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Thus whileſt the king was diſquieted at home, and doubting of the ſtate of Ireland, bycauſe let|ters came dayly ouer, how faintly the Princes in Ireland performed their obedience, for (except in Leyniſter, all other partes reteyned theyr aunci|ent kinde of gouernment, and onely acknowled|ged a tribute) it was thought expedient by king Henries Counſell, to eaſe his mynde of that care, and ſeeing there was buſineſſe more than ynough on all ſides, and that it was harde to prouide re|medie eche way forth at once, they determined to venter the keeping of Irelande to the fidelitie of Strangbow, who was like for his owne wealth and aſſuraunce to procure all poſſible meanes to brydle and keepe vnder the Iriſh, with a kinde of ſome conſtrayned obedience, for otherwiſe it woulde not be.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle therfore being about the ſame time come ouer to the king into Normandie, who re|mayned as then in the Citie of Rouen,Earle Strang|bow made the kings lieute|nant in Ireland hauing Rey|mond le Grace ioyned with him. he was made gouernor, (or Lorde Deputie as we call him) of Ireland, hauing Reymond le Grace ioy|ned with him in commiſſion, for otherwiſe the Erle refuſed to take the charge vpon him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King alſo the ſame time gaue to the Earle the Citie of Wexforde, with the Caſtell of Guikalone.

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