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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Meiller was browne of colour, with black eies,The deſcriptiõ of Meiller. and of countenaunce grim and ſterne, of ſtature ſomewhat leſſe than the common ſort, but yet of paſſing ſtrẽgth for the quantitie of his body, with a brode breaſt, and ſlender waſt, his armes and o|ther limmes being greater of bone and ſinewes than filled with fleſh, a right hardy knight & ready to attẽpt any enterprice yt was to be atchieued ei|ther alone or accõpanied: the firſt to giue the onſet in euery battel, & the laſt yt ſhould depart forth of ye field, & nothing in him might be diſpraiſed, but yt he was giuen ouer much to ſpilling of bloud, and ſo deſirous of praiſe, that he eſteemed honor more than life. This with more doth Giraldus Cam|brenſis report of the foreſayd Meiller.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Now as cõcerning Heruey,The diſcriptiõ of Heruey. he was of perſon beautiful, with gray eies, & ſomwhat ſtãding out|ward, or (as we terme it) bol eied, a round vpright neck, crump ſhoulders, with lõg armes & handes, brode breſted, but in ye waſt ſlẽder with due pro|portiõ, thighes, legs, & feet anſwerable to ye ſame, in height not much exceeding the cõmon ſtature. But as nature had garniſhed the outward partes of the man with ſundry graces, ſo had ſhe diſgra|ced the inner parts with ſundry vices, for euen frõ his youth he was giuẽ to ſenſuall luſt, not caring with what womã he delt, ſo he might ſatiſfie hys liking, not ſparing kinſwoman nor other. Beſide this, he was enuious, ſlanderous, a ſower of ſini|ſter reports, & double in all his dealings, crafty, fair ſpokẽ, & deceitful: in incõſtancy only cõſtant, ſom|time ſet aloft through fortunes fauor, & after caſt downe without hope of recouery. In the French warres he had ſhewed good prouf of his valiancy, but after his cõming into Ireland,Giral. ſeemeth to ſpeake en|uiouſly of this man. his praiſe wõ|derfully decayed. As by Giral. Cam. it ſhould ap|pere. At length he becam a Monk at Canterbury, as in another place is ſpecified.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Now as cõcerning Fitz Aldelm,The diſcrip|tion of Fitz Aldelme. he was of ſta|ture ſomwhat bigger thã ye mean ſort, of hãdſom EEBO page image 38 proportion, a man liberall and pleaſant, but ſub|till and deceytfull ynough, in outwarde counte|naunce curteous, friendly, and gentle, but in|wardly conteyning more gall than honie, hys wordes were as ſoft as Oyle, but they proued pearcing Dartes: whom this day he honoured, to morow he would ſpoyle, oppreſſing the weake and bearing with the rebell: harde to thoſe that were ouercome, and eaſie to them that helde good agaynſt him, giuen to wine and women, and as he was Courtly, ſo was he couetous.

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