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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this wiſe hee reſted three yeares togither in the Cardinall his houſe, and by that tyme ha|uing ſtept ſo farre in yeares (for hee was pric|king faſt vpon ninetene) as he began to knowe himſelfe, the Cardinall put to his choyſe, eyther to continue his learning, or by trauayling to ſeeke his aduentures abroade. The yong ſtrip|ling (as vſually kinde doth creepe) rather of na|ture addicted to valiantneſſe, than wedded to bookiſhneſſe, chooſed to be a trauaylour: and pre|ſently with the Cardinall his licence,Fitz Giralde trauayleth to Naples. repayred to Naples: where falling in acquaintance with Knightes of the Rhodes, he accompanied them to Malta,Tripoly. from thence he ſayled to Tripoly (a Fort apperteyning to the aforeſayde order, cou|ſting vpon Barbarie) and there he aboade ſixe EEBO page image 104 weekes with Mounbryſon,Mounbriſon. a commander of the Rhodes, who had the charge of that holde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At that tyme the knightes ſerued valiantly agaynſt the Turkes and Miſcriants, ſpoyled and ſacked their villages and townes, that lay neare the water ſyde, tooke diuerſe of them pry|ſoners, and after ſolde them to the Chriſtians for bond ſlaues.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fitz Girald re|turneth to Rome.The yong Fitz Giralde returned with a rich bootie to Malta, from thence to Rome, ha|uing ſpent in thys voyage, not fully one yeare.

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