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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hauing ended his Oration, which hee ſette forth with ſuche a lamentable action, as his chee|kes were all beblubbered with teares, the horſe|men, namely ſuch as vnderſtoode not Engliſhe, began to diuine what the Lorde Chauncellour ment with all this long circumſtance, ſome of them reporting that hee was preaching a Ser|mon, others ſayd, that he ſtoode making of ſome Heroicall Poetrie in the prayſe of the Lorde Thomas. And thus as euery Idiot ſhot his foo|liſhe bolt at the wiſe Counſalour his diſcourſe, who in effect did nought elſe but drop precious ſtones before Hogges, one Bard de Nelan,Bard de Nelan an Iriſhe rithmour, and a rotten ſheepe able to in|fect an whole flocke, was chatting of Iriſh ver|ſes, as though his tongue had runne on pattens, in commendation of the Lorde Thomas, inue|ſting him with the tytle of ſilken Thomas,Silken Tho|mas. by|cauſe his horſemens iacks were gorgeouſly em|brodered with ſilke: and in the ende he tolde him that hee lingred there ouerlong. Whereat the Lorde Thomas being quickned, did caſt hys eye towardes the Lorde Chauncellour, and ſayde:

Compare 1587 edition: 1

My Lorde Chauncellour,He replyeth. I come not hi|ther to take aduice what I ſhoulde doe, but to giue you to vnderſtande what I minde to doe. It is eaſie for the ſounde to counſaile the ſicke: But if the ſore had ſmarted you as much as it feſtereth me, you woulde bee percaſe as impaci|ent as I am. As you woulde wiſhe me to ho|nour my Prince, ſo duetie willeth mee to reue|rence my father. Wherefore he that will wyth ſuch tyrannie execute mine innocent parent, and withall threaten my deſtruction, I may not, nor will not hold him for my king.Henrie Lorde of Irelande. And yet in truth he was neuer our king, but our lord, as his pro|genitours haue beene before him. But if it bee my hap to miſcarie, as you ſeeme to prognoſti|cate, catche that catche maye, I will take the Market as it ryſeth, and will chooſe rather to die with valiantneſſe and libertie, than to liue vnder king Henrie in bondage and villanie. And yet it may be, that as ſtrong as hee is, and as weake as I am, I ſhal be able like a fleſh worme to itch the bodie of his Kingdome, and force him to ſcratch deepely before he be able to pike me out of my ſ [...]ame. Wherefore my Lorde, I thanke you for your good counſaile, and were it not that I am too crabbed a note in deſcant to bee nowe tuned, it might be, that I woulde haue warb|led ſweeter harmonie than at this inſtaunt I mean to ſing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 With theſe words he rendred vp the ſword,Thomas ren|dreth vp the ſworde. and flung away like a bedlem, beeing garded wyth hys brutiſhe droue of braineſicke Re|belles.

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