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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Counſaile ſent ſecretely vpon his de|parture to maiſter Maior and his breethren, to apprehende, if they conueniently might, Tho|mas Fitz Giralde, and his confederates. But the warning was ſo ſkarborrow, the enimie ſo ſtrong, the Citie by reaſon of the plague that raunged in towne and in country, ſo diſpeopled, EEBO page image 91 as their attempt therein would ſeeme but vaine and friuolous.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ouer this, the weaker parte of the Rebelles would not penne vp themſelues within the Ci|tie walles, but ſtood houering aloofe off towards Oſtmantowne greene, on the toppe of the hyll where the gallouſe ſtoode (a fitte center for ſuche a circle) till tyme they were aduertiſed of theyr Captayne Thomas his returne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This open Rebelliõ in this wiſe denounced, parte of the Counſell,Alen. Finglaſſe. namely Alen Archbyſhop of Dublin, Finglaſſe chiefe Baron, hyed wyth bagge and baggage to the Caſtell of Dublin, whereof Ioan White was Conſtable,Iohan White. who after was dubbed Knight by the Kyng in En|gland, for hys worthy ſeruice done in that vp|rore.

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