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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe foure as byrdes of one feather, were ſuppoſed to bee open enimies to the houſe of Kyldare, bearyng that ſway in the common wealth as they were not occaſioned, as they thought, eyther to craue the friendſhippe of the Giraldines, or greatly to feare theyr hatred and enmitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were beſide them diuerſe other ſecrete vnderminers, who wrought ſo cunningly vn|der the thumbe, by holdyng with the Hare, and runnyng with the Hounde, as if Kyldare had proſpered, they were aſſured, theyr malice would not haue bene in maner ſuſpected, but if hee had bene in hys affayres ſtabled, then theyr fine de|uiſes for theyr further credite ſhoulde haue bene apparented. Wherefore the beauyng of hys backe friendes not onely furniſhed, but alſo ma|nifeſted, by Kildare, the Lorde Thomas be|ing Lorde Iuſtice, or vice Deputie,The L. Tho|mas enkind|leth the Alens agaynſt him. in his fa|ther hys abſence, fetcht both the Alens ſo round|ly ouer the hippes, as well by ſecrete driftes as open tauntes, as they were the more egerly ſpurrde, to compaſſe his cõfuſion. For the Lord Iuſtice and the Counſayle, with diuerſe of the Nobilitie at a ſolemne banquet, diſcourſing of the auncientie of houſes, and of theyr armes, ſir Iohn Alen ſpake to the Lorde Iuſtice theſe woordes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 My Lorde, your houſe giueth the Marmo|ſet, whoſe propertie is to eate his owne tayle.The proper|tie of the Marmoſet. Meanyng thereby as the Lorde Thomas ſup|poſed, that Kildare did vſe to pill and poll hys friendes, tenants and reteyners. Theſe wordes were no ſooner ſpoken, than the Lorde Thomas ſtrikyng the ball to Alen agayne, anſwered, as one that was ſomewhat ſlipper tongued, in this wiſe.

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16.2. The earle of Kildare his exhortation to his sonne the lord Thomas.

The earle of Kildare his exhortation to his sonne the lord Thomas.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _SOnne Thomas, I doubt not, but you know that my souereigne lord the king hath sent for me into England, and what shall betide me God knoweth, for I know not. But howsoeuer it falleth, both you and I know that I am well stept in yeares: and as I maie shortlie die, for that I am mortall, so I must in hast decease, bicause I am old. Wherefore in somuch as my winter is welneere ended, and the spring of your age now buddeth, my will is that you behaue your selfe so wiselie in these your greene yeares, as that to the comfort of your friends you maie inioie the pleasure of summer, gleane and reape the fruits of your haruest, that with honour you maie grow to the catching of that hoarie winter, on which you sée me your father fast pricking. And wheras it plea|seth the king his maiestie, that vpon my departure here hense, I should substitute in my roome such one, for whose gouernement I would answer: albeit I know, that your yeares are tender, your wit not set|led, your iudgement not fullie rectified, and therefore I might be with good cause reclamed from putting a naked sword in a yoong mans hand: yet not with|standing, forsomuch as I am your father, and you my sonne, I am well assured to beare that stroke with you in steering your ship, as that vpon anie in|formation I maie command you as your father, and correct you as my sonne for the wrong handling of your helme.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 There be here that sit at this boord, far more suffici|ent personages for so great charge than you are. But what then? If I should cast this burthen on their shoulders, it might be that hereafter they would be so farre with enuie carried, as they would percase hazzard the losse of one of their owne eies, to be assu|red that I should be depriued of both mine eies. But forsomuch as the case toucheth your skin as néere as mine, and in one respect nigher than mine, bicause (as I said before) I rest in the winter, and you in the spring of your yeares, and now I am resolued daie by daie to learne rather how to die in the feare of God, than to liue in the pompe of the world, I thinke you will not be so brainesicke, as to stab your selfe thorough the bodie, onelie to scarifie my skin with the point of your blade. Wherefore (my sonne) consi|der, that it is easie to raze, and hard to build, and in all your affaires be schooled by this boord, that for wisedome is able, and for the entier affection it bea|reth your house, will be found willing, to lesson you with sound and sage aduise. For albe it in authoritie you rule them, yet in councell they must rule you. My sonne, you know that my late maimes stifleth my talke: otherwise I would haue grated longer on this matter. For a good tale maie be twise to id, and a sound aduise (estsoones iterated) taketh the dee|per impression in the attentiue hearer his mind. But although my fatherlie affection requireth my dis|scourse to be longer, yet I trust your good inclinati|on asketh it to be shorter; and vpon that assurance, here in the presence of this honourable assemblie, I deliuer you this sword. ¶ Thus he spake for his last Kildare fal|leth into England. farewell with trickling teares, and hauing ended, he stood, imbrased the councell, committed them to God, and immediatlie after he was imbarked.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But although with his graue exhortation the fro|sen hearts of his aduersaries for a short spirt thawed, yet notwithstanding they turned soone after all this gaie Gloria patri vnto a further fetch; saieng that this His oration misconstrued. was nothing else but to dazell their eies with some iugling kn [...]ke, to the end they should aduertise the king of his loiall spéeches: adding further, that he was too too euill that could not speake well. And to force the prepensed treasons they laied to his charge, with further surmises they certified the councell of England, that the earle before his departure furni|shed He is accused for taking the king his ar|tillerie his owne piles and forts with the king his artil|lerie and munition taken foorth of the castell of Du|blin. The earle being examined vpon that article be|fore the councell, although he answered that the few potguns and chambers he tooke from thense, were placed in his castell to strengthen the borders a|gainst the inrodes of the Irish enimie; and that if he intended anie treason, he was not so foolish, as to fortifie walles and stones, and to commit his naked bones into their hands: yet notwithstanding he deli|uered his spéeches by reason of his palseie, in such staggering and making wise, that such of the coun|cell as were not his friends, persuading the rest that he had sunke in his owne tale, by imputing his li|sping and dragging answer rather to the gilt of con|science, than to the infirmitie of his late maime, had him committed, vntill the king his pleasure were Kildare com|mitted. further knowne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 But before we wade anie further in this matter, for the better opening of the whole ground, it would be noted, that the earle of Kildare, among diuerse hidden aduersaries, had in these his later troubles foure principall enimies that were the chiefe means Kildare his chiefe eni|mies. Iohn Alen archbishop of Dublin. & causes of his ouerthrow, as in those daies it was commonlie bruted. The first was Iohn Alen archbi|shop of Dublin, a gentleman of a good house, chap|leine to cardinall Wolseie, & after by the cardinall his means constituted archbishop of Dublin, a lear|ned prelat, a good housholder, of the people indiffe|rentlie beloued, and more would haue béene, had he not ouerbusied himselfe in supplanting the house of Kildare. And although it were knowne, that his first grudge towards the Giraldins procéeded from the great affection he bare his lord and master the cardi|nall, insomuch as he would not sticke, were he able, for the pleasuring of the one to vndoo the other; yet such occasions of greater hatred after insued (name|lie for that he was displaced from being lord chancel|lor, & Cromer the primat of Armagh by Kildare his drifts setled in the office) as notwithstanding the car|dinall his combe was cut in England, yet did he per|sist in pursuing his woonted malice toward that sée.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The second that was linked to this confederacie, Sir Iohn Alen knight. was sir Iohn Alen knight, first secretarie to this archbishop, after became maister of the rolles, lastlie lord chancellor. And although sir Iohn Alen were not of kin to the archbishop, but onelie of the name; yet notwithstanding the archbishop made so great rec|koning of him, as well for his forecast in matters of weight, as for his faithfulnesse in affaires of trust, as what soeuer exploit were executed by the one, was EEBO page image 89 foorthwith déemed to haue béene deuised by the other. The third of this crew was Thomas Canon, secreta|rie Thomas Canon. to Skeffington, who thinking to be reuenged on Kildare for putting his lord and master beside the cushin, as he surmised, was verie willing to haue an ore in that bote. The fourth that was suspected to make the muster, was Robert Cowlie, first bailiffe Robert Cow|lie. in Dublin, after seruant to the ladie Margaret Fitz|girald, countesse of Ormond and Ossorie, lastlie ma|ster of the rolles in Ireland, and finallie he deceased at London.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 This gentleman for his wisdome and policie was well estéemed of the ladie Margaret countesse of Ossorie, as one by whose aduise she was in all hir af|faires directed. Wherevpon some suspicious persons were persuaded and brought in mind, that he was the sower of all the discord that rested betwéene the two brethren Kildare and Ossorie: as though he could not be rooted in the fauour of the one, but that he must haue professed open hatred vnto the other. These foure, as birds of one feather, were supposed to be open enimies to the house of Kildare, bearing that swaie in the commonwealth, as they were not occasioned (as they thought) either to craue fréend|ship of the Giraldines, or greatlie to feare their ha|tred and enimitie. There were beside them diuerse o|ther secret vnderminers, who wrought so cunning|lie vnder the thumbe, by holding with the hare, and running with the hound, as if Kildare had prospe|red, they were assured, their malice would not haue béene in manner suspected: but if he had béene in his affaires stabled, then their fine deuises for their fur|ther credit should haue beene apparented. Wherefore the heauing of his backe fréends not onelie surmi|sed, but also manifested by Kildare, the lord Tho|mas being iustice or vicedeputie in his fathers ab|sence, The lord Thomas in|kindleth the Alens against him. fetcht both the Alens so roundlie ouer the hips, as well by secret drifts as open taunts, as they were the more egerlie spurd to compasse his confusion. For the lord iustice and the councell, with diuerse of the nobilitie, at a solemne banket discoursing of the anciencie of houses, and of their armes, sir Iohn A|len spake to the lord iustice these words.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 My lord, your house giueth the marmoset, whose The proper|tie of the marmoset. propertie is to eat his owne taile. Meaning thereby (as the lord Thomas supposed) that Kildare did vse to pill and poll his fréends, tenants & reteiners. These words were no sooner spoken, than the lord Thomas striking the ball to Alen againe, answered, as one that was somewhat slipper toonged, in this wise.

You saie truth sir, indéed I heard some saie, that the mar|moset eateth his owne taile. But although you haue béene fed by your taile, yet I would aduise you to be|ware, that your taile eat not you.
Shortlie after this quipping gamegall, the lord iustice and the councell rode to Drogheda, where hauing for the space of three or foure daies soiourned, it happened that the councellors awaited in the councell chamber the go|uernour his comming, vntill it was hard vpon the stroke of twelue. The archbishop of Dublin rawlie digesting the vicedeputie his long absence, said: My lords, is it not a prettie matter, that all we shall staie thus long for a boie? As he vttered these speeches, the lord iustice vnluckilie was comming vp the staires, and at his entrie taking the words hot from the bi|shop his mouth, and iterating them verie coldlie, he said: My lords, I am heartilie sorie, that you staied The archbi|shop h [...]s taunt thus lon [...] for a boie. Whereat the prelat was appal|led, to see how vnhappilie he was gald with his owne caltrop. These & the like cutting spéeches inkindled such coles in both their stomachs, as the flame could not anie longer be smouldered, but at one clift or o|ther The enimies conspire the ouerthrow of the Giraldins must haue fumed. The enimies therefore hauing welnigh knedded the dough that should haue béene baked for the Giraldines bane, deuised that secret rumors should sprinkle to and fro [...], that the earle of The occasion of Thomas Fitzgirald his rebellion. Kildare his execution was intended in England; and that vpon his death the Lord Thomas and all his bloud should haue beene apprehended in Ireland. As this false muttering fiue abroad, it was holpen for|ward by Thomas Canon, and others of Skeffing|ton his seruants, who sticked not to write to certeine of their fréends, as it were, verie secret letters, how that the earle of Kildare their maister his secret eni|mie (so they tooke him, bicause he got the gouerne|ment ouer his head) was alreadie cut shorter, as his issue presentlie should be: and now they trusted to sée their maister in his gouernment, after which they sore longed, as for a preferment that would in short space aduantage them. Such a letter came vnto the hands of a simple priest, no perfect Englishman, who for hast hurled it amongest other papers in the chim|nies end of his chamber, meaning to peruse it bet|ter at more leisure. The same verie night, a gentle|man reteining to the lord Thomas, the lord iustice or vicedeputie, as is before specified, tooke vp his lodg|ing with the priest, and sought in the morning when he rose for some paper, to draw on his strait stock|ings; and as the diuell would, he hit vpon the letter, bare it awaie in the heele of his stocke, no earthlie thing misdéeming. At night againe he found the pa|per vnsretted, and musing thereat he began to pore on the writing, which notified the earle his death, and the apprehension of the lord Thomas. To horsse go|eth he in all hast, brought the letter to Iames de la Iames de la Hide. Hide, who was principall councellor to the lord Tho|mas in all his dooings. De la Hide hauing scantlia ouerread the letter, making more hast than good spéed, posted to the lord Thomas, imparted him that letter, and withall putting fire to flax, before he diued to the bottome of this trecherie, he was contented to swim on the skum and froth thereof, as well by soo|thing vp the tenor of the letter, as by inciting the lord Thomas to open rebellion, cloking the odious name of treason with the zealous reuengement of his fathers wrongfull execution, and with the warie defense of his owne person.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The lord Thomas being youthfull, rash, and head|long, and assuring himselfe that the knot of all the force of Ireland was twisted vnder his girdle, was by de la Hide his counsell so far caried, as he was resolued to cast all on six and seauen. Wherefore ha|uing confedered with Oneale, Oconor, and other Irish potentats, he rode on saint Barnabies daie, accompanied with seauen score horssemen in their shirts of maile, through the citie of Dublin, to the Dam his gate, crost ouer the water to saint Marie abbeie, where the councell according to appointment waited his comming, not being priuie to his in|tent: onelie Cromer the lord chancellour excepted, who was secretlie aduertised of his reuolt, and there|fore was verie well prouided for him, as heereafter shall be declared. This Cromer was a graue Cromer lord chan|cellor. prelat, and a learned, well spoken, mild of nature, no|thing wedded to factions, yet a welwiller of the Giraldines, as those by whose means he was aduan|ced to dignitie. When the lord Thomas was set in councell, his horssemen and seruants rusht into the councell chamber armed and weaponed, turning their secret conference to an open parlée. The coun|cell here at amazed, and silence with securitie com|manded, the lord Thomas in this wise spake.

16.3. Thomas Fitzgirald his rebellious oration.

Thomas Fitzgirald his rebellious oration.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _HOwsoeuer iniuriouslie we be hand|led, and forced to defend our selues in armes, when neither our seruice nor our good meaning towards our prince his EEBO page image 90 crowne aua [...]leth: yet saie not héereafter, but in this open hostilitie which héere we professe and proclame, we haue shewed our selues no villaines nor churles, but warriours and gentlemen. This sword of estate is yours, and not mine; I receiued it with an oth, and haue vsed it to your benefit. I should staine mine ho|nour, if I turned the same to your annoiance. Now haue I need of mine owne sword, which I dare trust. As for the common sword, it flattereth me with a painted scabberd, but hath indéed a pestilent edge, al|readie bathed in the Giraldines bloud, and now is newlie whetted in hope of a further destruction. Therefore saue your selues from vs, as from open enimies, I am none of Henrie his deputie, I am his fo, I haue more mind to conquer than to gouerne, to meet him in the field than to serue him in office. If all the hearts of England and Ireland, that haue cause thereto, would ioine in this quarrell (as I hope they will) then should he soone abie (as I trust he shall) for his crueltie and tyrannie, for which the age to come may lawfullie score him vp among the an|cient tyrants of most abhominable and hatefull memorie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Hauing added to this shamefull oration manie other slanderous and foule tearmes, which for diuerse respects I spare to pen, he would haue surrendered the sword to the lord chancellor, who (as I said before) being armed for the lord Thomas his comming, and also being loath that his slacknesse should séeme dis|loiall in refusing the sword, or his frowardnesse ouer cruell in snatching it vpon the first proffer, tooke the lord Thomas by the wrist of the hand, and requested him for the loue of God, the teares trilling downe his chéekes, to giue him for two or thrée words the hearing, which granted, the reuerend father spake as insueth.

16.4. The chancellor his oration.

The chancellor his oration.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _MY lord, although hatred be common|lie the handmaiden of truth, bicause we sée him that plainelie expresseth his mind, to be for the more part of most men dis|liked: yet notwithstanding I am so well assured of your lordship his good inclination towards me, and your lordship so certeine of mine entire affection to|wards you, as I am imboldned, notwithstanding this companie of armed men, fréelie and frankelie to vtter that, which by me declared, and by your lord|ship followed, will turne (God willing) to the auaile of you, your friends, alies, and this countrie. I doubt not (my lord) but you know, that it is wisedome for anie man to looke before he leape, and to sowne the water before his ship hull thereon, & namelie where the matter is of weight, there it behooueth to follow sound, sage, and mature aduise. Wherefore (my lord) sith it is no maigame for a subiect to leuie an armie against his prince: it lieth your lordship in hand to breath longer on the matter, as well by forecasting the hurt whereby you may fall, as by reuoluing the hope wherwith you are fed. What should mooue your lordship to this sudden attempt, I know not. If it be the death of your father, it is as yet but secretlie muttered, not manifestlie published. And if I should grant you, that your zeale in reuenging your father his execution were in some respect to be commen|ded: yet reason would you should suspend the re|uenge vntill the certeintie were knowne. And were it, that the report were true, yet it standeth with the dutie and allegiance of a good subiect (from whom I The subiects dutie to|wards his [...]ing. hope in God you meane not to disseuer your selfe) not to spurne and kicke against his prince, but con|trariwise, if his souereigne be mightie, to feare him: if he be profitable to his subiects, to honour him: if he command, to obeie him: if he be kind, to leue him: if he be vicious, to pitie him: if he be a tyrant, to beare with him: considering that in such case it is better with patience to bow, than with stubburn|nesse to breake. For sacred is the name of a king, and odious is the name of a rebellion: the one from The name of a king sacred. heauen deriued, and by God shielded; the other in hell forged, and by the diuell executed. And therefore Rebellion from whense it springeth. who so will obserue the course of histories, or weigh the iustice of God in punishing malefactors, shall ea|silie sée, that albeit the sunne shineth for a time on them that are in rebellion: yet such swéet begin|nings are at length clasped vp with sharpe & sowre ends.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now that it appeareth, that you ought not to beare armour against your king, it resteth to dis|cusse whether you be able (though you were willing) to annoie your king. For if among meane and pri|uat foes it be reckoned for folie, in a secret grudge to professe open hatred, and where he is not able to hinder, there to shew a willing mind to hurt: much more ought your lordship in so generall a quarell as this, that concerneth the king, that toucheth the no|bilitie, that apperteineth to the whole commonwelth, to foresée the king his power on the one side, & your force on the other, and then to iudge if you be able to cocke with him, and to put him beside the cushion; and not whilest you striue to sit in the saddle, to lose to your owne vndoing both the horsse and the saddle.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Henrie is knowne to be in these our daies so puissant a prince, and so victorious a worthie, that he is able to conquer forren dominions: and thinke you that he cannot defend his owne? He tameth kings, and iudge you that he may not rule his owne subiects? Suppose you conquer the land, doo you imagine that he will not recouer it? Therefore (my lord) flatter not your selfe ouermuch, repose not so great affiance either in your troope of horssemen, or in your band of footmen, or in the multitude of your partakers. What face soeuer they put now on the matter, or what successe soeuer for a season they haue, bicause it is easie for an armie to vanquish them that doo not resist: yet hereafter when the king shall send his power into this countrie, you shall see your adherents like slipper changelings plucke in their hornes, and such as were content to beare you vp by the chin as long as you could swim, when they espie you sinke, they will by little and little shrinke from you, and percase will ducke you ouer head and eares. As long as the gale puffeth full in your sailes, doubt not but diuerse will anerre vnto you and féed on you as crowes on carion: but if anie storme hap|pen to bluster, then will they be sure to leaue you post alone sticking in the mire or sands, hauing least helpe when you haue most néed. And what will then insue of this. The branches will be pardoned, the root apprehended, your honour distained, your house at|teinted, your armes reuersed, your manours razed, your doings examined; at which time God knoweth what an hartburning it will be, when that with no colour may be denied, which without shame cannot be confessed. My lord, I powre not out oracles as a soothsaier, for I am neither a prophet, nor the sonne of a prophet. But it may be, that I am some frantike Cassandra being partener of hir spirit in fortelling Cassandras prophesie. the truth, and partaker of hir misfortune in that I am not (when I tell the truth) beléeued of your lord|ship, whom God defend from being Priamus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Weigh therefore (my lord) the nobilitie of your ancestors, remember your father his late exhorta|tion, forget not your dutie vnto your prince, con|sider the estate of this poore countrie, with what heaps of cursses you shall be loden, when your soul|di [...]rs EEBO page image 91 shall ris [...]e the poore subiects, & so far indamage the whole relme, as they are not yet borne that shall hereafter féele the smart of this vprore. You haue not gone so far but you may turne home, the king is mercifull, your offense as yet not ouer heinous, cleaue to his clemencie, abandon this headlong fol|lie. Which I craue in most humble wise of your lord|ship, for the loue of God, for the dutie you owe your prince, for the affection you beare the countrie, and for the respect you haue to your owne safetie, whom God defend from all traitorous & wicked attempts.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Hauing ended his oration, which he set foorth with such a lamentable action, as his chéekes were all be|blubbered with teares, the horssemen, namelie such as vnderstood not English, began to diuine what the lord chancellor ment with all this long circumstance; some of them reporting that he was preaching a ser|mon, others said that he stood making of some heroi|call poetrie in the praise of the lord Thomas. And thus as euerie idiot shot his foolish bolt at the wise councellor his discourse, who in effect did nought else but drop pretious stones before hogs, one Bard de Bard de Nelan. Nelan, an Irish rithmour, and a rotten shéepe able to infect an whole flocke, was chatting of Irish ver|ses, as though his toong had run on pattens, in com|mendation of the lord Thomas, inuesting him with the title of Silken Thomas, bicause his horssemens Silken Thomas. iacks were gorgeouslie imbrodered with silke: and in the end he told him that he lingred there ouer|long. Whereat the lord Thomas being quickned, did cast his eie towards the lord chancellor, & said thus.