day at Wie, at the Mount, and at Bodmin in Cornewall. The 5. Sunday in Lent, at Grantham at Saliſ|bury. On Monday before our Lady daye in Lent, at Wiſbich, at Kendale, Denbigh in Wales. On Palmeſundaye euen, [...] Pum|phret. On Palmſunday, at Worceſter. The 20. day at Durham. On our Ladye daye in Lent at Northamton, at Maiden, at great Chart, at Newcaſtell. And all the Ladyẽ daies at Huntington.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fayres in Aprill. THe 5. day at Walingforde. The 7. at Darbye. The 9. at Bickleſwoorthe, at Bilingworth. On monday after, at Eueſhã in Worceſter ſhire. On Tweſday in Eaſter wéeke, at Northflete, at Rochford, at Hitchin. The thirde Sunday after Eaſter, at Louth. The 22. at Stabford, on S. Georges day, at Charing, at Ipſwich, at Tãworth, at Amt|hill, at Hinningham, at Gilforde, at S. Pombes in Cornewall. On ſaint Markes day at Darby, at Dunniow in Eſſex. The 26. at Tenderden in Kent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fayres in May. ON May daye at Rippon, at Perin in Corn [...]wall, at Oſeſtrie in Wales, at Lexfield in S [...]olke, at S [...]old ye old, at [...]|ding, at Leiceſter, at Che [...]ford, at M [...]e at Brickehill, at Blackeb [...]ne, [...] The 3. at Bramyarde, at [...], at El [...]ow. The 7. at Beuerley, at Newton, at Oxforde. On Aſcention day a [...] Newcaſ [...]l, at Yerne, at Brimechame, at S. Edes, at Byſhop Stratforde, at Wicham, at M [...]e|wiche, at Stopforde, at Chappell Frith. On Whitſun euen, at Skipton vppon [...]a [...]e [...] On Whitſunday, at R [...], and euery wedneſday fortnight at Kingſton vpõ Thames, at Rateſdale, at Kirby Stephin in Wẽſtmerlande. On munday in Whitſunne wéeke, at Darington, at Exceſter, at Brad|forde, at Rygate, at Burton, at Salforth, at Whitechurch, at Cokermouth, at Appelby, at Bickleſworth, on Tewſday on Whitſun-wéeke, at Lewſe, at Rochford, at Cantorbu|ry, at Ormeſkirke, at Herith. On wedneſ|day in Whitſun wéeke, at Sandbarre. On Trinitie ſunday, at Kendall, and at Rowell, On thurſday after Trinitie ſunday, at Preſ|cote, at Stapforde, at S. Annes, at Newdu|ry, at Couentry, at S. Edes, at Biſhoppe Stotforde, at Roſſe. The 9. at Locheſter, at Dunſtable. The 27. day at Lenham. The 29. at Crambrooke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fayres in Iune. THe 9. day at Maydeſtone. The 11. at O|kingham, at Newborowgh, at Maxfield at Holte. The 23. at Shreweſbury, at Saint Albons. The 24. day at Horſham, at Bedel, at Strackſtocke, at ſ. Annes, at Wakefield, at Colcheſter, at Reading, at Bedforde, at Barnewell, at Wollerhampton, at Cram|brooke, at Gloceſter, at Lincolne, at Peter|borough, at Windſore, at Harſtone, at Lan|caſter, at Weſtcheſter, at Hallifaxe, at Aſh|borne. The 27. at Falkeſtone. The 28. at Hetcorne, at S. Pombes. The 29. at Wind|hurſt, at Marleborough, at Holleſworth, at Wollerhampton, at Peterfielde, at Lemp|ſter, at Sudbury, at Gargra [...]ge, at Br [...]|ley.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fayres in Iuly. THe 2. at Congreton, at Aſhton vnder Li [...]. The [...] at Partney, & at [...]. The 15. at Pichbacke. The 17. at [...]. The 20. at Vxbridge, at Cateſby, at Bolton The 22. at Marleborough, at Wincheſter, at Colcheſter, at Tetbury, at Bridgenorth, at E [...]the [...]all, at Norwiche in Cheſhire, at Cheſwine, at Battelfielde, at Bikelwoorth. The 25. at Bru [...]we, at Donee, at Chilh [...] at Darby at Ipſwich, at Northamton, at Dudley in Standfordſhire, at S. Iames be [...] London, at Reading, at Louth, at Ma [...]tte [...] bury, at Bromeley, at Chicheſter, at Liuer|poole, at Altergam, at Rauenglaſſe in the North. The 27. at Canterbury, at Northam at Richmonde in the North, at Warington, at Chappell Frith.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 134 Fayres in Auguſt. THe firſt day at Exceſter, at Feuerſham at Dunſtable, at S. Edes, at Bedford, at Northam Church, at Wiſbich, at Yorke, at Rumney, at Newton, at Yelande. The x. at Waltham, at Blackemore, at Hunger|forde at Bedforde, at Stroydes, at Farnam at Saint Laurence by Bodmin, at Walton, at Croily, at Seddell, at Newe Braineford. The 15. at Dunmow, at Carleile, at Preſtũ at Wakefielde ye two Lady daies. On Bar|tholomew day at London, at Beggers buſhe beſide Rye, at Tewkeſbury, at Sudbury, at Rye, at Nantwiche, at Pagets, at Bromly. at Norwiche, at Northalerton, at Douer, at the Sundaye after Bartholomewe daye at Sandbiche. The 27. at Aſhforde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fayres in September. THe firſt daye at S. Giles at the Buſhe. On our Lady day, at Wakefielde, at Sturbridge, in Southwarke at London, at Snide, at Recoluer, at Giſbroughe both the Lady daies, at Partneye. The thrée Ladye daies, at Blackborne, at Giſborne in Yorke|ſhire, at Chalton, at Vtceſter. On Holy Roode day, at Richmonde in Yorkeſhire, at Ripond a horſe faire, at Penhad, at Berſe|ley, at Waltham Abbay, at Wotten vnder hedge, at Smalding, at Cheſterfield, at Dẽ|bigh in Wales. On Saint Mathies day at Marleborough, at Bedforde, at Croidon, at Holden in Holdernes, at ſaint Edmondſbu|ry, at Malton, at ſaint Iues, at Shreweſbu|ry, at Lanehã, at Witnall, at Sittingborne, at Brainetry, at Katherine hill beſide Gil|forde, at Douer, at Eaſtrie. The 29. day be|ing Michaelmas daye, at Cantorbury, at Lancaſter, at Blackeborne, at Weſtcheſter at Cokermouth, at aſhborne, at Hadley, at Malden at horſe faire, at Way hill, at New|bury, at Leiceſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fayres in October. THe fourth-day at Michell. The 6. day at Saint Faithes beſide Norwiche, at Maideſtone. The 8. at Herborough, at Har|uorde, at Byſhop Stotforde. On Saint Ed|wardes day at Roiſton, at Graueſende, at Windſore, at Marſhfield, at Colcheſter. On Saint Lukes daye at Ely, at Wricle, at Vpane, at Thirſt, at Bridgenorth, at Stan|ton, at Charing, at Burton vpon Trent, at Charleton, at Wigan, at Friſwides in Ox|forde, at Tiſdale, at Midlewiche, at Holt in Wales. The 21. day at Saffron Waldon, at Newemarket, at Hertforde, at Ciceſter, at Stokeſley. The 23. at Preſton, at Bikelſ|worth, at Ritchdale, at whitechurch. On all Sainctes euen at Wakefielde, at Rithen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fayres in Nouember. THe ſecond, at Blechingly, at Kingſtone at Marfielde. The 6. day, at Newport [...] ponde, at Stanley, at Tregney, at Salford, at Leſforde. The 10. at Leuton. The 11. at Marleborough, at Douer. The 13. at Saint Edmondes bury, at Gilforde. The 17. day at Low, at Hide. The 19. at Horſham. On S. Edmondes daye, at Hythe, at Ingerſt [...] The 23. day at Sandwiche. On Saint An|drewes day at Colingborough, at Rocheſ|ter, at Peterfield, at Maidenhead, at Bew [...]ley, at Warington in Lancaſhire, at Bed|forde in Yorkeſhire, at Oſeſtrie in Wales.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 ¶ Fayeres in December. ON Saint Nicholas euen at Pluckeley. On Saint Nicholas day, at Spalding, at Exceſter, and Sinocke, at Arnedale, and at Northwiche in Cheſhire. The 7. day at Sandhurſt. The eyght day being the Con|ception of our Lady, at Clitherall in Lanca|ſhire, at Malpas in Cheſhire. The 29. day at Canterbury, and at Saliſbury.

3.25.4. ¶ How a man may iourney from any notable towne in England, to the Citie of London, or from London to any notable towne in the Realme.

¶ How a man may iourney from any notable towne in England, to the Citie of London, or from London to any notable towne in the Realme.

¶ The way from Walſingham to London.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Walſingham to Picke|nam xij. mile
  • From Pickenam to Brandonfe|ry x. mile
  • From Brandonfery to Newmarket x. mile
  • From Newmarket to Babram x. mile
  • From Brabram to Barkeway xx. mile
  • From Barkeway to Puchrich vij. mile
  • From Puchrich to Ware v. mile
  • From Ware to Waltham viij. mile
  • From Waltham to London xij. mile

¶The way from Barwike to Yorke, and ſo to London.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Barwike to Belforde xij. mile
  • From Belforde to Anwike xij. mile
  • EEBO page image 125From Anwike to Morpit xij. mile
  • From Morpit to Newcaſtell xij. mile
  • From Newcaſtell to Durham xij. mile
  • From Durham to Darington xiij. mile
  • From Darington to Northalertõ xiiij. mile
  • From Northalerton to Toplife vij. mile
  • From Toplife to Yorke xvj. mile
  • From Yorke to Ladcaſter viij. mile
  • From Ladcaſter to Wantbridge xij. mile
  • From Wentbridge to Dancaſter viij. mile
  • From Dancaſter to Tutforde xviij. mile
  • From Tudforde to Newarke x. mile
  • From Newarke to Grantham x. mile
  • From Grantham to Stanforde xvj. mile
  • From Stanforde to Stilton xij. mile
  • From Stilton to Huntington ix. mile
  • From Huntington to Roiſton xv. mile
  • From Roiſton to Ware xij. mile
  • From Ware to Waltham viij. mile
  • From Waltham to London xij. mile

¶The way from Carnaruan to Cheſter and ſo to London.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Carnaruan to Conway xxiiij. mile
  • From Conway to Denbigh xij. mile
  • From Denbigh to Flint xij. mile
  • From Flint to Cheſter x. mile
  • From Cheſter to Wiche xiiij. mile
  • From Wiche to Stone xv. mile
  • From Stone to Lichfield xvj. mile
  • From Lichfielde to Colſill xij. mile
  • From Colſill to Couentry viij. mile

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And ſo from Couentry to London, as here|after followeth.

¶ The waye from Cokermouth to Lancaſter, and ſo to London.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Cokermouth to Kiſwike vj. mile
  • From Kiſwike to Grocener viij. mile
  • From Grocener to Kendale xiiij. mile
  • From Kendale to Burton vij. mile
  • From Burton to Lancaſter viiij. mile
  • From Lancaſter to Preſton xx. mile
  • From Preſton to Wigam xiiij. mile
  • From Wigam to Warington xx. mile
  • From Warington to Newcaſtell xx. mile
  • From Newcaſtell to Lichfield xx. mile
  • From Lichfield to Couentrie xx. mile
  • From Couentry to Daintrie xiiii. mile
  • From Daintrie to Toceſter x. mile
  • From Toceſter to Stoniſtratford vi. mile
  • From Stoniſtratforde to Brichill vij. mile
  • From Brichill to Dunſtable vij. mile
  • From Dunſtable to Saint Albons x. mile
  • From Saint Albons to Barnet x. mile
  • From Barnet to London x. mile

¶The waye from Yarmouth to Col|cheſter, and ſo to London.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Yarmouth to Becclis viij. mile
  • From Becclis to Blybour vij. mile
  • From Bly [...] [...]o Snapdrydyes viij. mile
  • From Snapbridge to Woodbridgs vi [...]j. mile
  • From Woodbridge [...]o Ipſwich [...]. mile
  • From Ipſwich to Colche [...] xij. mile
  • From Colchester to Eaſtforde viij. mile
  • From Eaſtforde to Chelm [...]forde x. mile
  • From Chelmeſford to Brentwood x. mile
  • From Brentwood to London xv. mile

The way from Douer to London.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Douer to Cantorbury xij. mile
  • From Cãtorbury to Sittingborne xij. m.
  • From Sittingborne to Rocheſter viij. mile
  • From Rocheſter to Graueſende v. mile
  • From Graueſende to Datforde vj. mile
  • From Datforde to London xij. mile

The way from Saint Burien in Corne|wall to London.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Saint Burien to the Mount x [...]. mile
  • From the Mount to Thury xij. mile
  • From Saint Thury to Bod [...]an xx. mile
  • From Bod [...]n to Launſtone xx. mile
  • From Launſtone to Ocomton xv. mile
  • From Ocomton to Crokehorndwell x. mile
  • From Crokehornewell to Exceſter x. mile
  • From Exceſter to Honiton xij. mile
  • From Honiton to Chard x. mile
  • From Chard to Crokehorne vij. mile
  • From Crokehorne to Shirborne x. mile
  • From Shirborne to Shaftſbury x. mile
  • From Shaftſbury to Saliſbury xviij. mile
  • From Saliſbury to Andeuor xv. mile
  • From Andeuor to Baſingſtocke xvijj. mile
  • From Baſingſtocke to Hartford viij. mile
  • From Hartford to Bagſhot viij. mile
  • From Bagſhot to Stanes viij. mile
  • From Stanes to London xv. mile

The way from Briſtowe to London.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Briſtow to Maxfield x. mile
  • From Maxfield to Chipnam x. mile
  • From Chipnam to Marleborough xv. mile
  • Frõ Marleborough to Hungerford viij. mile
  • From Hungerford to Newbury vij. mile
  • From Newbury to Reading xv. mile
  • From Reading to Maidenhead x. mile
  • EEBO page image 135From Maidenhead to Colbroke vij. mile
  • From Colbroke to London xv. mile

The way from Saint Dauids to London.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Saint Dauids to Axford xx. mile
  • From Axforde to Carmarden x. mile
  • From Carmarden to Newton x. mile
  • From Newton to Lanbury x. mile
  • From Lanbury to Brecknocke xvj. mile
  • From Brecknocke to Hay x. mile
  • From Hay to Harford xiiij. mile
  • From Harford to Roſo ix. mile
  • From Roſo to Gloceſter xij. mile
  • From Gloceſter to Ciceſter xv. mile
  • From Ciceſter to Farington xvj. mile
  • From Farington to Habington vij. mile
  • From Habington to Dorcheſter vij. mile
  • From Dorcheſter to Henlay xij. mile
  • From Henlay to Maydenhead vij. mile
  • From Maydenhead to Colbroke vij. mile
  • From Colbroke to London xv. mile

¶Of thorowfarres. From Douer to Cambridge.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Douer to Cantorbury. 12 myle.
  • From Cantorbury to Rofcheſter. 20 mi.
  • From Rofcheſter to Greueſende. 5. mile.
  • Frõ Graueſende ouer Thames, to Horne|don. 4. miles.
  • From Hornedon to Chelmeſford. 12. mile.
  • From Chelmeſforde to Dunmow. 10. mile.
  • From Dunmowe, to Thaxſted. 5. miles.
  • From Thaxſted to Radwinter. 3. miles.
  • From Radwinter to Linton. 5. miles.
  • From Linton to Babrenham. 3. miles.
  • From Babrenham to Cambridge. 4. mile.

From Cantorbury to Oxforde.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Cantorbury to London. 43. mile.
  • From London to Vxbridge or Col|broke. 15. mile.
  • From Vrbridge to Baccanſfelde. 7. mile.
  • From Baccanſfeld to eaſt Wickhã. 5. mil.
  • From Wickham to Stocking church. 5. m.
  • From Stocking church to Thetiſford. 5. m.
  • From Thetiſford to Whatley. 6. mile.
  • From Whatley to Oxforde. 4. mile.

From London to Cambridge.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom London to Edmendton. 6. mile.
  • From Edmondton to Waltham. 6. mi.
  • From Waltham to Hoddeſdon. 5. mile
  • From Hoddeſdon to Ware. 3. mile.
  • From Ware to Pulcherchurch. 5. mile.
  • From Pulchurchurch to Barkewaie. 7. mile.
  • From Barkeway to Fulmere. 6. mile.
  • From Fulmere to Cambridge. 6. mile.

Or thus better waye.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • From London to Hoddeſdon. 17. mile.
  • From Hoddeſdon to Hadham. 7. mile.
  • From Hadham to Saffron Walden. 12. mi.
  • Frõ Saffron walden to Cambridge. 10. mi.

¶ Of certeine waies in Scotland, out of Regnald Wolfes his Anno|tations. From Barwijc to Edenborowe.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Barwijc to Chirneſide. 10. mile
  • From Chirneſide to Coldingham. 3. mi.
  • From Coldingham Pinketon. 6. mile.
  • From Pinketon to Dunbarre. 6. mile.
  • From Dunbarre to Linton. 6. mile
  • From Linton to Haddington. 6. mile.
  • From Haddington to Seaton. 4. mile.
  • From Seaton to Aberlady or Muſkel [...] row. 8. mile
  • From thence to Edenborow 8. mile

From Edenborow to Barwijc ano|ther waye.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Edenborow to Dalketh. 5. mile.
  • From Dalketh to Newe Battell and Lander. 5. mile.
  • From Lander to Vrſyldon. 6. mile.
  • From Vrſyldon to Dryburg. 5. mile.
  • From Dryburg to Caryton. 6. mile.
  • From Caryton to Barwijc. 14. mile.

From Edenborow to Dunbrittaine weſtwarde.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Edenborow to Kirkelifton. 6. mile.
  • From Kirkelifton to Lithco. 6. mile.
  • Frõ Lithco to Farekirke ouer Forth. 6. m.
  • From thence to Striuelin vpõ Forth. 6. mi.
  • From Striuelin to Dunbrittaine. 24. mi.

From Striuelin to Kinghorne Eaſtwarde.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRõ Striuelin to Downe in menketh. 3. m.
  • From Downe to Campſkenell. 3. mile.
  • Frõ Campſkenel to Alwey vpõ forth. 4. m.
  • From Alwey to Culroſe on Fiffe. 10. mile.
  • EEBO page image 124From Culroſe to Dunfermelin. 2. mile.
  • From Dunfermelin to Euerkennin. 2. mi.
  • Frõ Euerkennin to Aberdore on forth. 3. mi.
  • Frõ Aberdore to Kinghorne vpon forth. 3. m

From Kinghorne to Taymouth.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Kincorne to Diſſard in Fiffe. 3. m.
  • From Diſſarde to Cowper. 8. mile.
  • From Cowper to S. Andrewes. 14. mile.
  • From S. Andrewes to the Taymouth. 6. mi.

From Taymouth to Stockeforde.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Taymouth to Balmerinoth Ab|bay. 4. mile.
  • From thence to Londores Abbay. 4. mile.
  • From Londores to ſ. Iohns Towne. 12. mi.
  • From ſ. Iohns to Schone 5. mile.
  • From thence to Abernithy, where ye Erne runneth into the Tay. 15. mile.
  • From Abernithy to Dundée. 15. mile.
  • From Dundée to Arbroth & Muros. 24. mil.
  • From Muros to Aberden 20. mile.
  • Frõ Aberden to the water of Doney. 20. m.
  • From thence to the ryuer of Spay. 30. mi.
  • From thence to Stockeford in Roſſe, and ſo to the Neſſe of Haben, a famous point on the weſt ſide. 30. mile.

From Carleil to Whiteherne weſtwarde.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • FRom Carleil ouer the Ferry againſt Redkyrke. 4 mile.
  • From thence to Dunfrées. 20. mile.
  • From Dunfrées to the ferry of Cre. 40. m.
  • From thence to Wygton. 3. mile.
  • From thence to Whitherne. 12. mile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hitherto of the commõ wayes of England and Scotland, where vnto I will adioyne ye old thorowfares aſcribed to Antoninus, to the end yt by their conferẽce the diligent rea|der may haue farder conſideratiõ of ye ſame then my leyſure wyll permitte me: In ſet|ting foorth alſo thereof, I haue noted ſuch di|uerſitie of reading, as hath happened in the ſight of ſuch written and printed copies, as I haue ſéene in time.

3.25.5. Iter Britanniarum.A GESSORIACO. de Gallis Ritupis in portu Britanniarum ſtadia numero. CCCCL.

Iter Britanniarum.
A GESSORIACO. de Gallis Ritupis in portu Britanniarum ſtadia numero. CCCCL.

A LIMITE, ID EST A VALLO Praetorio vſque M. P. CLVI. ſic:

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • [...]nnia.A Bramenio Corſtopitum. M. P. XX.
  • Vindomora M. P. VIIII.
  • Viconia * M.P.XVIIII. Vinouia Vinouium.
  • Cataractoni M. P. XXII.
  • Iſurium M. P. XXIIII.
  • Eburacum legio. VI. Victrix M.P. XVII.
  • Deruentione M.P. VII. Tadcaſter.
  • Delgouitia M. P. XIII. Wenthridge
  • Praetorio M. P. XXV. Tudforde.

ITEM A VALLO AD portum Ritupis M. P. CCCC. LXXXI. 491. ſic.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Ablato Bulgio * caſtra exploratocum M. P. x. 15. âlias à Blato.
  • Lugu-vallo * M.P. XII. âlias à Lugu-valio. Cairleft.
  • Voreda M. P. XIIII.
  • Brouonacis * M. P. XIII. Br [...]uoniacis.
  • Verteris M. P. XX. 13.
  • Lauatris M. P. XIIII.
  • Cataractone * M. P. XVI. Catarractonium.
  • Iſuriam * M. P. XXIIII. Iſoriam.
  • Eburacum * M. P. XVIII. Eboracum.
  • Calcaria * M.P. VIIII. Cacaria.
  • Camboduno M. P. XX.
  • Mammuncio * M. P. XVIII. Manucio.
  • Condate M. P. XVIII.
  • Deua legio. XXIII. CI. M. P. XX.
  • Bouio * M. P. X. Bonio.
  • Mediolano M. P. XX.
  • Rutunio M. P. XII.
  • Vrio Conio * M. P. XI. Viroconiu [...].
  • Vxacona M. P. XI.
  • Penno-Crucio M. P. XII.
  • Etoceto M. P. XII.
  • Mandues Sedo M. P. XVI.
  • Venonis M. P. XII.
  • Bennauenta * M. P. XVII. Banna venta.
  • Lactorodo * M. P. XII. Lactodoro.
  • Maginto * M. P. XVII. 12. Magiouintum.
  • Duro-Cobriuis M. P. XII. Dunſtable.
  • Vero-Lamio M. P. XII. S. Albanes.
  • Sullomacis * M. P. IX. Barnet.
  • Longidinio M. P. XII. Londinio. London.
  • Nouiomago M. P. X.
  • Vagniacis m. p. xviij.
  • Durobrouis m. p. ix. Duroprouis.
  • Duroleuo M. p.xvj. 13.
  • Duror-Verno * m. p. xij. Drouerno Durouerno.
  • Ad portum Ritupis m.p. xij. Duraruenno Daruerno.

ITEM A LONDINIO ad portum Dubris M.P.I. VI. 66. ſic:

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Dubobrus * m. p. xxvij. Durobrouis Durobrius.
  • Duraruenno m. p. xv. 25.
  • Ad portum Dubris m.p. xiiij. Douer hauen.

ITEM A LONDINIO AD portum Lemanis M.P. LXVIII. ſic:

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Durobrius m. p. xxvij.
  • Duraruenno m. p. xv. 25.
  • Ad portum Lemanis m. p. xvj.

ITEM A LONDINIO Lugu-Valio ad Vallũ M.P. CCCCXLIII. ſic:

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Caeſaromago m. p. xxviij.
  • Colonia m. p. xxiiij.
  • Villa Fauſtini m. p. xxxv. 25.
  • Icianos m. p. xviij.
  • Camborico m. p. xxxv.
  • Duroliponte m. p. xxv.
  • Durobriuas m. p. xxxv.
  • Gauſennis m. p. xxx.
  • Lindo m. p. xxvi.
  • Segeloci. m. p. xiiij.
  • EEBO page image 136Dano m. p. xxj.
  • Lege-Olio * m. p. xvj. Logetium.
  • Eburaco m. p. xxj.
  • Iſubrigantum * m. p. xxj. Iſurium Brigantum.
  • Cataractoni m. p. xxiiij.
  • Leuatris * m. p. xviij. Leuatrix.
  • Verteris m. p. xiiij.
  • Brocouo * m. p. xx. Broc [...]um.
  • Lugu-Vallo m. p. xxv. 22.


    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Verolami m. p. xxj.
  • Duro Cobrius m. p. xij.
  • Magiouinio * m. p. xij. Maginto.
  • Lactodoro m. p. xvj. Magis.
  • Iſanna Vantia * m. p. xij. Iſannae vatia.
  • Tripontio m. p. xij. Iſanna variae.
  • Venonis m. p. ix.
  • Ratas m. p. xij.
  • Verometo m. p. xiij.
  • Margi-duno m. p. xij.
  • Ad Pontem * m. p. vij. Pons Aelij.
  • Croco Calana * m. p. vij. [...]rorolanae.
  • Lindo m. p. xij.

ITEM A REGNO Londinio M. P. CXVI. 96. ſic:

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Clauſentum m. p. xx.
  • Venta Belgarum m. p. x.
  • Galleua * Atrebatum m. p. xxij. Gelleua.
  • Pontibus m. p. xxij. Calleua.
  • Londinio m. p. xxij.

ITEM AB EBVRACO. Londinium m. p. ccxxvij. ſic:

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Lagecio m. p. xxj.
  • Dano m. p. xvj.
  • Ageloco * m. p. xxj. Segoloco.
  • Lindo m. p. xiiij.
  • Crococalano m. p. xiiij.
  • Margi-duno m. p. xiiij.
  • Vernemeto * m. p. xij. Verometo.
  • Ratis m. p. xij.
  • Vennonis m. p. xij.
  • Bannauanto m. p. xix.
  • Magio Vinio m. p. xxviij.
  • Durocobrius m. p. xij.
  • Verolamo m. p. xii.
  • Londinio m. p. xxj.

ITEM A VENTA ICINORVM. Londinio. m. p. cxxviij. ſic:

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Sitomago m. p. xxxj.
  • Combretouio * m. p. xxij. Cumbr [...]tonio
  • Ad Anſam m. p. xv.
  • Camoloduno m. p. vj.
  • Canonio m. p. ix.
  • Caeſaromago m. p. xij.
  • Durolito m. p. xvj.
  • Londinio m. p. xv.

ITEM A GLAMOVENTA Mediaolano m. p. cl. ſic:

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Galaua m. p. xviij
  • Alone * m. p. xij. Alauna * Aliona Alione.
  • Galacum * m. p. xix. Galacum Brig [...]at [...].
  • Bremetonaci m. p. xxvij.
  • Cocci om. p. xx.
  • Manc [...]nio * m. p. xviij. Ma [...]cio vel [...].
  • Condate m. p. xviij.
  • Mediolano m. p. xix.

ITEM A SEGONTIO. Deuam mp. lxxiiij. ſic:

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Canouio m. p. xxiiij.
  • Vatis m. p. xix.
  • Deua m. p. xxxij.

ITEM A CALEVA alias MVRIDONO. alias Viroconiorum. Per viroconium.

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Vindonu * m. p. xv. Vindo [...].
  • Venta Belgarum m. p. xxj.
  • Brige * m. p. xj. Brage.
  • Soruioduni. m. p. ix.
  • Vindogladia m. p. xiij. 15.
  • Durnouaria m. p. viij.
  • Muriduno m. p. xxxvj.
  • Scadum Nunniorum * m. p. xv. 12. Iſca [...].
  • Leuearo m. p. xv.
  • Bomio m. p. xv.
  • Ni [...]o m. p. xv.
  • Iſcelegua Auguſti. * m. p. xiiii. Iſcelegia.
  • Borrio m. p. ix.
  • Gobannio m. p. xii.
  • Magnis m. p. xxii.
  • Brauinio * m. p. xxiiii. Bro [...]nio.
  • Viriconio m. p. xxvii.

ITEM AB ISCA Calleua m. p. cix. ſic:

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Burrio m. p. ix.
  • Bleſtio m. p. xi.
  • Ariconio m. p. xi.
  • Cleuo m. p. xv.
  • Durocornouio m. p. xiiii.
  • Spinis m. p. xv.
  • Calleua m. p. xv.

ITEM ALIO ITINERE ab Iſca Calleua m. p. CIII. ſic:

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Venta Silurum m. p. ix.
  • Abone m. p. ix.
  • Traiectus m. p. ix.
  • Aquis Solis m. p. vi.
  • Verlucione m. p. xv.
  • Cunetione m. p. xx.
  • Spinis m. p. xv.
  • Calleua m. p. xv.

ITEM A CALLEVA Iſcadum Nunniorum m. p. CXXXVI. ſic:

    Compare 1587 edition: 1
  • Vindomi m. p. xv.
  • Venta Belgarum m. p. xx [...].
  • Brige m. p. xi.
  • Sorbiodoni m. p. viii.
  • Vindocladia m. p. xii.
  • Durnonouaria * m. p. viiii. Durnouaria.
  • Moriduno m. p. xxxvi.
  • Iſcadum Nunniorum m. p. xv.