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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Item, that hee was ſo greedily addicted to the pilling and polling of the King his Sub|iectes, namelye of ſuche as were reſiaunt in Mounſter, as the beddes he lay in, the cuppes he dranke in, the plate with which he was ſerued in any gentlemens houſe, were by his ſeruants agaynſt right and reaſon packe vp, and caried with great extortion away.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Item, that without any warrant from the King or Counſaile, he prophaned the Church of Saint Patrickes in Doune, turning it to a Stable, after plucked it downe, and ſhipt the notable ring of belles that did hang in the Ste|ple, meaning to haue ſent them to Englande, hadde not God of his iuſtice preuented hys iniquitie, by ſinking the Veſſell and paſſen|gers, wherein the ſayde Belle [...] ſhould haue bene conueyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe and the lyke Artycles, were wyth ſuch odious preſumptions coloured by his ac|cuſers, as the King and Counſayle remem|bring his late faultes, and forgetting hys for|mer ſeruices (for commonly all men are of ſo harde happe, that they ſhall bee ſooner for one treſpaſſe condemned, than for a thouſande good deſertes commended) gaue commaundement that the Lorde Gray ſhoulde not onely bee re|mooued from the gouernment of the Countrey,

The Lord Gray beheaded.


but alſo had him beheaded on the Tower hit the xxviij. of Iune.

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