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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whereat the reſt began a freſh to houle and lament, which doubtleſſe was pitifull, to be hold fiue valiant Gentlemen, that durſt meete in the fielde fiue as ſturdie Champions as coulde bee picked out in a realme, to bee ſo ſodainly terri|fied with the bare name of a woodden Cow, or to feare lyke Lions a ſilly Cocke his combe, be|ing mooued, as commonly the whole Countrey is, with a vaine and fabulous old wiues dream. But what blinde prophecie ſoeuer hee read or heard of any ſuperſtitious Beldame touching a Cowe his belly, that which hee foretolde, them was found true.


Thomas Fitz Girald and his vncles exe|cuted.

For Thomas Fitz Giralde the thirde of Februarie, and theſe fiue brethren hys vncles, were drawne, hanged, and quartered at [figure appears here on page 101] Tiburne, whiche was incontinently bruted as well in Englande and Irelande, as in forayne ſoyles.Dominick Power. For Dominicke Power, that was ſent from Thomas to Charles the fift, to craue hys ayde towards the conqueſt of Irelande (lyke as Chale in Grauil,Charles Rey|nolde. otherwiſe called Charles Rei|nolde, was directed to Paulus tertius) preſen|ting the Emperour with twelue great Haukes and fourtene fayre Hobbies, was aduertiſed by hys Maieſtie, that he came too late, for his Lord and maiſter, and fiue of his Vncles were execu|ted at London the thirde of Februarie: How be it the Emperour procured King Henrie to par|don Dominicke Power, which notwithſtan|ding he obteyned, yet woulde he not returne to Irelande, but continued in Portugall, hauing a ducket a day of the Emperour during his life, which he ended at Liſborne,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To this miſerable end grew this lewd rebel|lion, which turned to ye vtter vndoing of diuerſe auncient Gentlemen, who trayned with fayre wordes into a fooles Paradice, were not onely diſpoſſeſſed of theyr landes, but alſo depriued of theyr lyues, or elſe forced to forſake theyr coun|treys.

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